The girls see their new sister and a surprise

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"Hello little one" Erin says when she sees the baby

"Erin i am so proud of you" Logan says as he gives her a kiss on her cheek

"I love you too Logan" she says as she kisses back at him

The kiss didn't last long cause their baby girl was still crying

"Oh" they both say as they look down at their little girl that they brought into the world

"Let me go get the girls" he tells her

"I think they heard the crying and they showed up" Erin tells him when the girls appeared in the bathroom a few minutes later

"Girls I would like to introduce you to your new baby sister" he tells them

"What's her name?" Brooke asks Erin

"We decided on Ramona as her name" he tells her

"Have you and mommy been reading my books?" Oriana asks him

"No we came up with it after much deliberation with the list one night, and it was Brooke who suggested the name" he tells her

Brooke was touched that she got to name her baby sister

"Logan I don't think we're done yet" Erin says when she was hit with another contraction

"Girls could you guys go play while I help mommy with the second baby?" Logan asks them

The girls did what they were told and went to go play in the playroom while daddy was helping mommy

"Erin it's not the after birth it's another head" he says in shock when he sees another head sticking out

"We're having twins?" she asks in shock

"Apparently we are just like before strong pushes and we will have our second baby" he tells her

"Are you going to be right there?" she asks him

"Of course let me take Ramona and put her somewhere, so she doesn't get hurt" he tells her

Erin nods as he takes their little girl somewhere that Erin will not have a cow

"If it's a girl I want to call her Zoey" he says as he takes his position once more

"Then if it's a boy i want to name him Hortense Logan henderson after your character that you played on the show" she says as she continues to push their little one into the world

"Hang on Erin the cord is wrapped around the baby's neck I have to remove it" he says when he sees the cord that was wrapped the baby's neck as it was being born

"What am i supposed to do?' she asks him

"Just pant baby, and then you can go back to pushing i promise" he says as he gives her a kiss

Logan works gently to remove the cord from the baby neck

"You are doing so good honey" he says to her

"I better hear you say something nice to me cause i'm having your kids" she says as she breathes through the contraction that she was experiencing at the moment

"I know you don't mean that" he says as he gets the cord free from the baby

"I do" she says as she goes back to pushing

Logan stays where he was out cause the baby was really moving at this point

"Hang on Erin let me get a towel" he says as he runs to get a towel, so they could wrap the baby up

Erin kept pushing anyway cause she wanted the baby out and she didn't mean maybe. Once Logan returned to her side she gave one last push, and she felt the baby slip from her

"What is it?" she asks Logan

"Hang on the baby isn't crying, so i got to stimulate it" he says as he cuts the cord

Erin was scared that there was something wrong with the twin

"Come on baby" he says as he rubs the baby to warm it up

Logan kept cleaning out the mouth to remove the fluid from the mouth, so the baby could cry

"Logie is our baby okay?" she asks scared

"Right now i don't know I'm trying everything to get it to cry" he says as he kept cleaning out the mouth and rubbing the baby's tummy and patting it gently hoping something would make the baby cry

"What is it?" she asks him as she delivers the afterbirth

As if on cue the baby let out a cry that Logan wanted to hear

"There we go" he says as he continues to warm the baby up

"Erin say hello to Hortense Logan Henderson our beautiful little boy" Logan says as he hand her the tiny baby

"Hi little guy" she says to Hortense

Logan helped Erin out of the tub and took her to the bedroom, so she could get presentable for the girls while Logan weighed and measured the twins

"How's Ramona?" Erin asks as she gets into bed

"She's 6.6" he says after he weighed the tiny girl

"How's Hortense?" Erin asks

"He is on the small side, so after the girls see the babies I am taking you and the babies to the hospital to get checked out" he says as he wraps his little boy up

Logan hands Ramona to Erin while he holds Hortense

"I think the girls went to sleep" Erin says when she didn't no noise

"They probably did, so I am going to have James and Peta come over to stay with them while I take you to the hospital to get checked out to make sure you and the twins are okay" Logan says as he calls James to see if he can come over to stay with the girls while he takes Erin to the hospital

Erin puts on a nightgown, and some pajama bottoms while Logan got the twins properly ready to go to the hospital to be checked out. James shows up a few minutes later with some presents for the surprised little boy

"Here i picked him up an outfit, a car seat, and a blanket" James tells Logan

"Thanks buddy we weren't prepared at all for twins" Logan says with a chuckle as he puts Hortense in his car seat

Once Hortense was in his car seat Logan took both kids out to the mini-bus, so he could take Erin to the hospital

"There we go little guy" Logan says as he secures Hortense to his car seat base

Logan buckles Ramona in and goes in and helps Erin to the bus

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