Erin and the babies get checked out

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Logan got each of the babies secured after he helped Erin in his car

"Ramona you go here sweet girl" he says as he puts the sweet baby girl behind him after he rearranged the car seat bases a little bit

Ramona looks up at her daddy with her beautiful eyes

"Hi sweetie" he says to her

Logan goes and puts Hortense in the middle of his car

"Here we go little guy you get to sit right next to your sister" he says as he puts Hortense car seat next to his sister

Hortense opened his eyes to look at his daddy

"Logie whose eyes do the babies have?" Erin asks from the front seat

"Right now their eyes are a dark blue, so they will have our eyes, and Ramona has my hair and Hortense has your hair " Logan says as he gets in front, so they could go to the hospital

The whole way to the hospital the twins cooed up a storm in the backseat

"I can't wait till I hold them in my arms once again" she says as Logan drives to the hospital

"When we get there you sleep I'll stay with the babies" he says as he continues to head to the hospital

"Sleep does sound great right about now, and I want to get something for the pain" she says as they continue to head for the hospital

Logan checked on the twins at the lights, and they were perfectly fine wide awake and looking around at their surroundings

"Ramona is the curious one that's for sure" he says with a chuckle

They arrive at the hospital a few minutes later, and Logan had one of the volunteers help Erin out of the car while he went to park the car and get the abbies out of the car and take them into the hospital, so they could get checked out

"Come here my little ones" he says as he grabs the car seats one by one and carries them into the hospital

"Ramona looks like she is a daddy's girl" Erin says as Ramona cries out, and Logan picks her up to hold her

"Yeah she is that's for sure" he says as he grabs a number, so they could get Erin and the babies checked out

Erin decided to nurse the babies while they waited to be checked out

"At least the babies will be fed" Logan says as he takes Erin to a separate part of the hospital, so she could nurse

"Yeah there's that" she says with a chuckle as she begins to nurse the babies

Once both babies were done Logan burped Hortense while Erin burped little Ramona gently cause their spines weren't strong enough to handle hard blows yet

"There we go my boy" he says whe Hortense let out some good burps

Ramona let out some burps for mommy

"There both babies are fed now to wait to be seen" Erin says as Ramona snuggles in mommy's arms once more

"Yes and to see if Hortense is the same as little Ramona" Logan says as they head back to see if Erin got called back to be seen

Erin's number came up while she was nursing the babies, so Logan had to get a new number

"This will be better cause both babies have their babllies fully, and we can rest a bit" Erin says to him

"Yes we can and I can't wait to see where this journey takes us with two kids" he says as they kiss

Erin's number comes up really quick, so Logan pushes her to the window so she could be admitted and checked out

Both Ramona and Hortense had to go to the NICU immediately cause they were born at home instead of in the hospital and their size concerned the nurses

(Erin's room)

"Ugh i want to hold my babies" Erin says to Logan

"You will soon babe just get some sleep cause I know you are exhausted from the birth of the twins, so get some sleep. I have the doctor bringing in some pain medicine, so you can sleep better" he tells her as he covers her up, so she can get comfortable

Erin knew he was right, and sleep did sound good right about now

"I'll take you up on that offer" she says as she falls asleep

Erin could fall asleep quite right cause the bed was too hard

"Logie can you fluff my pillow?" she asks him

"Sure i can babe, and maybe give you a massage" he says as he goes over to the bed

Erin felt completely better as soon as she felt Logan's hands on her shoulders, back, and all over her body. She felt way better when the doctor came in to give her the mecine, so she could be pain-free and get some sleep

"Better?" he asks her

"Much" she says as he settles in and goes to sleep for real this time

Logan decides to get some sleep cause they had a long night, and a early morning with the babies, and since the babies were being seen they decided to get some sleep before James brings the girls to the hospital that night, so they could see their baby sister and their baby brother


Logan wakes up cause natire was calling while he was up he decided to go to the NICU to see how the twins were doing at the moment

"Yes I'm here about the Henderson twins that were brought here" he tells the NICU nurse at the window when he arrived

The nurse had to see how the twins were doing, and to see where they were at in the NICU, so their daddy could come in

"Your daughter is having some problems, so we are monitoring her closely to see if they are going to get worse" the nurse tells him as he enters the NICU

"How is my son?" he asks the nurse

"Not good he is in a different part of the NICU, and he is hooked up to some machines right now to help him" the nurse tells Logan as he goes and sees Ramona who wasn't very happy that she was in at the moment

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