The little girls feel their baby sister kick and coming up with names

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Erin decided to sign her and Logan up for Lamaze cause their little girl was going to be making her appearance very soon

"Hey babe what cha doing?" He asks her after all of the girls were put to bed

"Oh just signing us up for Lamaze and the girls up for siblings class at the hospital" she says as she sits at the desk with the computer on her belly

"The girls are going to like that" he says as he looks over her shoulder

"I can't believe some of the girls wanted to be adopted into other families after the retreat" she says when she saw the family picture that was taken before the retreat

"Yeah but I'm happy with the girls who wanted to stay with us" he tells her

Logan got to keep the ones who had special needs and some that weren't special needs

"I'm glad I get to keep little Genievre" he says as he looks at the picture that was taken of him and Genievre

"She sure is one special little girl" Erin says as she looks at the pictures of Genievre that were in the master bedroom

"Speaking of the little princess" he says when Genievre appears

"Hey Genievre did something wake you?" Erin asks her

Genievre nods as she rubs her eyes

"Come on you can tell mommy and me all about it" he tells her

Genievre tells mommy and daddy what scared her so bad

"You can sleep with me and mommy" he tells her as he puts her in the bed with him and Erin

"What is the baby name?" Genievre asks Logan and Erin

Logan and Erin didn't know what to say cause they have been so busy they didn't have time to start the list

"You know what you can help us with the list, so she has a name" Erin tells her as Erin starts a new document that was going to be the list of names that they were going to use

Soon the other little girls and some of the older girls came into the room cause they were scared too

"I think a sleepover is in order" he says as he goes and gets the sleeping bags for all of the little girls to sleep in that night

"Everyone go get your pillows and a stuffed animal from your room, and daddy will have your beds ready. Plus get your doodle sketch cause we are going to come up with names for the baby" Erin tells the girls

All of the girls run back to their rooms to get their pillow and their stuffed animal as well as their doodle sketches cause they were excited to do a name game for the new baby that night

"I decided to include all of the girls in on the baby name game" Erin tells Logan who came in with a lot of sleeping bags for the little girls

"This should be fun that's for sure" he says as he spreads out the sleeping bags

He makes sure the ones who have special needs gets the couches and the lounger to sleep on that night

"There we should be ready for all of the girls to sleep in our room tonight" he says once he had all of the sleeping bags spaced out

"That looks pretty good for the first mommy and daddy sleepover" Erin says when she felt their little girl kick for the first time

"Erin sweetie are you okay?" he asks her

"I just felt our little angel kick do you want to feel?" she asks him

"Of course i do don't be silly" he says as he goes over to her to feel the baby kick

"Put your hand right here, and wait for the kick" she tells him

Logan waits for the kick and a few minutes later he feels it

"Hi princess it's daddy I love you" he tells Erin's belly when the little girls came in the room

"Girls do you want to feel your baby sister kick?" Erin asks them as she gets up to go over to the other lounger, so all of the girls could feel the baby kick

All of the little girls were excited to feel their baby kick inside mommy

"Okay Genievire you get to go first" Erin tells the little girl

Genievre slowly goes up to mommy to feel her little sister kick inside mommy

"It's okay sweetie" he tells her

Genievre slowly put her hand on mommy's tummy to feel her baby sister kick

"Did you feel your sister kick?" he asks her

Genievre nods as she steps away, so the other girls could have a turn at feeling the baby kick inside mommy. After all of the little girl felt their sister kick they all went to their sleeping bags to get ready to brainstorm names for their baby sister

"It seems your sister is very active" Erin tells the little girls as she goes back to bed

"I take it she is moving quite a lot" he asks Erin

"Yeah she is doing lots of somersaults, flips and everything else in my belly right now" Erin says as she tries to get comfortable in the bed

"I hope she doesn't come early cause we are barely prepared for her" he says as he tries to make Erin comfortable

"She is comfortable where she is at right now, but she might be eager to meet all of her big sisters" Erin says as she looks at the little girls who had excitement in their eyes cause their baby sister was going to be coming very soon

"Okay let's the baby naming ceremony" he says as he looks at all of the little girls who couldn't wait to tell mommy and daddy their suggestions for names for their baby sister

Erin and Logan went around the room countless of times cause the little girls had quite an imagination for names for their baby sister that they wanted to tell mommy and daddy.


"I think we have a pretty good list bythe looks of things" he says when he sees the long list that Erin had on her computer

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