Noelle, Lottie, Ava, and Nilah return

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Erin was enjoying her time with little Ramona cause Ramona was hoping to be released that day to mommy and daddy

"Hey baby girl how are we doing today huh?" Erin asks as she enters Ramona hospital room

"She is doing really good she is weaned off of everything, so you can take her home today if you want" the nurse tells Erin

"Of course I want to bring her home today. I want to show her nursery that daddy had been working on for her" Erin says as she goes down to check on Hortense to see how he was doing that morning

Erin was on cloud nine as she headed down to see her son, and to see when he can come home

The twins have been in the hospital since the begining of November, and this is December so this was perfect Ramona could come home in time for Christmas

"Hi Hortense" Erin says as she enters his hospital room

Hortense was fast asleep in his incubator when mommy came into the room to see him

"How is he doing?" she asks the nurse

"He is doing a little better then what he was, so it is still going to be a while before you get to take him home" the nurse says as she checks Hortense vital signs

"Get better okay buddy your daddy can't wait to have you home cause i think he is losing his mind with all of your sisters" Erin tells the little baby that was fast asleep at the moment

Erin went down to the cafeteria to eat something cause she knows she needs to eat to keep the breast milk coming for the twins. She was getting ready to leave when she sees Noelle, Lottie and Ava come running towards her scared out of their little minds

"Mommy" Noelle says as she hugs Erin close

"It's okay Noelle I got you pretty girl" Erin says as she walks with the girls to the elevator, so she could take up upstairs

While in the elevator Erin called Logan to tell him that Noelle, Lottie, and Ava came back to her. Logan was really excited, so he had Kendall come over to the house to watch the other while he went to the hospital to see Erin and the girls

"Girls daddy is coming to get us cause today your baby sister gets to come home fro the hospital, so maybe after we can talk about this" Erin says as she hugs all three girls close to her cause right now the girls were scared out of their minds of what their new parents were doing to them

Erin figured that the others went far away far enough they couldn't find the house at all, and Erin was happy with the girls who had the courage at such a young age to come back

"Where is your other baby sister at?" Erin asks them

Lottie writes down where the baby cause the parents who took Lottie also had Mackenna

"Come on girls let's go get Mackenna cause i can hear her crying out for us" Erin says as they go in the direction of where Mackenna was

Erin was able to get Mackenna back in the nick of time cayse the parents who had Mackenna was going to give her something to make her be quiet cause she hasn't stop screaming at all

"It's okay Kenna mommy has you" Erin says as she rubs Kenna back

Kenna lays her head on her old mommy cause she knew she was safe with her old mommy

"Daddy is coming to get us how about we go upstairs to see your baby sister cause she is coming home today" Erin says excitedly

Noelle and Lottie were excited to see Ramona once again

"Ava where is your cane at?" Erin asks when she doesn't see Ava's white cane with her

"Her parents put fure to it mommy" Lottie tells Erin

That made Erin furious that the new parents who took the girls who needed help took away away anything that they needed to use to help them

"I hope Nilah is okay" Erin says as they go up to the nursery to get little Ramona Henderson and bring her home

Soon Erin could hear a little girl scream, and it sounded like Nilah's scream

"After we get Ramona we are going to see Nilah cause apparently your sister is in trouble, and she needs us" Erin says as she heads for the nursery

Luckily Logan showed up, so Erin texted him to let him know that Nilah was in the hospital and she was screaming her head off at the moment. Logan said he will take care of it, and he will meet Erin downstairs after she got Ramona ready to come home

"Don't worry Nilah daddy is right here, and he is going to get you back into his arms" he says as he heads towards where Nilah's screams were coming from

"We want you to be quiet this instant" the new mommy tells Nilah

Nilah continues to scream since she doesn't have her hearing aids on her ears

"We told you to be quiet Smelting hit her" the dad says as he continues to be on his phone

The blow was hard it made Nilah scream louder

"Smelting hit her harder" the mother tells the butler that came with them to the hospital

"If you hit her one more i swear i will call the police for child endangerment" Logan tells the butler who looked like he was ready to hit Nilah

"Go ahead Smelting don't listen to this pheasant" the dad tells the butler

The butler proceeds to hit the little girl, and Logan called the police to report the incident that he saw before him. Before too long the hospital security come to arrest the parents and the butler

"It's okay Nilah your old daddy had you" Logan says as he goes over to the little girl to hug her to make her feel better

Nilah signs love you to him, and Logan signs it back

"Let's go see mommy and your sisters" he says as he picks her up and carries her to the elevator to go down to the waiting room, so he could wait for her to come down with little Ramona

"Hi Ramona" he says when he sees the little baby that was wide awake

"Come on girls let's go home, so we can get your girls settled back in your new home, and later we can decorate cause Christmas is next week, and me and daddy haven't felt like decorating yet until all of our girls were back with us" Erin says as they leave the hospital

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