A day at the Zoo

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Erin was released two days after Thanksgiving from the hospital, and when she got home she started planning the family trip to the zoo to see all of the animals that were on display at the moment. Plus she wanted Ginny to see what the zoo looks like at Christmas time

"Ginny it's time for bed sweetie" Logan says after they watched one of the Christmas specials on T.V that night

"Okay daddy" she says as she opens her arms up, so he could carry her upstairs to her bedroom for bedtime that night

"Here we go big girl" he says as he lays her in her bed that night

Logan covers her up and tells her a bedtime story like he always does, and sings her favorite lullaby

"Daddy will i get my sisters back?" she asks him

"I don't know right now sweetie, so me and mommy are going to put up a fight to get them back for you" he says after he gives her a kiss on her little forhead

"Night daddy" she tells him

"Night princess I love you" he tells her as he leaves to go tot he master to go be with Erin

As he headed to the master bedroom he passes each of the girls room, and he was hoping that the girls will leave their new families and come back to them on their own cause he knew it was no used to fight for them cause those people are better then what he was

"Did Ginny go to sleep?" Erin asks him

"Yeah she just went to bed" he says as he goes into the bathroom to get ready for bed

"That's good I can't wait for tomorrow" Erin tells him

"I can't wait either cause we get to take Ginny to the zoo and spoil her rotten to the core since the babies are still in the hospital" he says as he gets into bed with her

"Night Logie" she says as they kiss

"Night Erin" he tells her as they kiss and he shuts off the light and they go to sleep

(Next day)

Logan was getting Ginny ready as well as packing the diaper bag while Erin packed the picnic cooler with what they were going to have for lunch that day at the zoo

"There Ginny you are all ready for our day at the zoo' he says as he fixes her a little bit

After he got her ready he took her downstairs for breakfast that morning

"Morning Ginny are you ready for our day at the zoo?" Erin asks her

"Yes mommy I am" Ginny says happily as daddy puts her in her booster seat

"That's good" Erin says as she serves her daughter her breakfast

After breakfast Logan helped Erin out to the car cause she was still recovering from the births. Once Erin was in the car he came back in for Ginny and take her out to her car seat and buckle her in her car seat, so they could go to the zoo


"Okay Ginny girl you ready to go see some animals?" he asks as he gets her out of her car seat

"Yes daddy" she says happily

"Daddy is going to put you in the wagon, so you can sit in it as we go through the zoo, and if you want to walk you have to stay with us and don't take off" he says as he puts her in her little wagon

"Okay daddy" she says happily

Erin was going to put their picnic cooler in the pavilion in one of the lockers, so when they were ready to eat it was going to be there for them

"Let's go to the zoo" Erin says after she puts the cooler away

"Yes let's" he says as they enter the zoo

"Ginny do you want to see the Lions?" she asks her

"Yes mommy" she says as they go to the lion exhibit

"Mom dad" Brooke says when she saw her old family

"Brooke thank goodness you are okay" Erin says as she hugs her daughter tight 

"I want to come back with you and dad cause i hate my new life that i was taken away from" Brooke says as she cries on Erin's leg

"You are always welcome here Brooke" Logan says as he hugs his daughter

Erin was happy to have one of her little girls back and she hopes that the others will come back on their own like Brooke did

"My new mommy isn't like you mommy" Brooke says as they continue to walk around the zoo to see the animals

"We are glad to have you back sweetie" Logan says as he pulls Ginny in the wagon

"I packed your favorite just in case you came to the zoo, and we saw you" Erin says as they go to the cheetah exhibit 

Brooke was glad to be back with mom and dad


"Okay Ginny we'll stop for lunch" he says when Ginny was on the verge of a meltdown after they been through half of the zoo

The family of four made their way back to the pavilion for lunch and to take a bit of a rest before they continued through the zoo

"Your bedroom is the same just the way you left it" he says as he serves Brooke her lunch

"I wish i knew where your other sisters went to" Erin says to her

"I know the special ones are close by cause of the hospital, and maybe we might bump into them at the hospital" Brooke says as she starts to dig into her lunch

"Yeah I forgot Nilah, Ava and Heaven have disabilities, so they have to be close" he says as he feeds Ginny her lunch

"How about the babies?" Erin asks her

"My new mommy and daddy have Emily, and they didn't know i went back to you guys" Brooke says as she snuggles close to mommy

"I think i hear Emily" Erin says when she hears Emily's cry

Erin was able to get Emily back as the people that had her were leaving cause Emily was being a pain

"Hey Emily sweetie welcome back" Erin tells the cute baby that she had in her arms

Emily looks up at mommy with her big beautiful eyes

"Logan do you mind changing Emily?" Erin asks him

"No not at all" he says as he gets up to change the baby

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