Ginny meets the new ones

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After Logan and Erin fed t he babies they put all of them in their bassinets cause they need to be in the hospital for one more day or more before they were released to go home to their new home

"Okay come on guys we have to go get sissy cause today is the day that she comes home from the hospital" Logan says to the little girls and the boys that were in his and Erin's care after that fight in the nursery when one of the mom's came back into the nursery to try to get their kid's back, and security came and took her back to her room cause her kid were really scared of her

"You guys have a big sister that is in the hospital we will take you to her cause she is such a sweetheart" Erin says to the little kids that were really scared at the moment of going with their new mommy and daddy

"Erin they are scared" Logan says to her

"I think so too" Erin says as she looks at him

"I suggest we carry the ones that want to be carried and have the ones that want to ride our legs can ride our legs down to Ginny's room, so she could meet her new siblings, and she can meet the babies tomorrow" he says to her

"Or we can get them with a buddy to go down to Ginny's room" Erinn suggest to Logan

"We can try that" he says as he counts to see how many little ones that they had to take out with them, so they could be with their buddy as they head to GInny's room to get her, so they could go home

One Logan counted the little ones he was figuring out who could be with who as they head to Ginny's room

"It looks like we might be trying some different combinations to see who works with who" Erin says to him

'Yeah and it might take us a while to see who is going to be with who cuase I am afraid all of these little ones would hate or do not like who is their buddy" he says to Erin

"Yeah it looks like these little ones don't like who is with them right now" Erin says to him

"If that doesn't work we can do a ring rope and all of the little ones can be on a ring, and they will have to deal with who is in front of them or behind them" he says to Erin as he thinks of another way they could get the little ones down to Ginny's room

"Remember Logan there will be fights over colors and everything" Erin says to him

"Oh yeah I forgot have that many little ones is going to cause a problem" he says to her

"We can do the buddy system right now and then come up with something better later" Erin says to him as they figure out how was going to be with whom right now cause Ginny wanted to go home and see her other siblings as well cause she had missed them the most since she was in the hospital recovering from her illness that she had

"Will Ginny be shocked when she sees all of these kids comes into the room?" Erin asks him

"She sure will and she will love to have more siblings around" he says as he continues to pair the little ones up, so they could get moving down to Ginny's room, so she could go home

The little kids didn't like who they were paired with they wanted to be alone right now

"I do't think this is working right now" Erin says to him

"No it isn't I think I am going to try more cominations until I have some happy campers right now cause this is just crazy with this many kids" he says as he tries more combinations to see who was going to be happy with their buddy

(Much later)

Some of the little kids were happy with their buddies, and some weren't, so Logan and Erin kept doing combinations until all of the little oneas were happy

'Okay time to go down to sissy's room and get her" he says as he hits the down button to go down to Ginny's room

"I think we should break the group up a little bit, so there is room for the little kids to move" Erin suggest to him

"Yeah I think we should" he says as he thinks of a way to divide the little kids up, so there was an even amount between him and Erin

Erin assures her group that they will see daddy later cause they divided the group up, so they could all fit in the elevator together. Some understood the reason, and some wanted to be with daddy, and Logan had the same trouble with his group cause they wanted to be with mommy

"Maybe we can board the elevator at the same time" Erin suggest to him

"Maybe we can see how many can actually fit before we divide the group up" he suggest to her

"Yeah we should cause this is going to take some getting used to with all of these little ones" Erin says to him

Logan and Erin were shocked to see that all of them could fit into the elevator

"Now to go get Ginny" he says as he hits the down button

Some of the little kids were scared of the elevator and Erin and Logan tried everything to get them calmed down as the elavtor moved

"Okay everyone everybody out, so we can go see sissy" he says as he holds the door open for Erin and the little ones

The little ones exit and some of them were sucking their thumb as they left the elevator

"Okay everyone stay together" Erin says as she leads the group down to Ginny's room where she was right now at the moment

(Ginny's room)

'Hey princess" Erin says as she comes into the room to get Ginny, so the group could head out of the hospital that afternnon

"Mommy who are those?" Ginny asks her

"Meet your new little brothers and sisters. Me and daddy adopted the babies that are up in the nursery, and some of the babies had siblings, so we adopted them as well" Erin says as she comes in with the group that she had

Ginny was clueless right now about what to think about the new little ones that mommy had with her

"I know it's alot to take in right now, but give them time they will love you and you will love them" Erin says to her

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