Logan sees the babies

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"Why is she hooked up to all of this?" He asks the nurse when he sees the machines that were surroundings Ramona's incubator

"Like I said Ramona is having some difficulty with her breathing, so we want to monitor her closely" the nurse tells him as she hangs the I.V that was inserted into Ramona's little hand before he came down to see her

"More like a chamber she was fine at the house she was nursing and breathing just fine" he tells the nurse as he lifts the top of her incubator, so he could get her out to hold her, and let her know that everything is going to be okay, and she didn't have to be in there at all

"There, there it's okay princess daddy is right here and isn't going anywhere anytime soon" he says to Ramona who was still crying at the top of her little lungs

"Come on daddy is going to rock you, and maybe that will get you to settle down a little bit" he says as he heads over to one of the rocking chairs that was by her incubator

Logan decides to rock her to see if that calms her down a little bit

"No more tears there Ramona Henderson daddy is right here, and mommy is sleeping at the moment, so you will see her later" he says to the little girl who was looking up at him with her big eyes

"You are a daddy's girl aren't you Ramona yes you are, yes you are" he says to the baby that calmed down in his arms and was cooing up at him

Logan continues to talk to her as she settles down in his arms and goes to sleep for the night

"Daddy will be back to check on you baby girl until then just stay here and be a good little girl as he checks on your little brother to see how he is doing" he says as he puts her back in her incubator for the time being cause the nurses wanted to monitor still 

Ramona hated that thing and she wanted out of it cause daddy was there it make it better for her

"I know you hate this, but you have to get better for daddy and mommy and all your big sisters that love you with all their heart" he says as he strokes her small hand to get her to settle back down

Ramona takes daddy finger and holds tight to him as he sings her a lullaby to help her sleep a little better cause she couldn't be craddled with all those wires that were hooked up to her

"Can my daughter have these wires off of her cause she hates them" he says to the nurse that was taking care of her

"Sorry Mr. Henderson she has to keep them on her cause she is small and needs special care" the nurse tells him

"She might be small but she is mighty and can do well without these cords and wires hooked up to her to monitor her every breath and heartrate" he says to the nurse that was by his daughter incubator

The nurse removes the wires and hands Ramona back to her daddy

"Hi sugar" he says as he holds her in his arms once more as they go down and see about her brother and how he is doing at the moment

Logan continues to talk to Ramona and let her know that he loves her with all his heart and he isn't going to let anything happen to her at all

"Daddy is going to be here forever and for always" he tells the little girl as they approach her brother room

Logan is more shocked when he sees Hortense hooked up to more wires then what Ramona was

"Hello Mr. Henderson we are concerned for little Hortense cause he is smaller then his sister, and his breathing and heartrate isn't quite steady, so there is a chance that he might not make it" the nurse tells him

When Logan hears that he breaks down and cries cause he might lose his only son

"It's best that you leave we will let you guys guys if his condirion improves orworsens" the nurse tells him as she escorts him out of the room

Logan goes down to put Ramona in the nursery for the time being cause right now he needed to be alone, and let Erin know that there is a chance that their son may or may not make it through the night. Logan heads down to the chapel to pray for his son to get better, so he can do all the cool father and son activities with him that he can't do with the girls


Once Logan cried and prayed in the chapel he decided to go up and let Erin know the conditions of their kids cause she has the right to know how they are doing

"Hey babe" she says when he enters her hospital room

"Hey" he says sadly

"What's wrong?" she asks him

"Our kids ain't good Ramona was  hooked up to all kinds of machines, and she had an I.V in her arm, but i told the nurses that she was fine, and didn't need to be on those machines at all" he tells her

"I hope they removed them cause i want to see my little girl" Erin tells him

"Yeah and after they handed her to me we went down to see about Hortense, and he isn't good at all" Logan says as he fights the tears that were building up in his eyes

"What's wrong with our little boy?" she asks him

"There is a chance that he may or may not make it cause he is hooked up to more machines then what Ramona was hooked up to" he says to her

"Logan can i at least see the kids?" she asks him

"Sure let me go get you a wheelchair and I'll take you down to the nursery to see Ramona before we go see Hortense and have a moment with our little boy for a coule of minutes" he says as he leaves the room to go get Erin a wheelchair, so they could head down and see the babies, and see how they are doing

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