Logan goes house shopping

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"Are you going to be my be daddy?" the first girl asks him

"Yes I'm going to be each of your girls new daddy, and I will love you forever" he tells them

"Do we have any siblings?" the second girl.asks him

"Yes you do her name is Genievre and she is two" he yells the girls

"Yeah she's my age" the third one says happily

"Yes sweetie she is and she is cute just like you" he says as he starts to buckling each of the girls in their car seats to go home

As Logan drives home he sees the most beautiful Victorian house up for sale, so he stops and checks it out

"Are we going to live here daddy?" the four year old asks him

"We might sugar plum" he tells her

Logan sees that it is very spacious, and it has lots of bedrooms that way the girls could share a room, but it didn't fit him

"We will keep looking for the perfect house" he says as they head to his house

"Daddy can I have a baby sister?" the four year old asked him

"Why sugar you are going to have lots of little sisters to play with and boss around" he says as they continue to head to his house

"But I want a baby sister cause I'm an only child I was placed in the orphanage when I was a baby, and all my siblings were adopted before I had a chance to see them off" the four year old says to him

"Maybe after we get moved in and settled we can go for a baby" he says as he keeps driving

That made her feel better

"New daddy will all of us have new names?" the second girl asks him

"Yes princess all of you will have a new name, and don't worry I won't do anything to harm you" he tells them

"What does our new sister look like?" the first girl asks him

"She is really pretty since we're home you girls can meet her" he says shutting the car off

"Daddy" Genievre says running into Logan's arms

"Hey princess wanna meet your new sisters?" he asks her

"I have sisters?" she asks him

"Yes come on they want to meet you" he says taking Genievre outside to see her new sisters

The middle girl was glad to see a girl her age to play with

"Girls i would like to introduce you to your sister Genievre these are your sisters" Logan tells her

The middle one goes up and hugs Genievre

"Daddy why is she hugging me?" Genievre asks him

"She loves you that's why" he tells her as he takes the kids into the house

"Logan what took you so long?" Carlos asks him

"I'm getting more girls then this, so i need to look for a bigger place" Logan says as he sees the younger ones interact with Genievre and the four year old stays close to him

"There's a plaace by us and I'm sure it has plenty of bedrooms for the girls, and you could put four girls in room cause the room is so big" Alexa says as one of the twins come close to her

"I could check it out for you Loges" Carlos says to him

"It's best if i come too" Logan says as he goes and gets Genevire's shoes

Carlos agreed to take some of the girls with him in his car until Logan got a bigger car

(The house)

"This looks really big" Logan says as they pull up to the house

"Wait till you see the inside of the house" Carlos tells him

The girls love the house they went explore the entire place

"It looks like I'm moving here" Logan says as he goes and searches for where the girls went to

He finds them in their bedrooms

"How many bedrooms is this?" Logan asks Carlos

"Plenty od bedrooms it even has a nursery already done" Carlos says showing Logan a really pretty nursery done already for a baby

"The baby I'll adopt when i bring the others here will sleep right here" he says touching the bedding that was very soft

"Are you thinking of adopting a baby as well?" Carlos asks him

"Yeah and my life will be complete" Logan says when he goes over to the closet to see what gender was in the closet

Logan was glad when he saw girl clothes in the closet

"When do i sign?" Logan asks Carlos

"I'll tell the realtor you're interested in the house, and you can put an offer in, and soon you will be a home owner" Carlos tells him

"I can't wait" Logan says as he looks to the backyard to see what it looks like

Logan was amazed the backyard was huge enough that the girls could run around a play, and there was a pool that look like it was enclosed, so he puts a note to install a safety gate, so the girls can't get in

"Loges you could have the girls take swim lesson if you're scared that they will fall in" Carlos says to him

"I's rather play it safe" Logan tells him

"When do you get the other girls?" Alexa asks him

"Not for a while" Logan tells her

"How's your's and Erin's relationship going?" Carlos asks him

"It's been on and off, but this time I'm sure she wants this relationship to work as badly as i do" Logan says as the twins come up to him

"Up daddy" they say happily

"Come here my sweet girls" he says as he holds them

"What are you going to call the girls?" Alexa asks him

"The one on my right is going to be name Aubree, and the one on my left will be named Aleeah, and the two year old will be named Mazy, and the four year old will be name Genieve" Logan says to her

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