Naming ceremony part 2

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"Logan is Brooke okay?" Erin asks him when he comes down with the little girl that he had in his arms that was upset

"She is just feeling left out is all" Logan says as he sits down with Brooke who was hugging daddy with all her might cause she was afraid that he was going to leave her in the street or something

"We got to get the rest of these kids named and settled in their cribs for their nap" Erin says to him as she sees the other little kids start to get sleepy

"Yeah we should" he says as he joins in on the naming ceremony, so the other little ones can go to bed and get some sleep

"Yes who is next to get a new name?" Erin asks the little ones who were by their buddy and trying to get to know their buddy a little bit better since they are now siblings

None of the little ones wanted to get a new name, so they stood by their buddy and Brooke stayed by daddy cause she wanted to be by him

"Come here cutie pie let's do your name" Erin says as she picks up one of the little girls who was really scared of what they were going to do to her cause Erin picked her up

"Sweetie it's okay we're not going to hurt you we are going to give you a new name is all. That was you have a new identity and everything. Plus you get to start fresh with us as your parents" Logan says as he comforts her once he asked Brooke to get off of him, so he could comfort the little girl who was clearly upset cause she thought that she was getting punished

"She looks like an Amanda to me" Erin says as she comes close to the little girl who was on Logan's lap hugging her daddy

"Me too she does look like an Amanda" he says as he wipes away the tears that were forming in the little girl eyes

"Sweetie do you want Amanda to be your new name?" Erin asks as she comes close to the little girl that Logan was holding in his arms and trying to calm down

She nods

"Well from now on you will be called Amanda Henderson and you will be loved by your siblings and everyone who is going to know you" he says as he picks Amanda up to carry her to her new bedroom where she was going to sleep for the very first time in her new room and in a new crib until she is ready for a big girl bed

Amanda hanged onto Logan for dear life as he was taking her upstairs to her new bedroom where she was going to sleep that night and that afternoon.

"Princess it's okay you are with daddy, so you won't be abused like this ever again I promise you this" he says as he continues to talk to her as he carried her upstairs to her bedroom

Logan changed her and tucked her in her crib for the afternoon

"Night sweetie I love you" he says as he covers Amanda up and rubs her tummy as she started to whine cause she wanted daddy to hold her in his arms

Logan takes her out to hold her in his arms and calm her down

"Oh little one it's okay mommy and daddy is going to love you for who you are I promise you this. You have my word" he says as he rocks her and brushes her hair and strokes it as he continues to rock her to sleep

After a while he takes her down for some milk to calm her down

"Hey buddy" Logan says to one of the little boys who came to greet him

"Up" the little boy says to him

"Okay I can carry you and your sister at the same time cause the two of you are under weight" he says as he picks up the spunky boy who has adjusted well to his new life

"What should we call him?" Erin asks Logan

"He reminds me a lot of Lucas one character on the show that he starred in" Logan says as he warms the milk for little Amanda who was not a happy camper right now

"We should name him Marvin cause he acts a lot like him" Erin says as one of the other little ones come at her cause they wanted to be held as well since the other little ones were not comfortable with her being in their group, and Marvin didn't like her at all

"It's okay Becky daddy and mommy will be your best friend" Erin says as she rocks Becky from side to side to make her feel better snd let her know that she is loved too like Amanda was

"Hey Becky will you like some milk too?" He asks her as he makes more bottles for the little kids

Becky nods

"Okay daddy can make you a bottle as well" he says as he makes another bottle for Becky do she could go to sleep as well

Once the bottles of milk was made Erin took Becky upstairs and showed her room

"Becky you get a room all to yourself do you like that?" Erin asks her as she brings Becky into the room that was going to be hers from that day foreword

Becky nods silently at that question that mommy asked her

"You are close to your siblings if you want mommy or daddy for something I'll show you where our bedroom is, so if you are scared or something you can come to our bedroom and me and daddy can cuddle with you and make it all better" Erin says as she takes the little girl upstairs to show her bedroom and get her comfortable in her new environment

Once Logan had the others like Chelsea and Susie walking next to him as he carried Amanda and Marvin upstairs to their bedrooms to get them ready for nap time that day

"Here I can take the others since Becky is in her crib" Erin says as she meets Logan at the top since Chelsea and Susie latched on to Logan's leg that afternoon

"Thanks Erin" he says to her as she takes the other little ones from him so they could go down for nap time since it was getting close to their nap that afternoon

"Amanda this is your room pretty girl" he says as he brings her in her room so she can go in her crib

Amanda didn't like that one bit she wanted to stay close to dada and not go in her crib to go to sleep like a good girl

"We can put Marvin in his crib for now" Logan says to her as he takes her to Marvin bedroom

Susie and Chelsea were ready for nap that day with mommy and daddy

"Okay sweetie come on daddy will stay with you until you fall asleep" he says to Amanda as they head back to her room for nap

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