A Christmas to remember

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Logan and Erin tucked in the girls for the night, and they were busy putting presents around the room for the girls and placing a present in each of the girls room under their tree, so they could have presents under their tree as well. They were getting ready to go to bed when the phone rang

"Who could it be at this hour/" Logan asks as he answers the phone

"Someone who can't wait until the morning" Erin says as she sits down, so she could hear who was on the phone

"Hello Henderson residence Logan speaking" he says when he answers the phone to see who it was

"Yes this is him" he says to the person who was on the other line

Logan sits down, so he could take the rest of the call

"Logie who is it?" Erin asks him

"It's the hospital it's about Hortense" Logan says to her

Erin got a little excited just in case Hortense could come home tomorrow in time for Christmas

"Yeah we can be there right now" he says as he looks at the clock on the wall to see what time it was

"See you then" he  says as he hangs up the phone after he got done talking to the hospital

"What's going on Logan?" Erin asks him

"Come to the hospital, and you will see. First I need to go up to Hortense room, and get some things, and go to the other girls rooms to get their things" he says as he goes upstairs to get everything that he needed to get

Erin was excited to see what was waiting for her at the hospital, so she changed out of her clothes, and put on some festive Christmas attire. Once she was ready she went out to the bus cause she thinks they need to take the bus to the hospital for her surprise

"I wonder what is waiting for me at the hospital?" she asks as she looks out the window as Logan came out dressed in his festive attire

"Okay James and Kendall is on their way to watch the rest of the kid's, and I grabbed Ramona cause she was crying in her room, so i figured a car ride will do her good" Logan says as he buckles Ramona in her car seat

"Logan can you tell me why we are going to the hospital?" Erin asks him

"You will have to wait, and see when we get there babe" he says as he waits for kendall and James to show up, so him and Erin could get going to the hospital

Once James and kendall showed up Logan set off to the hospital

"It's okay Ramona mommy is right here pretty girl would you like to see the pretty lights that are outside of the bus?" Erin asks the baby that was still fussy

Erin gets her out to hold her cause she was keeping her mind off of what was in store for her at the hospital


Logan parked in the main parking lot with the bus cause hardly no one was there on Christmas just a couple cars that were scattered around the parking lot is all

"Come here Ramona" he says as he picks her up and puts her in the stroller, so him and Erin could go inside, and get her Christmas surprise that was too late and too big to wrap 

Logan, Erin and Ramona headed to the elevator to go upstairs to the NICU

"Yes we are here to get Hortense henderson" Logan tells the nurse that was at the window

"Yes I'll take you to his room" the nurse says as she let's Logan, Erin and Ramona in

"Logie is Hortense/" Erin asks him

"Yes our little boys gets to come home for Christmas, and there is another surprise that you will get to see" he says as they continue to go to Hortense room

"How i thought Hortense couldn't come home for another week?" Erin asks him

"Well let's say there was a Christmas miracle involved" he says as they continue to go to Hortense room

When Logan and Erin entered the room Erin started crying tears of joy when she saw the rest of the little kids all of the one, two, and three years olds that they had came back to their old mommy and daddy

"Mommy, daddy" the girls says as they run into Logan's and Erin's arms

"Girls thanks goodness you are okay I have missed you so much" Erin says as she hugs the girls tight in her arms

"Girls it's okay you guys are coming home with us to stay forever and for always just how it should be" he says as he comforts the other girls

"Mommy, daddy we're cold" the girls tell their parents

"Girls it's okay i brought warm clothes for you guys to wear" he says as he gets their warm clothes out of the duffel bag that he brought with him

Soon there were tweleve other girls that looked cold as well

'Logie these girls have no where to go this Christmas can we take them home, so they have a home for Christmas?" Erin asks him

"Girls where did your friends come from?" he asks one of the girls

"We have from a thread factory, and we took them with us" one of the three years olds say to him

"Who made you girls work/" Erin asks them

"Our new mommy and daddy" one of the two years olds say to them

"Don't worry girls you guys are going to be safe with us we promise, and we will tell the orphanage that we won't give you girls up at all" he says as he continues to dress the other girls, so they could go home for Christmas

Erin took one group down to the bus while Logan dressed Hortense, and got him ready to come home for Christmas

"It's okay buddy you are going to be fine daddy is going to put in you in your tux onesie" Logan says as he dresses his son, so they could go home

"Oh Logan when the girls came here they brought some little visitors with them" a nurse says as four nurses bring six babies in to him

"Do these babies have families?" he asks them

"No we can't find no record of them being born here, and we tried other hospital and they can't find their names, and the state is closed, so what do you say?" she asks him

"What are they?" Logan asks the nurses

"Three little girls, and three little boys" the nurse tells him

Logan inspects the babies before deciding on what he was going to do with them

"Okay we'll take them home with us cause everyone needs a family this holiday season and these baboes look like they need one as well" he says when he picks up one of the girls to hold her in his arms

"Perfect you can take the babies home tonight with you and Erin" the nurse says as Erin comes back into the room to take the rest of the group down to the bus

Merry Christmas

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