Ginny first night in the hospital

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"Okay Ginny do you need to use the potty before we go to bed?" he asks after he got done wrestling her a little bit

She nods

"Okay go quickly then daddy will read to you and sing you to sleep cause it is bedtime princess" he says to her

Ginny runs into her bathroom and goes potty like a big girl

"Better princess?" he asks her when she came out of the bathroom

She nods

"Okay time for your story then your song" he says as he puts her in her hospital bed

"Play" she says happily

"No sweetie it is bedtime and if you want to come home tomorrow you need your rest. Once you are home you can play with your sisters as much as you want" he says as he gets comfortable to read her story

Ginny got out of bed and started running the halls

"So it begins" he says as he goes after her

Ginny decided to play chase with daddy that night

"Okay Ginny daddy will chase you, and once he catches you it is back to bed for you" he says as he continues to chase after through the halls of the PED'S floor

Ginny got into the elevator and went all around the hospital she was way faster then Logan

"Ginny you are too fast for daddy" he says as he catches his breath before he goes after her once again

"Can't get me daddy" she says as she continues to run

"You are going to stop sometime baby girl" he says as he goes back to chasing after her

Ginny giggles as she continues to run

"How on earth you have this much energy?" he asks as he continues to chase after her

She continues to giggle as she continues to run


"You fianlly stopped" he says as he picks her up and carries her to her room, so she could go to sleep

Ginny wiggles to get free, and he holds her tight cause she had to go to bed cause the nurses were going to check to see if the patients were in their beds that night

'Sorry Ginny I am carrying you back to the room' he says as he continues to carry her back to the room

Ginny was fighting to get her way and Logan wasn't going to let that slip at all cause Ginny needs discipline. He isn't going to let her walk all over her like girls her age do

"Here we are Ginny" he says as he brings her into her into her room once more

Once Ginny was put on the bed she immediately ran out of the room, and the chase continued

"Okay this is going to be a long night" he says as he goes back to chasing her

Logan knew the nurses were going to wonder where Ginny was cause she wasn't in her room at all yet she was running around the entire hospital giving Logan quite a workout and a run for his money

"What am i going to do with you Ginny?" he asks once he was able to catch her once again and takes her back to the room for bedtime that night

Ginny was having fun playing chase with daddy that night 

"How much longer are you going to keep this up?" he asks as he chases her for the tenth time that night

She stops and shrugs and continues to run

"You are feeling better" he says as he continues to chase after her

During the chase both of them had to stop and use the restroom and get a drink of water

"Okay Ginny it is way past your bedtime now. Once i get you once again I am taking you back and closing the door to your hospital room, so you can go to bed cause I imagine you are exhausted from running like this" he says as he continues to catch up to her once again to take her back to her hospital room

Ginny didn't care she continued to play chase which was her favorite game at the moment and she was loving it 


"I finally got you come on it is bedtime and i mean it" he says as he catches her and carries her back to her room for bedtime that night cause he imagines she is getting sleepy by now cause she had made many laps around that hospital that night and he was worn out from chasing after her to take her back to her room everytime

"Daddy is really tired from chasing you around the entire hospital. I imagine you are tired too?" he asks as he takes her back to the room hopefully for the last and final time that night

This time she nods cause she was tired at well

"Good now I am going to read you your story and maybe you will fall right asleep" he says as he continues to carry her back to her room

Ginny nods

"You are sweaty too I think I am going to give you a bath before i put you back in your bed" he says as he grabs another hospital gown for her

"Daddy me thirsty" she says to him

"I bet you are come on I'll give you some water" he says as he stops at the water founatain, so Ginny can have some water that night

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