Telling everyone about Genievre

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"Morning princess did you sleep well?" Logan asks Genievre

"Yes daddy I did especially with you" she says hugging him

"That's good come on I'll make you breakfast" he says picking her up and taking her to her room to change her

"Soon sweetie I'm going to teach you how to use the potty like a big girl, but I'm going to enjoying treating you like a baby for a little longer" he says as he gets her dressed in a cute outfit

Genievre like getting treated like a baby for some thing, but feeding herself she was a big girl

"Plus today I'm going to get you a bed rail, so you don't fall out of your bed" he says as he finishes dressing her

After he had her dressed he took her to the kitchen for her breakfast

"Here we go princess" he says putting her in her booster seat

"Thank you daddy" she says happily

"What would you like for breakfast?" he asks her as he gives her vitamin and her juice

"Pancakes please" she says happily

"Pancakes coming up" he says as he goes and makes them

As the pancakes were cooking Logan pulled out his phone to take a picture of Genievre, and posted it on twitter

@1loganhenderson everyone say hello to my little princess who i adopted yesterday from the orphanage her name is Genievre, and she is cutie pie

"Why did you take my picture for daddy?" she asks as she drinks her juice

"So i could let everyone know about you" he says kissing her little cheek

Logan got some cute replies from the rushers, and from the cast as he contined to make small pancakes for Genievre to eat for breakfast

"Would you like anything else with you pancakes princess?" he asks her

"Egg please daddy" she says happily

"Eggs coming right up" he says as he goes back to making breakfast

As Logan made the eggs Genievre started eating her pancakes like a good little girl

"Can i have more pancakes daddy?" she asks him

"Sure sweetie" he says giving the new batch of pancakes that he made for her

Genievre ate both her pancakes and her eggs that morning

"What are we doing today daddy?" she asks him

"We are going to hang out with Uncle Kendall today" he says as he continues to eat his breakfast


Logan made sure the diaper bag was packed before they headed to Kendall's

"Will Kendall have toys for me to play with?" she asks as Logan buckles her in her car seat

"I don't know sugar if he will or not. If he doesn't i have some toys with me" Logan says as he buckles her in

"Okay daddy" she says happily as he shuts the car door

Logan gave her sunglasses to wear, so the sun doesn't blind her

(Kendall's place)

"Hey Logan" Kendall says as he comes out to see his friend

"Hey Kendall" Logan says as he get Genievre out of her car seat

"Are we at Uncle Kendall's?" she asks as Logan unbuckles her

"Yes sweetie we are" Logan says as he gets her out of the car

"Logan who are you talking to?" Kendall asks him

Logan knew he had to spill his guts

"Kendall I can't tell a lie the person who I was talking to was my daughter Genievre. I adopted her yesterday" Logan says as he get Genievre out of the car

Kendall couldn't believe how the little girl was attached to Logan

"Hi Genievre" Kendall says as he gets down to the little girl height

Genievre just waves

"She's a little shy right now" Logan says in a whisper

"Oh come on in you two" Kendall tells Logan and Genievre

Logan picks her up and carries her into the house. Genievre was scared when a big pig came up to her

"Scary" she says

"That's Yuma she's saying hi" Kendall tells her

Genievre wanted Logan to pick her up

"It's okay sweetie" Logan says comforting her

Kendall locked Yuma up, so Genievre could roam around

"Here princess play with your toys while daddy and uncle Kendall talk" Logan tells her

Genievre did what she was told


Kendall and Logan heard a crash from the front room

"Genievre are you okay?" Logan asks her

"Daddy I sorry" she tells him

"It's okay sweetie it was an accident" he says comforting her

"It was no accident Henderson she did this on purpose" Kendall says raising his voice

"Kendall she's two she doesn't know any better" Logan says as he picks up his daughter

"You got to teach her how to respect others things" Kendall tells him

Logan leaves the house mad at Kendall

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