Telling Kendall

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"Okay all i have to tell of the guys is Kendall, and then we can tell everyone else like our friends and everyone else that worked with us on the show that we have all of these kids" Logan says after he got done telling James the news about the kids that him and Erin have adopted as their own

"I hope is is done doing it with Katie" Erin says as she holds one of the babies in her arms cause they woke up from their slumber and wanted to be fed or held

While Logan was placing the call the other babies woke up as well, and wanted mommy or daddy to hold them in their arms and comfort them cause they were lonely

"I think these little ones were just lonely and wanted daddy" he says as he comes down with the babies that woke up from their slumber, and wanted daddy to make it all better for them

"They are cute and they are contented with you Logan in your arms" Erin says to him as  they wait for Kendall to pick up the call to tell him about the little ones that came into their lives that day and are going to be apart of the Henderson family

"Oh sweetie pie it's okay daddy has you" Logan says as he puts one of the babies down to rock the one that started to get fussy a little bit cause daddy wasn't paying any attention to her

Logan got up and walked around the downstairs with the baby that he had in his arms cause she was quite upset for some strange reason or another and Logan couldn't figure out why

"Baby doll i fed you a little bit ago, changed you, so what's going on with you doodle bug huh?" Logan asks as he gently puts her on his shoulder, so he could rub her back to soothe her back to sleep or get a gas bubble released 

"She might be just fussy" Erin says to him

"I don't know she was fine when we brought her home from the hospital and now she is extremely fussy" he says as he looks at the screen to see if Kendall picked up yet

"I don't know what could be troubling her then" Erin says as she looks at Logan who was trying his hardest to soothe the baby back to sleep for the night and he was failing miserably at it

"Hey Erin" Kendall says when he finally picks up the call when he sees who was calling him after he had gotten done doing it with Katie who was over at his house which he was helping her with something and he wanted to see if the spark that their character had on the show was real at all or not

"Hey Kendall" Erin says as she looks to make sure he was fully clothed and wasn't doing anything dirty for the little ones who were still downstairs with Logan and Erin early that morning cause they wanted to be by mommy and daddy who loved them with all of their heart, and they couldn't go back to sleep at all without the feeling of mommy and daddy being close by just in case something was wrong with them

"What do i owe this call this time my dear Logan?" Kendall asks him 

"Well Kendall you see all of these little ones that me and Erin have?" Logan asks him just in case Kendall didn't see the little ones that were still sleeping peacefully and Logan still trying to get the baby girl back to sleep 

"Yeah what about them?" Kendall asks him

"Well me and Erin adopted them after their parents kicked them out of their lives cause they didn't want to love them anymore or have anything to do with them" Logan says to Kendall

'Logan are you serious?" Kendall asks him

"Yes Kendall I am dead serious all of these kids are going to be mine and Erin's children who we are going to love until the end of time and give them a home after their mothers or fathers have disowned them at the hospital where Gene was

"I thought you were running an orphanage" Kendall says as he tries to hide the laughter that was building up in him cause he saw all of those kids by Logan who were sleeping peacefully like a little lamb or an angel 

"No Kendall we ain't running no orphanage these are going to be our kids now" Logan says as he fights the angry that was building up in him at his best friend

"Yeah these little ones are going to be ours" Erin says to Kendall as she helps defend Logan

"We are going to have close to thirty little ones running around here once all of the babies come home from the hospital and get settled in" Logan says as he thinks of all of the little ones that they are going to have running around and being kids

"Plus the older ones that we have as well" Erin says as she thinks of the older ones that her and Logan have as well

"Yeah we must not forget about the older ones as well" Logan says as he thinks of the older ones that they had as well

"Basically you guys can start your own country almost with all of the kids that you guys have" Kendall says as he thinks of the children that Erin and Logan have

"Not all the way" Logan says as he continues to soothe the upset baby that was not happy still

"It sounds like that little one has a set of lungs on her" Kendall says to Logan as he sees his friend try to soothe the upset 

'She does and she hasn't quit crying for twenty minutes" Logan says as he thinks of what he has done to get her to calm down

"We haven't figured out what is going on with her at all" Logan says as he goes back to what he was doing before to see if anything works with her so she calms down and goes to sleep on her own

"We are about the end of our rope with her we are still remaining calm as we try to get her to go back to sleep" Erin says to Kendall as she remains calm for the baby 

"Well you guys better go to the emergency room with her to see what is going on with her for real to see if there is anything major wrong with her if she hasn't stopped crying for that long" Kendall says to Logan

'Logie we better go to the hospital to see what is going on with her cause she hasn't stop crying at all, and I want to get her checked out to see what is going on with her cause something might be majorly wrong with her and we don't know it" Erin says to Logan a little concerned about the baby since she was still upset as could be right now and it was breaking Erin's heart to see one of her babies not feeling the best at all and she couldn't do anything about it to help the baby feel better, and see what was bugging them cause Logan burped her and she let out some gas bubbles and that didn't help at all with the baby cause she was still crying her little eyes out

"Yeah we should and you drive" Logan says as he gives her the keys to the car so they could head to the hospital to get the baby checked out to see what was going on with her completely 

V & C

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