Part 40

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It was awhile after spring break and me and Logan were talking a walk around campus. (Outfit above.) "so kind sir, is there a reason you summoned me?" He shakes his head, "no I just wanted to hang out with my girl. Is that not aloud." I laugh, "no it is, hold on did you say my girl. That almost sounds like labels to me Huntzberger." He shrugs, "would that be so bad. I mean we're not really seeing anyone else. Well I'm not I mean."

I smirk, "was there a question in there somewhere Charming?" He pouts, "don't mock me, it ruins my street cred." I laugh, "I still didn't hear the question." He stops and takes my hands in his and looks me dead in the eyes, "will you Christina Gilmore be my girlfriend?" I look down, "you're really asking me, wow. Are you sure, I mean you've never really done the whole girlfriend thing before." He tilts my chin up so I have to look at him, "I have never been more sure of anything in my life. Spring break just confirmed it for me. So will you be my girlfriend?" I nod, "yes, I will be your girlfriend Charming." He picks me up and spins me around before kissing me. When he pulls away, "I think I'm gonna be a great boyfriend."

I laugh and shake my head, "I have to agree with you there. So now can you buy me food?" He puts him arm round my waist, "sure anything you want, girlfriend." I blush and say, "why thank you boyfriend." He kisses my cheek, "you're too cute when you blush." I pout, "I am not cute." He nods, "you're right, with a pout like that you're adorable." I cross my arms, "I take it back, I will not be your girlfriend." He shakes his head with a smirk, "too late, I think Rachel has already planned the wedding."

It was now a weekend so I was back in Stars Hollow and I was sitting at Luke's with my mom and Rory, "guys I have news." Mom put's down her coffee, "good, or bad." I smile, "for me it's brilliant." Rory smiles, "well go on then, spit it out." I smile, "me and Logan made it official this week. We're boyfriend and girlfriend." Mom squeals and give me a hug, "that's great hun, I am so happy for you." Rory nods, "yeah, I mean personally I was team Camron, but I'm happy for you." I shrug, "that's because you've never met Logan." Mom shakes her head, "no she did, at the inn." Rory nods, "yeah, but that was ages ago and he didn't even talk to me. All I remember is that he's blonde."

I laugh, "I told Logan you didn't remember what he looked like." Mom raises an eyebrow, "and how did that come up?" I shrug, "he wanted to come to Gran's funeral to support me, I told him not to come because it would a horrible place to meet Rory. Also, please don't tell grandma and grandpa, they know his parents and I would rather not have the pressure." Mom nods, "I know what you mean. So when is the wedding again?" Rory laughs and I hit mom over the head with a menu. Luke then yells over, "oi! Behave will you!" I give him a salute, "you got it. Shoot I have to go, I start my job at that coffee place today. Love you guys." I kiss my mom on the head as they shout byes.

I pull up in my car just in time, "hey, I'm not late am I?" The manger checks his watch, "nope, right on time Christina. Your apron is behind the counter and ready for you to start. Welcome to the team." I smile, "glad to be here." I start my shift with taking orders and making the coffee. Then I hear a group of people being loud and my co-worker Libby groan, "not this lot again." I look up and see Finn, Colin, and Robert. I laugh, "I can take them." Libby nods, "you are an angel sent from heaven."

I walk over to them, "hey boys, where's the ringleader." Finn looks at me and smirks, "Christy, I didn't know you worked here." I shrug, "first day, so where is he." Robert smirks, "gone to buy his girlfriend something. That poor lovesick fool, my condolences by the way." I shake my head with a smile, "thanks, and make sure it's not too expensive, I'll feel bad." Colin sighs, "you sound like Rachel, why can't a girl take a gift nowadays." I give him a playful glare before saying, "just tell me your order boys."

A/N: I hope you liked this part and that Logan asked her out. I know it was nothing special but I thought it was cute in a spontaneous way. I didn't know how I wanted to do it but I wanted them to be together officially in this season.

Xoxo Maddie

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