Part 8

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I decided to stay home and mom and Rory decided to go to the town meeting. Then I hear the door open and walk downstairs, I see Rory and doesn't look happy, "what's wrong twiny." She sits on the couch and picks up the book she was reading earlier, "Jess got a car." I give her a small smile, "I'm sorry, but he does have the right to get one right?" She nods, "yeah, it just feels wrong, he wrecked my car and now-- You know what, your right I'm just being silly." I grab my song book and start to write as she reads.

After awhile the door opens and we here, "hello." Rory responds with, "we're in here." Then she looks back at her book ad I just shake my head. Mom walks into the living room and says, "wow. You beat me home by two minutes, and your nose is already in the books." Rory looks up and mom then back at her book, "I can go from zero to studying in less than 60 seconds." I shake my head, "and you wonder why people only call you a nerd." She gives me a look and I laugh, "and I say that with love."

Mom shakes her head at us with a smile then says, "mail call." She hands us both a envelope and I ask, "what is it?" Mom goes back to look through the other letters and says, "mortgage payments. You guys mind picking it up this month sweetie, cookie, baby." I shake my head, "no not at all." Mom then says, "it's just something addressed to you."

Rory opens hers and says, "it's an invitation." Mom sighs shaking her head, "is it the white house again? Those boys never give up." I laugh then open mine and my face drops, "it's to Sherry's baby shower." Mom lightly scoffs and walks over, "your kidding?" I put mine down and Rory keeps reading, "it's at her and dad's house on Sunday." Mom walks over, "that is very weird. We haven't had contact with Christopher in months. She must know we're on the outs with him."

Rory nods, "yeah, she my not know how on the outs." Mom picks up my invite and says, "zero contact is maximum on the outs." I nod, "yeah, how dumb is she." Rory shakes her head, "there may have been some contact." My eyes widen and mom sits down, "oh, you've been in contact with Christopher?" Rory looks at us and says, "yeah, I'm sorry." Mom shakes her head, "no, don't apologize. You've always been totally free to talk to him whenever you want. I mean, he's your dad right? So don't apologize."

Rory nods, "okay, I take the apology back." Mom throws her hands up, "I think it's good you've been talking to him. It is a little weird you didn't tell me though." She then says sorry again and mom tells her to stop saying sorry. I turn to her, "so, how much contact have you had with him?" She shrugs, "not tons. He emailed me a month ago, I emailed him back, and now we occasionally talk on the phone."

I scoff, "that's great, I mean he emails you but doesn't even try with me. You see this is my point Rory. He can't come to my dance competitions but he can make it to your debate. He can't make it to my fashion show but he can drive all the way from Boston to see you get your cast off. I'm not going to the shower, tell Sherry what you want I don't care. Have fun partying with the lady who destroyed our five minutes of being a happy family. Who knows maybe she'll let you be apart of the family she stole form us. I'm going to bed." I get up and storm up to my room before anyone can stop me.

After awhile a hear a knock on my door, "hun, it's me can I come in." I sigh, "if you want to." Mom walk in the room and sits on my bed, "you know your dad cares for you right?" I shrug, "then why not email me." She gives me a small smile, "Rory told me that when she asked he said he thought you would need more time, he also said you got your stubbornness from me. He loves you kid." I shake my head, "he says that, and I try to over look everything he missed of mine and how much he was there for Rory, but I can't. Now there's gonna be a new kid in the mix he's gonna have even less time. Mom I just wanna sleep, I'll be fine. I'm used to it by now." She kisses my head and walks to the, before she closes it she says, "you know, I'm always here if you need to rant. Sweet dreams my little fashionista, I love you." I get into bed and say, "I love you too mom."

It was the day of the baby shower and mom and Rory are leaving, "what am I supposed to tell Sherry when she doesn't see you." I sigh, "tell her I've got a sick bug and Noah is looking after me. Now beat it twiny." She sighs, "fine." Mom gives me a kiss, "I love you, and I will be sure to buy you something nice." I nod, "yeah, yeah. I love you toom now beat it." She laughs and the two of them leave.

I was watching TV eating Chinese food when the phone rings, "hello?" I hear a sigh, "Chris, don't hang up. I heard you were sick and Noah was looking after you, I just wanted to check you were okay." I sigh, "if I tell you I was okay and just didn't want to go to the shower will you leave me alone." I sit back down and wait for his response, "why didn't you want to go?" I roll my eyes, "I don't really feel like celebrating the fact that I'm losing my dad."

He sighs, "your not losing me, I feel like I lost you. Come on kiddo talk to me, you can always talk to me." I scoff, "or so you say. Look you called, you did what you were told, you can hang up now. Unless you want me to give Rory a message because you seemed to try with her." He pauses before saying, "I knew you would ignore me if I emailed you. Please forgive me." My eyes tear up, "I always forgive, I always forgive you for never coming to my things every time. For being too busy for me, but no more. This is me standing up for myself, goodnight Christopher." I hang up and put the phone down. I look back at the TV and just start to cry with no one to hold me.

A/N: Hey guys, so she finally told her family how she felt. Tell me if you liked it, and if you want Christina to be there when GG's born and if not then where do you think she'll be.

Xoxo Maddie.

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