Part 34

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I was in Rory's dorm room hanging out with Lane as she cleans because I have no classes. Turns out her mom found her stash of stuff and kicked her out. Just then my phone rings, "hello?" I hear a laugh, "have you heard of caller ID." I roll my eyes, "what do you want Charming?" Lane looks at me with a questioning look and Logan says, "you have no classes today right? I was thinking you could come on a date with me. What do you say, give a guy a chance." I smile, "sure, pick me up from my suite in an hour."

I hang up the phone and see Lane looking at me, "well? Was that Camron or Logan." I laugh, I had just filled her in on my life, "Logan, he wants to go on a date with me and I only have an hour to get ready, please help me get ready." She puts the duster down, "show me the way." We go to my dorm room and after I show her my options I pick an outfit. (Outfit above.) I let Lane do my makeup and when she was done I looked amazing, "thank you Lane, I actually look good." She shakes her head, "no, you look like a Goddess."

Just then I hear someone at the door and open it to see Logan with flowers, "wow, Queeny. You look amazing. These are for you." I take them and smile, "they're amazing." Lane takes them from me, "I'll put them in water for you. Now go have fun." I hug her saying bye and we leave. We get outside and I see his town car. When you get in the car drives us to a helipad.

When we get out of the car Logan leads me up to a helicopter, "Logan, don't tell me we're gonna jump. I am not wearing the right outfit for that." He laughs, "No, it's going to fly us around the city, then to our destination that I think you're going to love." I take his hand and we get in and put the headsets on.

He puts his arm around me and I look out the window, "it looks so beautiful from up here." He looks at me, "yeah, beautiful." I laugh, "could be anymore cliché right now." He turns my face to him and not the window and leans in so close I can feel his breath on my lips, "I can be if you want me to be Queeny." I blush and look down but he lifts my head up, "you're cute when you blush." I give him a small smile and say, "see, cliché." He laughs and goes to pull away but I close the gap instead and kiss him.

When we land Logan leads me to another car that was waiting for us and I ask, "where to now charming." He smiles, "I wanted this to be perfect. So I asked Noah for help and he told me this was the perfect idea." I smile back, "you asked Noah, that is so cute." He pouts, "I am not cute." I shake my head, "that pout is not helping you with your point."

We stop in front of what looks like a hall Grandma has her charity events at. Logan gets out and then opens the door. He leads me inside and I see a dark room only lit with candles, and soft music playing, "what is this." He offers me his hand, "would you do me the pleasure of having this dance Miss Gilmore." I take his hand, "I would love to." He leads me into the middle and we start to dance with my head on his shoulder." He looks down at me with an expression I cannot read, "you always seem to do that." I lift my head, "what?" He laughs, "you always put your head on my shoulder. It's cute, I like it." I give him a smile and put my head back on his shoulder.

I then say, "I can't help it if you comfy." He kisses my head, "I'll take that as a compliment." My eyes start close as I snuggle into him, "I mean it, I could fall asleep right now." I let out a yawn and he laughs, "really? Come on Queeny let's get you home."

A/N: Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this, I decided to do this to make me feel better because I had a science test today and it hurt my brain. Anyway thank you for reading and please do let me know what you think of the date with Logan and other ideas for dates you would like to see Chris on. Put the who and the where and I will try and add them to the book.

Xoxo Maddie.

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