Part 15

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Me and Noah have the day off school to prepare for nationals. We spent most of the day practicing and then Miss Patty pulls up with the mini van and we all have to leave, because we have to leave close to the end of the school and work day mom and Rory are gonna meet us there. I turn to Noah, "we're gonna win, right?" He nods, "duh, we are better than ever. No one can beat us I promise."

When we walk in we see all the people getting ready and Miss Patty signs us in and we go to our station. As we get ready Miss Patty give us a pep talk, "you kids remember, this is going to be on TV and we have a lot of supporters at home. These kids my be from big cities, but we got the charm and the dance. Nobody cares where your from, here it's about the dance, now get your asses ready." (Outfit above.)

After pinning up my hair I over hear two people, "we are so gonna win this year, the old first place can't do it because the girls injured. This year the titles ours." Then I hear someone scoff, "didn't you guys come third last time?" I see her roll her eyes, "yeah, but last years Connecticut competition didn't even it through state and the ones that did are from a small farmers town. They probably won't even get placed." I turn to Noah, "I want to punch her in her smug face." He sighs, "just let it roll off your back like water." I nod, "your right, we got this."

Soon last years third place went on and they were good, I still think we can beat them. Other than that, I didn't really see anyone we had to worry about. I also found out last years third place are called Libby and Daniel and they are from California. After a couple more people it was us, "and next we have some old faces. Last time they were here they almost won but lost by one point. Please welcome back all the way from Connecticut Christina and Noah!" I see Libby gasp and I give her a wink before we walk onto the stage. ( (A/N: Hey guys so the link is the dance they do because Wattpad still isn't letting me put on videos. If you know why please let me know.)

After we finished we got a standing ovation. We walk off the stage and Libby and Daniel are glaring at us. Soon they call up the top three, us, Libby and Daniel, and Sofia and Freddy. "In third place is... Sofia and Freddy!" Everyone claps as they take their trophy and leave the stage. I hold Noah's hand and the announcer says, "looks like we have a strange turn of events. The judges have decided to call upon the dance off. All dancers were asked to make a piece focused on the theme, fighting. First lets do Libby and Freddy.

We had all changed and they had just finished. It was kind of a basic dance fight like you see online. I have hope still that we can win this. We walk onto the stage and the music starts and we do it the best we've ever done. Our whole futures are counting on this win, this way if we win the prize money we can pay to go to Yale ourselves. ( When finish the whole crowd gets on their feet. Libby and Freddy are called back on the stage. "and the winner of this year national dance competition is.... Christina and Noah!" The crowd goes wild and get both hug and then hold up the massive trophy. The a lady walks on the stage and hands us a check. It's official, we can pay to go to Yale.

We run backstage and I see almost everyone here. Logan, Finn, Colin, Rosemary, Juliet, Sophie, Robert, Rachel, Cassie, grandma and grandpa, Luke, and Sookie and Jackson, but no mom and Rory. My face fall, "where are they?" Everyone looks down and grandma says, "they couldn't make it Christina. Sherry went into labour and for God knows what reason Rory was the only one there so your mom went to help. They couldn't make it back." I was meant to be happy, I had just won one of the biggest competitions of my life. Instead all I felt was anger and sadness. Without even looking at anyone I storm out of the stadium.

Luke runs after me, "hey kid, let me give you a lift." I smile, "thanks Luke, you know your maybe the only one I can count on?" He shake his head, "you have a room full of people who love you in there Christina. Come on let's get you some food." He drives me to the diner and when we walk in we see mom and Rory. They both walk up to us, "hey, hun." I scoff, "you miss the most important day off of my life and all you can say is 'hey hun.' Go to hell mom. Tell me when did Sherry give birth, was it just as the competition was ending." Mom shakes her head, "No." I nod, "so you stayed with them after, you stayed with another woman's baby instead of coming to see your own win. You know what Luke I'm not hungry. I'm going to go to Hartford, and be with the people that could be bothered to be there for me." I kiss Luke on the cheek and then get on a bus.

I spend the night and my grandparents not wanting to even look at my own mom and twin. I should be feeling happy, not abandoned and lonely. I don't blame GG, I blame everyone else. They didn't even think about me, or call me. No one told me what happened, that Sherry was in labour that mom and Rory couldn't make it. I just need to sleep and have time to think.

It's the next day and I hear my mom singing. I walk out and see her with a DVD player and grandma not far behind, "mom." She gives me a small smile, "hey, hun. I just came to put in grandma's new DVD player." I nod, "okay, I'll get ready and come home with you. If that okay?" She nods, "more then okay." After I get ready and I say goodbye to grandma we leave of Stars Hollow. I turn to mom, "this doesn't mean I forgive you." She nods, "I know."

A/N: Hey guys, so how do you think her mom and Rory are gonna make it up to her? Also I got this idea form the comments so thank you for that. I couldn't decide if I wanted her there or not for the birth of GG. Tell me what you think and do you like the idea that Christina can now pay to go to collage herself? Also how long until she makes up with her mom and Rory?

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