Part 36

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It was night time and me and Rachel were watching Grease and I sigh, "should I call him, or would that look like I chose him and then end in me leading him on?" Rachel sighs, "just don't call him, if he really wanted to fight for you he would have called you." I nod, "your right, maybe before he came he got high and didn't really mean it, or it was a prank so I would wait by the phone just for him to never call. See now I would love to think that but it just doesn't sound like him." Rachel pauses the movie, "that's it, we are picking another movie. I can't take it anymore. Please pick before your ruin another classic movie for me." I laugh at her dramatics as she changes the movie.

I was right now sitting a test for my dance theory class, the bad news is I haven't been able to study much for it. I have been so stressed with my love life, other classes, and the brigade I forgot about it until last minute. The good news I have been doing dance for years and I managed to study an hour before. I look to Noah and he gives me a thumbs up and I nod in return then the teacher says, "you have an hour, and that time starts now."

After the test I get back to see Lucy and Olivia reading magazines and laughing at celebrities pictures. I shake my head at them and laugh before going into my room. When I enter I see a message on my phone I left it here, "Hey hunny, it's mom. We just got some new horses at the inn, and I was just calling to ask if you wanted to go on a ride to test them out. I would ask your sister to join but I think we both know what she would say. I guess you're out and your sister must be too. We can't keep missing each other. Love you call me as soon as you can."

I then redial her number and get the answer phone, "hey mom, it's me and I love that you got horses. I would love to ride them with you and Rory can just watch. I just finished my dance theory test I forgot about. Fingers crossed I still did well. I'm gonna have a nap now so I love you and I will hopefully talk to you soon." I hang up and take my nap.

I wake up the next morning to my phone ringing and I answer it, "hello?" "morning Kitty Cat. Have you started that job hunting yet around Yale." I groan, "Happy Feet, my brother from another mother, why are you calling me with this at nine in the morning. Today is the one day I have no class, I was planning on sleeping through it." He laughs, "I'll take that as a no." I sit up, "actually I did find a job. At the coffee shop down town. I start next week. So is that the only reason for this call?"

"No. I was just checking, because you talked about looking for one last week and well you like to procrastinate. Also I got an email saying our dance theory test have been marked. So I'm going to get mine now. Wanna come with?" I smile, "I'll meet you outside his office." I hang up and get ready and leave out the door. (Outfit above.)

I get to the office and see Noah waiting for me, "after you Happy Feet." He nods, "wish me luck." ten minutes later he walks out and hold up his paper with a smile, "a B, wow that's great Noah." He nods, "I know right, I wasn't sure if I did well enough to pass. Your turn, I'm sure you're gonna ace it." I give him a hug and knock before walking.

"ah, Miss Gilmore. Please have a seat. I'm glad you are one of the first to come in. Here is your paper." I look it over and my eyes widen, "a C-?" He nods, "you did well enough to pass, you knew the facts well enough. I just didn't see any real effort being put into this class. I know it must be stressful for you this year, being a freshmen, and I hope you look carefully at my notes. If you are having a hard time in my class ask someone else for help like me or your friend Noah." I nod and clear my throat getting up, "okay, thank you professor." He nods and I leave.

I hold my paper up to Noah and he smiles, "at least you passed. It's fine, me and you can study tonight if that's what you want." I nod but before I could say yes my phone rings, "hello?" "hey Queeny, so me and the boys have a great idea for then next gathering. All we need is you approval and we are all set." I sigh, "I'm sure it will be great. Look I've got to study, can you tell me about it later." "of course. Catch you later."

I went back to my dorm and looked through my notes and none of them were making sense to me. I was meant to be the one who got good grade without trying, and the one time I don't try I fail. I throw my notes off my desk in frustration and got up grabbing my bag on the way out.

I walk up to the door and knock on it. He looks at me concerned, "Queeny, what's wrong?" My eyes start to tear up, "I-I just. Everything is going wrong and I don't know how to fix it." He brings me into a hug, "come in, my dorm mate is out tonight come on." I follow him over to the sofa, "I don't know why I came here. I just got so frustrated--" He takes my hands, "what happened? Talk to me." I take a deep breath, "I forgot I had a test. So I looked over my notes last minute. For once in my life I relied on my memory. People think I don't have to try, and that things are just given to me. They have no clue how much work I actually do, the one time I don't do the work I get a C-. My grade average of A's and B's is now gone. My future now could be gone." I start to cry and he brings me into his arms, "shh. It's going to be fine. It was one test, you can make it up in the next one."

I laugh, "I must sound pathetic. Here I am crying into your arms, I shouldn't be here. It's not fair on you, why should have to comfort me when I can't even pick between you and Camron. I must seem like the worst person in world right now." He strokes my hair, "not at all. I will always be here for you. Even if you don't pick me I will always be there to hold you as you cry, because you bring light into my life I never knew I needed. You're the smartest person I know and one bad test isn't going to change that." I smile up at him as my eyes start to close, "your perfect, charming."

A/N: Hey guys so this was the episode Rory and Lorelai have break downs so I tired to give Chris one as well. Tell me what you think, and if she made the right choice turning to Logan in her time of need. Also Camron will be coming back into this story very soon. I hope giving you two parts in one day makes up for my absence in updates.

Xoxo Maddie.

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