Part 2

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I was just finishing getting ready when I hear I knock on the door. I smooth down my dress and look myself over one more time. (outfit above.) Then I open the door, "you look amazing." I smile, "thanks, you clean up well." He offers me his arm, "shall we." I nod and link arms, "we shall." I close the door on the way out and then get in the taxi with him.

I turn to him, "so where are we going." He smiles, "I made a reservation at this Chinese place. I heard it's great." I nod, "sounds good to me, so question. Why did you wait until the last day to ask me out?" He shrugs, "I mean, I meant to the second I heard you laugh and saw you smiling. I guess I froze and then we became sort of friends and every time an opportunity presented itself I either froze of someone or something interrupted us."

We soon got the restaurant and were seated, "here are your menus I will be back soon to take your drink orders." I smile, "thank you." He walks away and we sit down, "so what do you think." I look around at all the lanterns, "it's just perfect. So where did you say you were from?" "I'm from New Haven." I nod, "so do you wanna go to Yale." He shakes his head, "no, I much prefer the city. I'm thinking more NYU or Columbia. What about you." I shrug, "mostly Yale, they have a good fashion programme. I have been considering applying to Parsons but I want to stay close to home."

We then ordered our food and drink and he left to go the toilet. After we talked about collage I couldn't think of what else to say. Just then the waiter comes with our drinks, "your drinks, where's you date?" I shrug, "he said he was going to the toilet." He nods, "sorry, I know it's none of my business. It's just you are a very beautiful girl and you look even more so in the dress, but you don't seen to be having a good time." I sigh, "is it that obvious? I feel terrible because on the ride over he told me he had been waiting for this all summer. I mean other then fashion we have nothing in common. I mean this guy has never watched 'fresh prince of Bel Air.'"

He gasps, "no way. That is just not right, next thing you'll tell me he's never watched 'The Breakfast club.'" I nod, "he hasn't. I must have quoted it four times. I'm Christina by the way." He smiles, "Jayden. Look I have a feeling you won't be going on an second date, so here's my number. Give me a call, I'm gonna get your food because I think your date is back. Call me." I smirk, "maybe I will maybe I won't." He shakes his head and walks away from the table just as Harry comes back.

He walked me to the door, "so I guess this is where I kiss you goodnight." I nod, "I guess so, only if you want to." He nods, "I've wanted to since the first time a saw you." He leans and kisses me and I kiss back. He pulls away with a smile and I smile back, "Night then." I close the door behind me and call Noah, "hey kitten, how was the date." I sigh, "it was horrible, and then when we got to my door I let him kiss me goodnight and that was even worse. Although I did hit it off with the waiter we talked when Harry went to the toilet and he gave me his number ." He laughs, "Not every date is gonna be a winner, you should call the waiter" I lay down, "I think I'll wait and make him sweat, so are you back home?"

"Yes, and it turns out she just wanted to ask me about my summer. So you get back tomorrow, right?" I nod, "yep, I am ready an packed. I'm gonna go to sleep now, I'll see tomorrow." I hang up and call mom, "hey mom, are you still picking me up from the airport?" I hear her moving about and then she says, "yeah, your plane lands the same time as Rory's so it make my life a lot easier. So how did the date go?" I catch her up on what happened and sigh, "I hate dating." She laughs, "not every guy is going to be the guy. Patience my young grasshopper. The waiter sounds nice though, I'm going to bed night." I walk over to my bag and get out my PJs, "same here, night mom love you." "love you too."

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