Part 20

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Everyday at school I avoid Rory like the plague, I no longer walk around town unless I have to. I told Luke that I need some time off, and he told me he understood. It was now Friday so Noah offered to drop me off to my grandparents. (Outfit above.) I get out of the car and see mom and Rory waiting, "why haven't you gone in?" Mom sighs, "I know you're mad at us, but your grandparents are not gonna hear a peep about it. According to them we are still one big happy family. Okay?" I put on a fake smile, "of course mommy dearest." Rory sighs and rings the door bell.

A new maid opens the door and takes our coats, we walk into the living room and have drinks like normal. I just keep my mouth shut unless I'm spoken too. When we all start eating the salad Grandma sighs, "Christina? What's wrong? You have barely said a word all night, normal your a social butterfly." I shrug, "Nothing, I guess I'm just not in the talking mood." She shakes her head, "that's not it, I know my granddaughter." I decide to come up with a lie, "I just did bad in a maths test I was confident I did well in." Grandma nods, "you'll do better at the next one. What about you Rory? Are you finding it hard as well. We can find you a tutor if you like."

I scoff, "typical." Grandma turns back to me, "excuse me young lady." I turn my full attention to her, "I mean it's just typical, if I need help with school work I just have to get on with it. Now if Rory's finding it hard it's a completely different story, you'll find her the best maths tutors in the word. It's just Goddamn typical." Grandpa's eyes widen, "you should not talk to your grandmother that way. Say sorry." I shake my head, "No! I will not say sorry for telling the truth." Mom gives me a look, "I thought we agreed to keep this at home."

I shake my head, "I never fully agreed to anything." Then Rory shouts, "I can't help it if people like me more! Oh my God, Christina I didn't--" I nod, "yes you did, and we both know you did. There's a reason I left that house and went to live with Noah. That's my real family, they love me no matter what. Now if you'll accuse me I have a real loving family to go back to." Before anyone can stop me I walk out the house.

I walk to the bus stop and get on the bus. Just as the doors go to close someone shouts for them to stop and gets on. I don't think much of it until someone sits next to me, "why so sad, Sandy?" I turn away from the window to see Camron, "what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be home right now?" He shakes his head, "my parents are out of town on business. I was just walking when I saw you looking all pretty and sad. What happened? I've tried calling your house, they just tell me you're not there."

I nod, "I moved in with Noah and his family for now. I was just sick of everyone picking Rory, I couldn't take it anymore. I just exploded and went to Noah's house, him and his family are always there for me. I was just at Friday night dinner, and I talked to my mom and sister for the first time. It happened again but this time I also exploded on my grandmother and grandfather." He takes my hands, "I don't see why anyone would pick anyone over, someone as perfect as you." I smile and shake my head, "I'm broken."

He shakes his head, "your beautiful, those cracks and chips you see as imperfections, I see them as the reason you are perfect. You speak your mind, when you laugh your nose wrinkles up and it's adorable. When you're concentrating you stick you tongue out. Your perfect in everyway." I look down, "no ones ever said anything that sweet to me before." He kisses my knuckles, "well, then the rest of the world is stupid. Let's get you home."

He walks my to Noah's door and I pull out the key the gave me, "thanks for coming all the way here, just to walk me to the door." He nods, "it's no problem. I had fun." I smile, "I did too, goodnight." I lean in to kiss him when I hear someone clear their throat, We turn around and see Noah, "yes goodnight Camron." I shake my head and he kisses me on the cheek, "Night Christina, Noah." They nod at each other and I walk in and go to my room.

Noah walks in smirking, "I love playing the, big brother card on guys." I shake my head, "Noah, you're not my brother." He nods, "I am now. Now you need to get some sleep, I will see you in morning. I think my mom's making pancakes in the morning." I smile,, "sounds good to me, night Happy feet." He smirks, "night kitty cat." He closes the door and I get ready for bed. I don't know what I did to deserve people like Noah and Camron. Today has been a long day and I just wanna sleep.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you liked this part and please do tell me what you think.

Xoxo Maddie.

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