Part 21

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It's the Sunday after last Friday night dinner, my mobile phone rings, "hello?" "Christina? It's your grandmother, me and your grandfather were wondering if you could come round for tea, to talk." I sigh, "sure, I'll get ready and meet your there soon." "good, see you soon." I walk over to my wardrobe and get changed. (Outfit above.) Once I tell Holly where I'm going I get on a bus to Hartford.

I walks up to their house and knock on the door and a maid opens it, "hi, I'm Christina." She nods, "yes come in, your grandmother and grandfather are in the dining room." I send her a smile, "thank you." I walk in to see them with cups of tea, "Christina, you're here. Please sit." I sit and the maid pours me some tea, "I'm sorry, but why exactually am I here?"

Grandpa puts down his paper, "we wanted to talk to you about Friday night. You were right, and we wanted to say sorry." Grandma nods, "yes, we are sorry. We didn't even see ourselves doing it. Once you left we talked to your mom, and well she's as stubborn as ever. Your sister on the other hand feels horrible about what she said, but that's not for me to say." I nod, "thank you for the apology, I mean it. I'm also sorry for yelling and being disrespectful, that was the week I just had enough of people really. I should have approached you differently." Grandpa nods, "it's fine Christina, really." Grandma smiles, "now that that's sorted, let's have some tea. Now tells us about school."

When I get off the bus in Stars Hollow I walk into Luke's and over to where I see mom and Rory, "mom, Rory. Can I sit." Mom smiles, "of course you can, hun." I sit down, "I just came back from Hartford, grandma and grandpa wanted to say sorry." Rory nods, "I do as well, what I said at the table was uncalled for. You were right, I am the biggest jerk in the world. I mean your my sister, my twin, my best friend in the world. I guess I never really saw what I was doing, I didn't mean to take Lane away from you."

I give her a small shrug, "I appreciate you saying that, I really do." Mom takes holds my hand, "I don't mean to always take your sister's side. I don't mean to miss your stuff, it just happens. I know that sounds really bad, but from now I am gonna think before I do. I love you and I'm sorry. Please come home." I nod, "okay, I'll come home, but if it happens again if you ever--" She cuts me off, "I promise, it will never happen again." We all lean over and group hug over the table, "I'm so happy to have my twin back." I nod in the hug, "same here."

A/N: Hey guys, so I know they made up quickly but I wanted her to be there for her mom's birthday. Also I don't plan on keeping the peace, I can promise you that. For now though I am planning for things to go smoothly. Nothing can stay calm forever. Also we are coming closer to the collage episodes and I can't wait for them.

Xoxo Maddie.

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