Part 13

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It was the end of the school day and everyone was talking about what happened in fencing with Rory and Paris. I was walk out of school with Rachel and we had just reached the bus stop and she sits down, "hey, are you sure your mom won't mind me coming over." I laugh, "you've met my mom right, she's cool with it." She shakes her head, "sorry, sometimes I forget how cool your mom is. My mom needs a minimum of twenty minute warning so she can prepare."

Just as I was about to respond I hear a guys say, "Rachel? Rachel Harris?" She turns around and gasps, "Jasper Norman. Oh my God how are you." She gets up and hugs him, "I'm great, this is my friend Camron." (Camron above.) Rachel waves at him, "Oh, and this is my friend Christina." I wave, "hey, nice to meet you." Rachel looks at me, "Jasper was my friend that stopped me from being bored at fancying parties." Jasper nods, "yeah, it was this big group of us. There was, Bonnie, Amara, Max, and Preston."

Rachel gasps "did you hear about Bonnie and Max?" He shakes his head, "no, what happened." Rachel sighs, "Her and Max finally got together." He laughs, "took them long enough." They started to talk about the good times and Camron gives me a smirk, "nothing like old friends." I nod "you gotta love them." After awhile of watching them just talk about the old time I turn to him, "hey do you remember that time Darron tried to kiss Lucy," He gives me a confused look, "huh?" I sigh, "work with me here man." He nods and plays along, "oh yeah, I think he's still scared to kiss again. I mean not even his own mother."

I shake my head, "poor Darron." He nods, "yeah. I think he decided to go the therapy." Then Rachel says, "do you remember the Garrisons party, I think I still might be hungover." Jasper laughs, "hey don't blame me, blame Preston. He's the one that gave you the extra ten shots." She nods, "yeah, and then do you remember how Amara got band because she--" He nods and starts to laugh, "oh my God yeah."

I turn then say, "hey, do you remember when Bart trapped Phoenix and you in the master bathroom." He shakes his head, "I still think you and him planned it." Then Jasper says, "and do you remember what she told the family?" Rachel laughs with him, "oh, yeah." I smirk, "and then before me and gang would let you out we made you kiss." He frowns, "you know I don't remember that." Then when Rachel stops laughs, "you know I actually don't remember what Amara said." Jasper smiles, "she said that she was the foreign exchange student and couldn't speak English." She nods, "oh right." And then she says a made up language.

I pout, "Now we have to make up our own language." He smirks, "this is getting exhausting." Then Jasper asks, "so where are you headed?" Rachel points to me, "oh we're going to Stars Hollow, it's where this one lives." I nod, "I got that small town charm." Rachel nods, "actually the bus is here. We gotta go, she can't be late." Camron asks, "late for what?" I sigh, "for work, I walk at Luke's diner in my town." Jasper nods, "well it was nice to meet you Christina, great to see you again Rachel." Rachel nods, "same here." I smirk at Camron, "hey good to see you again. If you see Phoenix give him a kiss from me." He laughs, "will do. Bye."

We get on the bus and Rachel smiles, "so you knew that guy too, what a coincidence!" I shake my head with a smile, "oh Rachel, I love you." She smiles, "I love you too but--" I cut her off, "hush now." Once we get off the bus we get to Luke's and she does her homework waiting for me to get off. After I do we get to mine and watch TV. After awhile she says she has to get home and will see me at school

It's been a couple of days since I met Camron, a guy who gets my humour and he's cute. I was laying in my bed drawing some new sketches when my phone rings, "hello?" "Christina? It's Camron. We met at the bus stop. My friend knew yours." I sit up, "right. Hi." "how are you." I nod, "I'm good." "Phoenix's sends his love." I smile, "right back at him." He then says what I was thinking, "your probably thinking how I got your number. Truth be told I called the diner and this guy Jess answered and he gave me your number. He said it would be okay if I called late."

I smirk, "yeah, he's gonna get an ear full tomorrow. So what can I do for you on this fine night." He laughs, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me on a date. Nothing serious, I heard of this new action movie called '2 Fast 2 Furious' then we could get dinner. If you don't like actions movies then--" I cut him off, "I love action movies, call me tomorrow and give me the details." I was smiling ear to ear and I hang up when he says night. I guess I'm now a dating girl. I mean I went on one date with Jay we're nothing serious, I mean I don't think we are personally.

A/N: Hey guys so, I know her love interest this season was meant to be Jay but I lost interest in him and couldn't figure out what to write about him after I did the carnival. He will still be in the story but not as a main character. Also tell me what you all think of Camron.

Xoxo Maddie

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