Part 29

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I just got back from my Tuesdays class and I hear a knock on the door. I open it to see my mom with coffee in hand, "I miss my daughter. My amazing beautiful daughter who I accidently tried to make have the same views as me. The daughter I should have listened to and let make her own choices in life. Can you ever forgive me." I let her in and take the coffee, "maybe, it's gonna take more then coffee though." She nods, "how about this becomes an every Tuesday morning thing, I come and see you and we a have weekly mother daughter day."

I sigh, "fine." She smiles, "so tell me everything I have missed. I want to hear it all." I look down, "I may or may not now be a single women." Mom gasps, "what happened? Did he do something because--" I cut her off mid rant, "no, he told me that we should take a break because I like Logan and it would be unfair for us to continue dating." She nods, "he's not wrong, this way you have time to make the right choice without stringing one of them along."

After she left I had to go to my history of fashion class and at the end of class he says, "now I have a bit of bad news. There was an error in the syllabus you received. The dates were wrong, which means all of your reading has been pushed up one week. I will expect the first reading on the 20s to be done by next week. I'm sorry I know this is horrible but I'm sure you can get it done. I'll see you all Wednesday." I groan and pack my bags to leave.

I get to my dorm room and see Lucy and Olivia shouting at each other, "guys! What the hell is going on." They stop and turn to me smiling, "oh, Olivia here is helping me get ready for a play." I nod, "okay, please do continue." I sigh and go into my room only to find Rachel, "Tina thank God your back, Colin is acting like a mad man. I told him I don't know if I want to be official yet and now he won't stop calling." Just then her phone starts to ring and I sigh, "just answer the phone Rach."

She shakes her head, "No way, he thinks I'm seeing other people I know he does. Now if he accuses me of that I'm gonna get mad and say I am. Then he will never want to talk to me again." I give her a look, "then just keep your calm, breath though it sweetie. I beg you answer the phone, I have loads of reading to do for next week." She sits up, "what do you mean." I sigh, "I have to study 5 fashion designers from the 20s and what inspired for next week so please leave or answer the phone."

So she answers the phone and leaves the room so I can study. Then I hear Lucy and Olivia acting through the wall. I huff and pick up my book and walk out saying, "I'm going to study!" They yell back byes and I call Logan, "Charming, thank God you answered the phone. Can I come round to your dorm, you see I need to study and all of my roommates are being loud today." He laughs, "sure Queenie, me and boys including Robert are playing poker feel free to be my good luck charm." I walk towards his building, "on my way Charming."

When I knock on the door I come in to see all boys sitting round a table playing poker and Robert with a smug look on his face, "and I win again. Another hand gentlemen, or can you not afford it." They all roll their eyes at him and start the next round. Logan looks at me, "hey Queenie, you remember Robert right?" I nod, "yep, hey. So where can I study?" Logan points to the sofa behind the table, "over there." I nod and start to read.

Even though I love hanging out with these guys I kept getting distracted. I read around half a chapter and then I had enough when Finn yelled, "come on! Robert you've got to be cheating!" I stand up huff, "you guys are just as loud as my roommates. You know what I'm leaving, have fun." I give Finn and Logan a hug and slap Colin round the head, "what was that for?" I roll my eyes, "for making Rachel mad." With that I leave.

I was walking around campus and I was ready to give up. I mean I could not find one good place to study and that means I am going to fail. I was ready to give up when I hear someone shout me name, "Chris!" I turn around to see Noah, "what can I do for you Noah?" He stops in front of me, "I heard from Logan you wanted a place to study. Please follow me." He grabs my hand and drags me away.

I get in his car and when he starts to drive I turn to him, "where are you taking me?" He smirks, "trust me, you're gonna love it." Soon we pass the Stars Hollow sign and he stops the car and leads me to the gazebo, "here?" He nods, "why not, I mean I think it's perfect. Not too quiet but no ones yelling." I sit on the bench, "yeah your right. Thanks Noah." I actually mange to get most of my reading done today and was now on my way back to Yale with Noah.

"hey Noah? How are things with Cassie now that she's in New York?" He sighs, "Not the best, we're finding the whole long distance thing really hard. We're gonna have a talk tonight, and I think it might end in me being single." I hold onto his hand, "join the club, I promise you it's not that bad."

A/N: Hey guys so I know this kind of a filler chapter but the next part I am planning on doing the life and death brigade of the season. I personally can't wait to write another one of these and I hope you like them too.

Xoxo Maddie

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