Part 32

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Today was the day of the freshman fashion show. I am now doing the last minute adjustments to the outfits. This year I picked my suite mates to be my models seeing as it was easier because I lived with them. After I had them all fitted into the outfits I smiled, "you guys look great, really I mean it." (Outfits above.) I then hear a small laugh from behind me and the voice says, "I guess they look okay. I still don't get how you got here of all the places with that much lack in talent."

Rachel glares at her, "at least her parents didn't have to buy her way in." Rachel went to step forward but I stopped her with my arm, "It's Danielle right? Well sweetie, I heard you got waitlisted at Parsons I feel bad for you. I mean I got in on the other hand but turned it down to come here, so who has more talent?" She gives me one last glare before storming off.

I look out of the curtain to see a panel of what looks like judges and important people. I also see my mom, sister, grandparents, and the brigade in the crowd. I send them a wave from the side-lines and they wave back. Logan gives me a thumbs up and mouths to me, 'you got this.' I send him a smile back, and just as I'm about to go back stage I see the doors open and Camron walk in. I make eye contact with him and he gives me a small smile and I give him one back before leaving and going backstage.

I was second and the announcer says, "next we have Christina Gilmore." People start to clap as Rachel walks out in the first dress, then Olivia in the second dress, and lastly Lucy in the final dress. Once they are all done I come out and take my bow before the next student comes out. I see the judges whispering and writing things down and then the next student starts.

As the show continues I walk out into the crowd and up to Camron, "hey, I didn't know you were coming." He shrugs, "I brought the ticket before we-- Well you know. You did great those dresses were amazing. You outdid yourself, and like always it was perfect." I look down, "I wouldn't say that. I only had just over a week." He lifts my chin up, "and that just makes it even more spectacular. I made the wrong choice at the start of the year. I'm gonna fight for you... I love you Sandy." I look at him in shock and before I can respond Lucy rushes out, "come on, the panel is about to give the results." She drags me away from him and I give him a smile as I leave. Do I love him? Or do I love Logan?

Before I can overthink it I'm shoved on stage with the rest of the students and the girls behind me. My teacher stands up, "for your first showcase/fashion show of the year you all did amazing. I know it was all very last minute and we did take that into consideration. So the one this year that wins the trophy is..." I see Danielle smirk and go to step forward but stops when he says, "Christina Gilmore!" Everyone starts to cheer and I run off the stage and take the trophy. I'm brought into a group hug my family and friends, and out of the corner of my eyes I see Camron smiling brightly at me and then slowly backing away and leaving.

After getting told congratulations a thousand times I finally get away from everyone. I walk out of the hall and see Logan sitting on the steps and decide to sit next to him. I lay my head on his shoulder and say, "Camron came today, he told me he loves me. Logan... Did I ever tell you why he ended it?" He shakes his head, "no, and if you don't want to--" I cut him off and say, "it's because he could see how I felt about you. How I still feel about you, I really like you Charming more then you could ever imagen. Do you feel the same or is it in my head." I lift my head from his shoulder and he shakes his head, "it's not in your head. Do you know how many times I wanted to kiss you this summer? Too many, but I couldn't because I didn't want to make you a cheater. Your everything I have ever wanted in a girl, I've just never done the girlfriend thing before and I knew that that's what you want."

I shake my head, "Logan I didn't tell you this to rush you into anything. I mean I don't even think I know what I want from you myself. All I know is I can't stop comparing every boy to you. If you did want to try something we could go slowly. No titles just dating, you can see other people if you--" He cuts me off with a kiss, at first its sweet and tender and then he deepens it and it becomes rougher and more passionate. I pull away needing to breath and he says, "I won't want to see anyone else." I smile and cuddle back into him as he puts his jacket over my arms. I feel safe in his arms, I feel whole.

He smiles down at me, "I know this doesn't mean that you don't still like that Camron boy. I'm okay with waiting for you to choose, I'll wait years if I have to Queenie. Your worth it all." I look down, "I wish I didn't you know that right? I wish my stupid brain would just pick." He kisses the top of my head, "I know, it's okay. Let's just sit here for awhile, yeah?" I nod in his arms and we sit there looking at the sky in comfortable silence. Did I do the right thing in telling him? I mean I'm glad I did but will it ruin our friendship?

A/N: Hey guys, so I feel like I was neglecting the love triangle so I thought I would bring it up in this part. Who do you think she'll pick? Logan or Camron? Tell me in the comments. Also I know this is two uploads in one day it's just to make up for being behind and I was on a roll today so I thought why not.

Xoxo Maddie.

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