Episode 49

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"What did Mrs Han want?" A voice asked as he walked out of the teacher's office.

Jimin turned around, eyes meeting the ones of Jungkook, who was leaning against the wall next to him. A wide smile bloomed across Jimin's features as Jungkook tried to avoid his gaze.

"Jungkookie!" he cheered teasingly, linking his arm through one of Jungkook's and pulling him off to walk down the hallway.

"Answer the question." Jungkoook grumbled, consistently avoiding Jimin's gaze but not leaning away from his touch nonetheless.

Jimin sighed, looking ahead and running a hand through his hair to push it out of his face.

"Got into trouble for not talking again." He shrugged.

Jungkook looked down to his shorter stature, asking him why he didn't speak in class despite not having any physical or mental limitations that prevent him from doing so. Jimin rolled his eyes, turned to look up to Jungkook as well and parted his thick lips to let his tongue slip out of it.

He pointed to it with his finger, 'duh' written all over his face.

Jungkook's throat constricted at the sight, his mind going to some unholy places, not realising his cheeks had warmed up noticeably. The older giggled, one of his hands going to Jungkook's cheek to pinch it.

"Aw Jungkookie, am I making you flustered?" He asked, but his hand was swatted away by the other, who looked away, the sight of Jimin's face a few seconds ago not leaving his mind.

"Who's Min Yoongi?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

"An old acquaintance." Jimin asked, before the hand that had been linked to Jungkook's tightened its grip, bringing them closer as Jimin leaned onto Jungkook's side. "What's with all the questions? Are you interested in me or something?"

The younger's face got even redder, the blush spreading from his cheeks all over his face and even to the tip of his ears.

"Shut up." Jungkook mumbled, pushing Jimin away from himself and keeping a safe distance between the two of them, hiding his face behind one of his hands. "We're dating, you dumbass."

"You're so cute." Jimin chuckled, standing on his tiptoes to ruffle his hair.

"Yah!" Jungkook suddenly bursted, grabbing a hold of Jimin's wrist and pulling it away from his hair, standing up straight to tower of Jimin slightly and glare at him.

Both of their eyes widened at the proximity, Jimin catching his heartbeat going a little faster at the sight of Jungkook's oh so serious face. He'd always seen him as a classmate he liked to tease, but for some reason seeing him this close up, and with the new relationship status between the two, Jungkook actually looked handsome.

But his eyes darted to the slight fold between his eyebrows and he snorted, raising one of his fingers to gently smooth out the skin and wipe the glare off Jungkook's features.

"Why are you offended?" Jimin asked with a small smile, shaking Jungkook's hand off his wrist to hold it on his own. "Being cute isn't an insult."

Jungkook's face was back to being a tomato red, his hand jolting out of Jimin's and pushing his shoulder slightly. Jimin chuckled. He found it cute how Jungkook had been the one to ask him out yet he was still too shy to hold hands on the streets.

"It is to me." He mumbled.


"Because I'm not a baby, i don't want to be called cute." Jungkook answered.

"But you are cute, baby." Jimin said, voice dripping with seduction as he looked up to Jungkook with sly eyes.

"Don't you fucking d-dare call me that again." Jungkook threatened between his teeth, not realising how ridiculous he looked with the small stutter in his words and his flushed cheeks.

"What? Cute or baby?" Jimin teased, a beautiful smile playing at his lips.

Instead of answering, Jungkook raised a kick to Jimin's butt, making him stumble forward as he laughed.

"Shameless bastard!" He said as Jimin continued laughing. "How would you feel if I called you baby huh?"

Unfortunately he spoke a little louder than he had intended to, making Jimin's eyes widened in surprise slightly and several heads snap their way.

That made the poor boy want to disappear from the surface of the earth, a group of girls whispering and squealing amongst themselves as they looked at them.

Jimin ended up laughing even more at Jungkook's situation, before walking closer to him and leaning on his tiptoes, one of his hands resting on Jungkook's shoulder to whisper into his ear.

"I would love it, baby." he said, making Jungkook push him away and chase after him as soon as Jimin ran away, still laughing loudly.

just ate hot pot with my Chinese friends.

If anyone ever offers you to eat hot pot, say yes.

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