Episode 46

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"Jimin-ah hellOo!" Yeongsu said with the usual kick to his voice as he barged into the dojo.

Jimin was already inside, sitting cross legged on the tatamis, wrapping his hands for their session.

Yeongsu let his school bag drop to the floor, quickly jogging the few steps to join Jimin on the floor.

"Here, I got your bands out already." Jimin said as he motioned for the two rolls of fabric with the tip of his nose. "Jaesung is fighting with mom so I thought I'd come welcome you until it dies down."

Yeongsu nodded, undoing the buttons of his school uniform and slipping the fabric off. Jimin's eyes wandered up, tracing the older's defined form until it stopped on a small yellow hue over his rib cage.

"That healed up pretty quick." Jimin said.

Yeongsu followed Jimin's gaze to his own chest, before chuckling and slipping on a plain white shirt.

"Yeah well I'd appreciate it if you didn't paint me another one today. That hurt you know." He answered.

"I'm not going to go easy on you, that would be insulting to you." Jimin said as he stood up, hands finally wrapped and secure.

Yeongsu changed his slacks for a pair of loose sweatpants before dropping to the floor to wrap his own hands.

He looked up to Jimin who was tying his hair up, desperately trying to incorporate the strands of hair of the back of his head that had grown out from his undercut.

As his hands fiddled with the hair tie, his shirt rode up his stomach, revealing the definition of his abs.

He chuckled in disbelief, wondering if the younger could get any stronger.
A true machine was hiding under those glittery eyes and short stature.

"Jimin?" Yeongsu asked.

He hummed, shifting his eyes to meet the ones of his student.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "With what happened last week and all..."

Jimin's expression faltered for half a second, before a soft smiled crafted on his lips instead.

"Yeah, I was just feeling a little ill is all." He said with an affirmative nod, helping the other up before they started warming up.

"I'm thinking of quitting the Multi Combat Sports Club." Yeongsu said as both their bodies were starting to get ready for the session.

"Really?" Jimin said. "You sure? I mean, they do give a lot of really good opportunities."

Yeongsu nodded. "Yeah, I mean I got to compete in a lot of competitions thanks to the coach and all, but I fucking hate them."

Jimin listened intently as the name of the younger was mentioned.

"Really? Even Jungkook." Jimin said.

"Oh?" Yeongsu raised curious eyebrows as a knowing smile crafted in his lips. "You know him?"

"He comes over sometimes I guess." Jimin simply shrugged, not really sure what to call it. "He helped me out once, I owe him."

Yeongsu chuckled. He said the same thing.

"Well he's a sweet kid but he keeps staying with assholes. He doesn't do anything about them even though he's the captain and that pisses me off."

Jimin nodded, cracking his neck one last time before he and Yeongsu started sparring lightly.

Yeongsu was surprised by Jimin's skills, as he always was, admiring the accuracy of his kicks and the utmost concentration he was in.

Although he was sure he had progressed a lot since being trained under Coach Park, his son truly was on another level, still seeming so far away.

"Have you ever thought of fighting competitively?" Yeongsu asked as he dodged one of Jimin's bone crushing kicks.

"I have." Jimin answered, throwing a quick punch to Yeongsu's cheek but retracting his fist before it broke his bone.

"And?" Yeongsu asked. "You definitely have potential, maybe even for nationals."

Jimin couldn't help but break his concentration to laugh, jump kicking Yeongsu again.

"Flattering but very unrealistic." He said. "I'm not that good."

It was Yeongsu's turn to laugh.

"Jimin, you're a literal monster on a leash, you're holding back right now but you could end me in seconds." Yeongsu joked.

Jimin's didn't laugh. Instead, he continued attacking Yeongsu from every angle. Somehow it seemed like he was even faster and stronger than before.

Yeongsu was slowly retreating as he desperately tried to escape Jimin's sharp blows and fast reflexes.

He tripped as Jimin kicked his side, falling to the ground.

"That's exactly why I don't complete." Jimin said, huffing slightly as he looked down at Yeongsu with a foreign look in his eyes.

"That sound pretentious." Yeongsu laughed, trying to disperse the tense atmosphere as he got back on his feet.

Jimin chuckled.

"I guess."

"Round 2?" Yeongsu suggested, and Jimin nodded.


Jungkook nocked at the door softly, jumping as he heard a loud yell from the other side and stomping coming towards him.

The door was slammed open and he came face to face with Jimin's mother, seemingly angry with her eyebrows furrowed.

Her gaze softened as she saw him and her shoulders relaxed.

"Oh." She sighed. "It's you."

Jungkook smiled awkwardly, not sure if it was the right time to invite himself in Jimin's room again.

"Jimin is practicing down stairs, you can go get him." And said, pointing down at the dojo.

Jungkook nodded silently, slipping inside the house and tiptoeing down the stairs towards the large room.

He could hear the familiar sound of boxing gloves against each other, and the smell of confined spaces, heavy breaths and sweat.

He peered into the room, only to recognise Yang Yeongsu, his upper class men and club member, fighting against none other than Jimin.

Jimin was guiding the fight with his hand pads, urging Yeongsu to hit into them with his boxing flobes.

Both of them were impressively fast, especially Jimin who often had the time to gently hit Yeongsu for not being fast enough.

His eyes glazed over with admiration as he looked at the two of them, and only one thought circled through his mind.

He wanted to fight Jimin, one on one.

For one of the first times in his life, he felt the genuine want to fight someone. Not to hurt them of course, that was never his intention, he wanted to put his skills to the test. And see how strong Jimin truly was.

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