Episode 51

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"Morning Jimin." Namjoon said, his gentle voice music to the younger's ears.

Jimin waved at him with a closed lipped smile, weary of the teacher behind his friend giving him a mean look. Ever since he had been talking with Yeonsgu and Namjoon, teachers had been looking out for him when he spoke to confront him about not speaking in class.

"I have amazing news," Namjoon said as they started walking side by side to the lockers. "Leemin and Hansol got suspended for two weeks."

Jimin's head snapped to face him, wide and surprised eyes looking at Namjoon for further information. Although Leemin and Hansol being every teacher's worst nightmare was far from new, this was the first time they were actually punished further than a simple detention.

The coach of the MCSC had always been a smooth talker, and with all the influence the club had (mostly earning a lot of money from sponsorships and tournaments), he always managed to get his pupils out of trouble if it meant they could secure him a win.

"What did they even do? burn a classroom down?" Jimin joked as they finally reached his locker.

"No but close, they spray painted the staff bathroom, and put firecrackers under the toilet seat. The principal got a pretty nasty surprise and I think he was not happy about it," Namjoon said.

Jimin couldn't help but giggle. The thought of their old and crusty school principal sitting down on a toilet seat and jumping as the firecrackers pop under him was just too funny to resist.

"This means no more asshats to annoy you in the halls," the older then added as he looked down at Jimin with the softest of smiles.

Jimin smiled back, and as he looked at Namjoon he couldn't help the warmth blossoming in his chest. He truly was grateful to have met such kind hearted friends.

"Yah!" A yell broke through the hallway, and both students turned towards their friend, speed running towards them like their life depended on it.

"Good morning my friends, did you hear the news?" He asked, a goofy smile playing at his lips.

Jimin snorted as Namjoon flicked his forehead.

"We did Hyung," Jimin said.

As soon as he spoke, Yeongsu turned to him with an unusual glint in his eyes. It had been a few days since Jimin had noticed the different look in Yeongsu's eyes everytime he looked at him. It was as if he could read right through him to the most embarrassing thing that had happened to him and was silently laughing at him as Jimin stayed oblivious. Had Jungkook told him about that time melted cheese got stuck in his tongue piercing?

"What?" Jimin asked suspiciously, looking back at Yeongsu with a challenging gaze.

"Oh nothing," Yeongsu mused, until a certain someone came walking into their line of view.

"Yah!" Yeongsu immediately yelled, waving frantically as both Jimin and Namjoon hid behind the younger's locker door in embarrassment. "Jungkook-ah."

Jimin perked up at the name slightly, peeking from the side of the locker door as a small smile tugged at his lips. His eyes fell upon his boyfriend, walking towards them, just as embarrassed from his obnoxious senior. Jungkook had started to wear the winter uniform, switching his short sleeve button up shirt for the long sleeved one, even adding the navy blue cardigan over it.

He looked hot. Like some kind of idol doing the school look concept.

"Come here boy." Yeongsu said as he wrapped a strong arm around Jungkook's neck, pulling his head down slightly to mess up his hair. "How about having lunch with us today mhm?"

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