Episode 48

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Jimin laid across his bed, hand supporting his head as he wrote down his reasonings for math practice questions.

His legs, revealed by another pair of shorter-than-necessary-shorts, were swinging back and forth behind him, and Wednesday was curled up in a ball in the dip of his lower back.

Jungkook was sitting cross legged at his office chair, leaning back into the confortable material as he ran his hand along the fur of Monday's slightly chubbier body.

His teeth were gently nibbling at his lower lip as he blatantly stared at the older.

He seemed unreal as the light breeze poured into the room on a particularly pleasant day.

His hair falling out of the large hair clip he had messily clasped around his black strands. The red lips Jungkook had found more and more alluring in a soft pout as he pressed the rubber of his pencil against them and eyes casted down to his notes, every blink seemed heavy because of his long lashes.

Ah... fuck he's being cute again.

Jungkook thought, thinking back to the sight of Jimin and Yeongsu fighting.

remember what Yeongsu said, just go for it. He thought

"Jimin?" He almost whispered, feeling the gentle purr of Monday under his now unmoving hand, as if a whisper of an encouragement.

"Mhm?" The latter hummed, his body raising slightly at the action, making Wednesday open a lazy eye.

"Can we... talk?" He asked.

Am I really doing this?

Jimin seemed absorbed by his exercise for a few seconds, before he slapped the pencil against the paper and slowly sat up, urging Wednesday to jump of him. Jimin shifted his weight to his heals to stretch his arms out, a small groan coming from him.

Jungkook let a small chuckle escape his lips as he watched the boy and cat mirror each other.

Then Jimin sat back up straight, swinging his legs in front of him to let them dangle off his slightly high bed, both of his hands flat against the mattress at his sides.

"Of course." Jimin smiled softly, his warm eyes twinkling. "What's up?"

Fuck it. Come on Jeon Jungkook, you are definitely doing this.

"I- erm." He hesitated for a second, eyes falling back down to his lap, unable to keep eye contact. "I like you."

And just like that, he breathed out what was probably the most relieving sigh of his life. The weight had finally been lifted of his shoulders, he could finally be proud.

No matter what Jimin's answer was, it felt unexplainably amazing to have just said it.

"You do?" Jimin asked, completely surprised.

Jungkook looked back up to him, met with the adorable sight of Jimin's now slightly rounded eyes and raised eyebrows.

"Yeah?" Jungkook said shakily. "Wanna... go out?"

Well, that was harder than actually confessing his feelings.

"I- wow." Jimin said, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. "I mean, wow. I can't believe this is happening."

Jimin hadn't answer any of Jungkook's questions yet, but he was smiling.

"I- I never really saw you in that light..." Jimin said, words gripping Jungkook's heart tightly. "But, I mean I do think you're cute."

Jungkook felt as if the grip had loosened, letting his poor heart beat faster in anticipation.

"We could..." Jimin twisted a strand of hair between his fingers, looking at the movement as if to avoid his burning gaze.

This was the first time Jungkook saw him getting flustered, but he sure as hell hoped he would get to see it again.

"Try taking it slow?" Finally Jimin's eyes met Jungkook's and the younger couldn't help the huge smile that broke on his face.

He turned the chair around a few times as he felt the giddy feeling course through his body.

"Are you," He started, pushing the rolling chair closer to the bed until Jimin's hand reached for the armrest to stop it. "Are you saying yes to... being my- boyfriend?"

The words felt foreign on his tongue, but they felt right to be spoken at Jimin.

He giggled. "Yeah, that's what I'm saying."

And Jungkook pushed the chair back again, letting it spin for another few times, closing his fists tightly in accomplishment as the realisation finally sunk in that he was dating Jimin now.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much." Jimin said with a chuckle, bringing him back to reality.

He didn't answer, simply standing up with Monday in his arms and walking the few steps that separated them before bending down to place the chastest of kisses to Jimin's cheek.

"I'm just really happy that you said yes." Jungkook said truthfully, sitting on the bed before he let his body fall into the plush covers, legs dangling off the edge next to Jimin's.

Jimin smiled, slightly in awe that the ever so closed off Jungkook had just kissed his cheek so sweetly. He turned around to face his now boyfriend, leaning on one of his arms that was next to Jungkook as he looked at him.

Jungkook tilted his head forward, noticing Jimin's gaze before he looked away sheepishly, a dumb smile at his lips.

"Are you getting shy?" Jimin asked in a chuckle. "After all that tough boy act?"

"Shut up." Jungkook said, biting on his lip to try to suppress his smile but failing miserably.

Jimin couldn't help but smile as well, apparently Jungkook's good mood was rubbing of on him.

He slowly let his body fall back on the bed as well, turned slightly face the younger. Deciding to tease him, he propped his head on Jungkook's shoulder and placed his hand on his chest, surprised at how warm he was.

But instead of shying away or just blatantly pushing him off like he would have done a few months ago, Jungkook's arm slowly rose over Jimin's smaller frame, drapping over his shoulder and bringing closer.

Jimin hadn't really felt any feelings to Jungkook before and had mostly accepted dating him because he liked to tease Jungkook and the confession had made him question his motives, but he had to admit Jungkook made him feel confortable at that moment.

"When did you start liking me?" He asked softly, thumb stroking Jungkook's black shirt softly as he looked at his hand rise and fall with the movement of his breathing.

"I don't know." Jungkook shrugged slightly, hand unknowingly playing with Jimin's long hair. "Kinda just happened."

"I'm happy you told me." Jimin said.

"Mhm." Jungkook hummed, rolling to his side as well to wrap his other arm around him, cuddling him close and burying his face in Jimin's hair. "This is nice."

"Mhm." Jimin breathed, rubbing his nose into the fabric of Jungkook's shirt as his arm slid around his small waist.

hey guys! I'm back!

I just wanted to catch up with everyone, how have you been?

Are you guys in middle school,? high school? Uni? How old are you guys?

I'm 16 and in my first year of uni as an English lit and creative writing major.

It's pretty lit (see what I did there) ngl, but I do have a lot of work.

Hope you guys liked this chapter btw :)

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