Episode 14

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She shot up from her seat, going to help him.

"Are you right?" She asked as she took the teacher's place to help him onto one of the beds. "I'm sorry I tried to call the teacher as fast as possible but I was too late."

Jimin shook his head with a small smile.

"You did good." The teacher said as he sat in a stool next to the bed. "Could you tell me what happened out there?"

The girl nodded. "I was going to get something from the vending machine. But... those two boys arrive and said-... they said i shouldn't eat anymore because i was too fat already." The girl's eyes flooded with tears. "They tripped me and pushed me against the vending machine. Then-" Her breath caught in her throat. "One of them stepped on my face and... he told be me it hurt him to see my face."

Jimin clenched his fist so hard he knew he would get nail prints on his palm later. Those two boys, didn't even deserve to breath with everything they did to innocent students.

But then again, did he?

With everything he'd done.

The girl took a bunch of cleaning wipes and pressed them gently against his bloody nose. The teacher nodded, asking her for her name and class before leaving.

"My name is Jaebyul." she'd said softly, looking at Jimin. "I'm in 1-f."

Jimin didn't answer as the teacher left, closing the door behind him, only tapping the name tag in his cardigan.

"Park... Ji-min?" She said hesitantly.

Jimin nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, for helping me." She said.

Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

"You know, most of the school knows you." She said. "The ones who were usually bullied, all the guys and girls you helped up, and everyone you got out of trouble. We all remember you."

Jimin smiled, all traces of anger he'd felt slowly vanishing.

"I was told about you before, about a second year who didn't hesitate to stop fights, but I never believed it." She cleaned the last of the blood from his nose, noticing it had stopped. "Well, I do now."

Jimin patted her shoulder softly, and she chuckled shyly.

She took some ice and placed it on his bruises cheek, it stayed there ten minutes before Jimin stood up and placed it back into the fridge.

He didn't limp anymore, and took both of their bags before walking away, Jaebyul on his trail. They both walked down the empty hallways, all the students already being in class.

He stopped, and she almost bumped into his back. She looked up, noticing the class tag.

Jimin handed her her bag and waved at her.

She bowed one last time, before sliding the door and stepping into the room.

A few hallways later, he was into his own, the entire class quieting down as he stepped in with his purple cheek and his blood stained cardigan.

"Park Jimin, Jesus Christ! Are you alright?" She asked, putting down the book she'd been holding.

The boy nodded, sinking in his seat and taking out his things.

"Well then- Uhm... So the trigonometric circle."

And with that she continued her course, unaware of her entire class only focusing on the boy at the front of the class, and the two boys missing from the back row.


"Did you see what happened to Park Jimin from class 2-c?"

"Yeah! heard it was Hanseol and Leemin."

"From the MCSC?"


"Well it was to be expected, everyone in that club is an ass."

"Jimin-ssi, are you alright?"

Jimin didn't look up to the girl's voice, simply nodding his head as he continued to glare at his notebook. He was sure that if anyone got too close he would definitely injure them.

He was mad.

After around thirty minutes, Leemin and Hanseol had come back to class with smug look on their faces, dropping into their seats before boasting about not having anything expect detention for the rest of the week.

Now them hitting JImin wasn't the problem, he was confident that if he really was over being patient, he could send both of them to ER in under ten minutes.

But stepping on a defenseless first year such as Jaebyul and not paying for it, that really pissed him off.

"Yah! Jimshit, is your nose all right?" Hanseol asked with a smirk.

Jimin kept silent, biting his lips when he felt a ball of paper hit the back of his head, then a pen, and then a rubber.

He looked down at his clenched hands, his fists almost trembling now. He opened them slowly, seeming them dripping with blood. He could hear yells and sobs echoing in his ears again.

His heart was blasting through his entire body, anger burning in the pit of his stomach, slowly darkening his insides.

Another rubber hit his head.

His thought blanked, snapping back to reality. The yells stopped instantly to be replaced with the eerie silence of the classroom, the students pretending to be blind as they looked out the window or at their notebooks, only the snickers of the two boys remained. When he looked back at his hands, they were clean again.

Don't lose control yet.

thanks for 700 reads!! How have y'all been?? Still holding up either the confinement?

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