Episode 2

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"Alright kids this is it!" The driver yelled from his seat as per usual.

The students poured out of bus chatting and yelling away towards their classes, Jungkook following in the stream of people.

He waited for the Seok couple to follow, the two boys walking towards him with they're usual smile, each one taking a place on either side of him.

Not many knew of their relationship, though they didn't necessarily hide it. Probably why Seokjin still got so many confession, although who could blame them?

Seokjin was undoubtedly the most popular senior, with his beautiful features that reminded every girl of their favourite k-drama actor and his charming personality.
He was part of the drama class, and no one would ever miss their shows in order not to miss his dreamy performance.

Hoseok, was also quite the social butterfly, known by most in the establishment as the captain of the dance club and most friendly senior there was.

Having been together for such a long time, the couple didn't really need to be all to lovey-dovey all the time anymore (which Jungkook was very grateful for because he'd had a hard time when they were still in their puppy love faze).
They knew they loved each other and didn't feel the need to shove it in everyone else's face explicitly.

"Bye Jungkookie, see you at lunch." The two seniors waved away as they parted ways, Jungkook making his way to the lockers as they went off to their different classes.

He was soon joined by other members of the MCSC team, chatting away as they followed him to his locker. Forming the all too well known gang of aggressive dudes and bullies (probably the biggest reason so many people were intimidated by Jungkook, assuming he was like his friends).

He sighed an annoyed sigh, unlocking his locker and getting his things out lazily, not at all ready to sit through another one of Mrs Yang's boring geography class, the other boys still laughing around him.

"Did you do the math homework?" One of them had asked as he playfully squared up to him and they started softly boxing at each other.

"Nah, I just copied on goody two shoes." The other answered.

"Is he a good to copy. Though?" Another asked as he leaned against the locked next to Jungkook and looked at the small combat.

"Yeah dude, he always gets all the answers right and he has a super neat handwriting." The first answered, stopping his fight with one last jab at the other before slapping his back twice.

"Damn, give me his name, what class is he in?"


"Oh? Isn't that Jungkook's class too?"

Jungkook looked up from his locker, closing and locking it before throwing his bag over his shoulder and raising an eyebrow at them.

"Yeah?" He asked halfly, not having followed their previous conversation.

"Damn, so lucky to have Park Jimin in your class." One of them said longingly as he leaned backwards against the locker, rolling his head back for it to touch the metal surface in a small bang.

"Never heard of him." Jungkook shrugged.

"Aw come on dude, he's like, the literal gold mine of the class, everyone always copies on him." Hanseol said, wrapping an arm around Jungkook's shoulder as they finally started to walk off to their class.

Jungkook shook his heads, still not knowing who the group was talking about. He didn't need some nerd to do his homework, most of their assignments were pretty easy and he didn't have much else to do after his practice because his father always hogged the Tv and he only had a shabby flip phone.

"Yah! That's him." One of the boys pointed out to a small boy in the sea of students.

He had long back hair, falling over his ears, partially covering his eyes and going down to a few centimetres past his hairline on the back of his head. Thin gold framed glasses rested over his small nose, his full lip tucked in a straight line.

In his hands, were clutched what seemed to be the contents of his backpack, seemingly drenched with water as it dripped on the ground, his empty and open bag slung around his shoulder.

Despite the pretty hot weather, and contrary to all the other boys who wore they're short sleeved shirts, Park Jimin wore his winter uniform, including the light gray cardigan he must have ordered at least two sizes too big for it to be that loose.

He wore the uniform black dress pants neatly, with white socks covering his ankles above his white indoor shoes.

Not a single centimetre of his skin could be seen except the tip of his fingers, the very top of his neck and the bottom half of his face.

"What a prude, dressing like that in such a hot weather." Laughed one of the boys, the others following.

Jungkook laughed as well, because he had to admit it was quite funny to see someone so heavily clothed despite the high temperatures. He made a mental note not to forget about the boy if he ever needed some answers before heading to his class, a few of the boys heading the same way.


happy Min Yoongi day friends!

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See you on Wednesday~

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