Episode 7

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"Boys! I'm home!" A loud voice yelled from the stairs, the hurried footsteps going down the steps and resonating in the studio.

The woman came in just as Jimin practiced his tricking, his father watching him closely as he jumped through the hair almost beautifully, displaying a large skill set of flips and kicks he had practiced thousands of times in order to do them almost without thinking.

"Aigoo, that's my son alright! Look at this Jae, he's doing this better than you are." She giggled.

"Well of course he is, he's half my age." The man shot back as Jimin landed his last double trip, landing on the floor a little hard and stumbling slightly. "Careful there, that's hard on your knees." He commented, his son nodding running a hand through his long hair and bending down to retrieve his fallen scrunchie, slightly dizzy from all the flips and spins he'd just done.

"Yeah Yeah, make excuses." The woman laughed loudly, walking to the large windows that lined one of the walls. "My lord, please open the fucking windows it stinks of sweat and man in here." She complained, opening one of the windows and turning to the two males, hands on her hips.

She gasped as soon as she saw Jimin's face.

"My lord Jae!" She squealed. "What did you do our beautiful son's face." She exclaimed, stomping her way to her husband, the man backing away slightly.


Jimin laughed. As much as he respected his father, he had to admit he always looked ridiculous when he was being scolded by his wife.

"You-you-you what?" She mocked, already fuming. "You shall not bruise the fucking human i took sixteen fucking yet to raise." she said, making Jimin laugh even more.

"But he must learn to defend himself." Jaesung justified as he followed Chanseol to their son, the woman cupping her son's cheeks and softening her gaze instantly.

"We both know he's perfectly capable of doing that." She said, before turning to their son. "Are you okay Minnie, i don't have to kick him out right?" She said, not listening to her husband's excuses and apologies behind her.

"I'm fine mom, if anything, i beat the shit out of him." He said with a smile.

"Don't get too full of yourself kid." His father smeared but immediately looked down when Chanseol shot him a glare.

A smile spread across his mother's features.

"Good job Jimin, that's my son." She said, hitting his back and probably causing more damage than his father through the entire two hour long practice.

"Come on boys, i saw dinner was ready, let's go to the table." She said loudly, as per usual, walking back up the stairs whilst singing a tune even louder.

Jimin and his father shared an amused look, before going towards the showers that had been installed next to the stairs.

Soon enough, the two males were clean, and finally permitted to going up to the dining room to enjoy Jaesung's meal. Jimin stayed shirtless, only wearing a pair of basketball shorts as to not be too hot in the home with broken ac.

His mother had also taken off her shirt, leaving her in simple black sports bra and some basketball shorts as well.

Neither of the males minded, as it had become normal to wear minimum clothing in the hot house, also because Chanseol's body being entirely covered in tattoos made them admire all the art that had been drawn on her body.

Before becoming an underground tattoo artist, Chanseol had been employed as a florist, thus giving her very very strong botanic knowledge.

She knew so many flower names, as well as their meanings it always astonished Jimin when she brought home flowers to display on the coffee table of the living room, explaining their history as well as their meanings.

Jimin's mother's tattoos were mostly plants, because it was what meant the most to her. Communicating words through flowers.

The boy had a few flower tattoos himself, his mother always incorporating them in her drawings in some way. The most obvious one had to be the large gladiolus that was drawn on the side of his neck -being the reason Jimin had to buy makeup to cover up the ink that wasn't covered by his school uniform.

Only one flower was depicted, it's petals a mix of blue and purple, the colour blue symbolize strength wisdom and trust; the purple combining the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red, associated with nobility, power, piece, pride and ambition.

The flower itself represented strength of character, faithfulness, sincerity and encouraged him to never give up.

"So how was your day today Jimin-ah," His mother asked with a smile.


"It was fine i guess." Jungkook answered his father's question, who apparently hadn't listened to him, too concentrated on the match that played on the tv.

He sighed, looking away and taking a bight of his chicken breast and broccoli as he watched longingly at his father's pizza.

Jungkook's father, Jeon Songhyung, was an unemployed man, always in front of the tv or at the bar, resulting in him being quite the heavy individual.

His mother often being away for business trips, his father had been his main example growing up, and he honestly regret looking up to him for all those years.

The man was egoistical, spending most of the money sent by his mother in alcohol, prostitutes and casinos.

Jungkook's parents had divorced when he was around eight, but his father had gained full custody of him simply because he had lied and tricked the judges in every way possible. He was lucky the woman was often on business trips and had been deemed too busy to take care of a child, or he would have never been sent money.

Of course, Jungkook's mother wanted him to use the money on good food and extrascolar activities for his son to indulge in, but his father decide otherwise.

Songhyung loved watching tv while eating pizza, most of the time, it was the UFC reruns from america.

He had pushed his passion on his son, forcing him into boxing and martial arts classes and making him eat only what he needed in order to bring the best performance.

Deep down, Jungkook really didn't like the violence he would sometimes see in his classes, his teacher being a very aggressive man. What he liked about Boxing, was the feeling of strength and controle he got from it, like he could accomplish anything and was stronger than everyone.

As a kid, he had always been rather gentle, not really the stereotypical macho man his father wanted him to be. He liked coloring and singing as well as baking cakes with his mother.

But his father had deemed those hobbies, 'too weak for a man' and signed him up for Taekwondo to make him a more respectable man.

It had changed Jungkook through the years, making him a lot more cocky and sometimes even violent.

Good thing he had met Seokjin and Hoseok, who had made it their job to make their younger friend a decent human being, toning down his anger issues and aggressivity. As well as trying to make him open up to things he had never opened up to in his conservative household, like homosexuality for example.

And even though Jungkook had a hard time accepting it, he had to admit he had never really felt attracted to a woman before.


yo so because of the confinement, we've been clearing out all of the leftovers from the freezer.

We ate back meals from Christmas when it's literally spring already-

Oh and thank you for 300 reads :)

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