Episode 36

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"Finally back?" Taehyung called from the couch, sprawled out with the remote in hand watching some cheesy kdrama.

Jungkook didn't answer, simply dropping his body next to his best friend's letting a sigh escape his lips.

The older furrowed his eyebrows, looking at the new arrivant who hadn't made any remark over the drama being too sappy for a guy to watch.

He looked up to his brother who was sitting at the dining table on the other side of the room, having interupted his study session to look at Jungkook questioningly.

"Is that a princess peach bandaid?" Taehyung asked, pointing at his cheek with a small smile. "Didn't think you'd ever be caught dead wearing that."

Jungkook bolted up from the couch, slapping Taehyung hand away from his face in the process.

"Guys shouldn't waste their time watching sappy romance series. Those are made for pre-teen girls." He spat, grabbing the remote from Taehyung's hands and turning the tv off.

"I mean... so is your bandaid" Taehyung scoffed, snatching the remote and turning the tv back on. "Looks pretty cool on you though, not gonna lie."

"Fuck you." Jungkook growled, stomping to the bathroom and slamming the door behind him.

Both brothers looked at each other with questioning eyes. Jungkook had always been rather hot blooded, but he seemed in an especially bad mood tonight.

They shrugged it off and got back to their activities, there was no way they would get anything out of Jungkook in the state he was in anyway.

In the bathroom, Jungkook was gripping the sides of the sink, glaring at his reflection and the princess peach bandaid.

"Why would you want a Barbie doll?" His father scoffed. "Yah did you get hit too hard in practice?"

He tugged on his son's hand, making him stumble forward slightly.

"Boys don't play with Barbie dolls, here." He handed his son a toy truck. "This is better for you."

"But I like Barbies..." the boy mumbled.

Jungkook shook his head, trying to get the stupid memories out of his head.

But the image of Jimin popped into his mind. He first saw long hair, brushing against his shoulders when he was at school or tied with a scrunchy the times he'd seen him at home.

Then his room, plastered with posters of shirtless Taeyang and Bigbang, Sailor Moon and Taekwando posters or tickets to fights.

Finally, his thin and short frame, looking down shyly back in the alley, a few seconds before he launched forward to beat five people in a fight and run away.

And the pink bandaid, stuck to his caramel skin.

If he ripped it off, it would hurt, but he wouldn't have to see it anymore. If he left it, he would need to see it in the morning everyday.

His eyes clouded with bitter tears, remembering all the colouring books his father had thrown away, all the times he'd banged on the bathroom door to prevent his soft voice from singing, all the times he'd pulled him away from the girls playing around with dolls and braiding his hair.

His hand furiously wiped at his tears, slapping his face to get a hold of himself, before it grazed the bandaid with the tip of his finger.

Jimin came up in his mind again, and his heart tightened at the thought of his soft smile and gentle voice.

Fuck. He thought, hitting his chest to stop his heart from dancing in his rib cage, more tears welling up in his eyes.

Why did I have to end up gay? Out of all the people in the world, why did it have to be me?

He slapped his cheek again, wiping away the rest of his tears and glaring at the mirror again.

His fingers went to the bandaid again.

Man up! It's just a fucking bandaid!

He ripped it away from his skin, revealing the small cut underneath. He looked down at the pink band aid, with the princess peach smiling widely at him.

Yeah... just a bandaid...

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