Episode 69

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"Mom...?" Jimin echoed, turning back to the woman walking towards the rest of them.

Jungkook very rarely spoke of his mother, and even when he did it was to clarify his family's situation. Namely, that his mother had divorced his father but lost the custody of her son because of recurrent business trips out of the country.

"Jungkook," the woman whispered, worry clearly painted across her features. "I looked everywhere for you, but your father changed you from your old school and moved, I couldn't find you and I... I."

She never finished her sentence, wrapping her arms around her son and pulling him into a bone crushing embrace.

"I was so worried," she whispered.

Jungkook seemed utterly flabbergasted, his hands hovering around his mother's frame in shock. He quickly glanced at Jimin, a panicked look that Jimin could easily read as 'what the hell do i do?!'.

Jimin simply smiled, giving him an encouraging look.

"Now," Jungkook's mother said, loosening the embrace to take a look at her son's bruised features. She turned to look at Jimin, eyes suddenly cold. "What happened here?"

"Just a simple fight Miss, everything has been taken care of already," Jimin's mother piped in.

"I don't think so," she replied, taking a step closer to Jimin and towering over him, now he knew who Jungkook got his height from. "Clearly you don't seem very concerned about the consequences of your actions."

"Mom!" Jungkook tried to level from behind her.

"No, no, this young gentlemen should know not to mess with my son."

Jimin looked back to Jungkook, eyes wide in an attempt to ask what was the best course of action not to anger his mother even further. Jungkook simply mirrored his gaze with yet another panicked glance.

"We apologies, but our sons were simply involved in some friendly banter, I'm sure it was nothing serious-" Jimin's father attempted, stepping in next to his son.

"Nothing serious? Clearly you haven't seen the state of my son," Mrs Jeon answered rather calmly.

"We have," Jaesung glanced over her shoulder to Jungkook, "Jungkook doesn't seem that remorseful."

Mrs Jeon did not seem convinced, but as Jungkook gently pinched the sleeve of her blazer, she turned around to meet his downcast eyes.

"Jungkookie, are you alright?" she asked. "You can tell me if you want me to press charges, we can-"

"I'm fine mom." Jungkook said. "Jimin and I made up already"

"Oh you're just like your father," his mother said in an exasperated sigh, "this isn't how you deal fights. If someone is attacks you, you shouldn't fight them back but press charges. Charges Jungkook. Don't let people hurt you like this..."

Miss Jeon did not realise just how deeply her words had hurt both of the boys in front of her.

Jungkook looked down, visibly hurt at the fact he had just been compared to his father, the man he had been trying so hard to grow away from. Jimin had just been called an attacker, and everyone in the room tensed at the mention of pressing charges.

Jungkook glanced apologetically at his boyfriend.

"Mom, Jimin isn't like that he-"

"I don't want to hear it, we should deal with this in legal terms and settle for-"

"Mom!" Jungkook suddenly yelled, utterly frustrated. "I told you to stop! Why don't you listen to me?!"

"Because clearly this young man isn't someone you would want to associate with," she said to him, "I mean look at him, he has tattoo's and piercings everywhere!"

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