Dressing Rooms and Secret Purchases

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Hey all!! Hope you like...i dont really have much to say because nothing new has happened! Read Review Vote :)

As he leaned up against her, she bit down on his shoulder, their breathing became normal, and she began to laugh, “I guess El is going to have to buy this one.”

He gave a hearty laugh, “I will buy this one. And I require you wear it and nothing else when you are in my room.”

It was her turn to laugh loudly. She replied, “I would normally object but in this instance I will agree due to the circumstances. Should I try any more on?”

“I think the saleswomen would start to get suspicious if every time you tried one on it took about twenty minutes to take off.” He kissed her neck gently and she leaned into the feeling and let out a light moan. He pulled away and zipped up his fly and looked at her, “Well?”

“Well What?”

“I need to pay for that. You should probably hand it over.” His smirk was so apparent he could not try to hide it.

She rolled her eyes, “Anything to get me naked huh?”

“Of course.” With that she slid the underwear down and un hooked the bra and tossed the clump of lingerie at him. She began to get dressed when he looked over to see the other ‘outfits’ she had not tried. He grabbed them, “I will go and put these back.” He ran out of the dressing room and to the counter. He saw El and waved her over. “Go distract Dylan so I can pay for this stuff.”

“What took her so long? What is that mark on your shoulder?” Harry said nothing and watched as the cashier continued to ring up the products. “You didn’t?!” El punched his shoulder.

“Will you just go distract her?” He pushed her towards the changing room.

“235 sir.” The cashier said. He handed his card over and entered his pin.

“Thanks” He grabbed the bag quickly and he saw as Eleanor and Dylan walked out from the back. Dylan was glowing. He felt himself become deviously happy knowing he was the reason for it. He walked up to them and lifted the bag, “All paid for.”

She blushed and looked at the bag, “That’s an awfully big bag for two things.”

He quickly covered it up by saying that they ran out of smaller bags. She nodded her head in understanding and they walked out of the store. He accidentally bumped into some one and quickly apologized but the girl then screamed, “Oh My God!! It’s Harry Styles. And Eleanor! AND Dylan!!”

“Shit!” All three of them hollered and quickly began to run to Eleanor’s car. He looked back to see the amount of people running after them getting larger. They made it into the car and drove as fast as they could. Were running after the car trying to catch cabs to follow them but they were able to speed away. He looked into the backseat to see Dylan breathing heavily with her eyes wide like a scared puppy dog.

“I am so sorry Dylie,” El began to apologize.

“Why? At this point I guess it is just part of the territory of sleeping with someone famous.” She shrugged trying to hide her emotions. Harry knew she felt uncomfortable but he was not going to say something for fear of her snapping at him.

“So that is all you guys are doing? Sleeping together?” El tried to look between them as well as keep her eyes on the road. He could hear the disappointment in her voice.

“El can we not have this discussion. Your boyfriend already tried to lecture me about this. We are what we are. Ok?” He replied annoyed. He looked and saw Dylan just looking out the window trying to ignore the question and the answer.

“Well I guess the rest of our plans for the day will be rescheduled?” asking trying to change the subject. Dylan simply nodded. When El pulled up to Dylan’s apartment, Dy quickly hopped out of the seat and walked up to the door. El looked over at Harry with her eyebrows raised. He looked at her confused, “Harry…get out of my car.”

He snapped out of his trance and grabbed his bags he bought Dy and chased after her. “Wait up!” he hollered as she walked through the door. He grabbed it and began to take a step into the complex when she turned to look at him.

“Were you planning to come in for some reason?” She had a venomous tone about the question and she raised an eyebrow when he didn’t answer quickly.

“At least to put your bags down.” He raised his hands that were carrying her gifts. She began to walk away and up the stairs which was his clue to continue following her. He was behind her as she climbed the stairs and he could not help the fact her perfectly shaped bum was basically in his face. It was seriously perfect. It was firm but had a bounce when she walked.

She opened her apartment door and left it open for him, “You can leave the bags on the couch. See you Thursday.” She began to walk towards her bedroom door. Did she expect him just to leave? He shut her door and placed the bags on the couch and was heading towards her bedroom to talk to her when he watched her taking off her shirt and then unsnapping her bra. She turned halfway around so he could see half of her half naked torso. She was reaching into a drawer to grab a t-shirt. He quickly walked into the room and grabbed the shirt out of her hand. She jumped a bit and turned fully to face him. Her breasts pressed against his shirt.

“There is no way I am letting you put that on right now,” his voice was husky and he smirked down at her. He saw her try hard not to smile. His hands began to graze her sides up to the sides of her breasts and her eyes closed as she gently bit her lower lip. With one of his arms he pulled her even closer to him and they fell onto the bed.

When he climbed off her and laid by her side he had the widest smile on his face. Hearing her say his name made him so happy he could not even describe it. As his breathing began to settle he looked over at her to see her eyes were closed and her breathing was slow and steady. She had fallen asleep, so fast. She looked calm and happy. He brushed some hair away from her face and decided she would probably be made if they spent another night together so he grabbed his boxer briefs, pants, and jacket. His shirt had been ripped off in the heat of the moment so he decided to just leave it there.

He got dressed and was about to leave when he saw the bag of lingerie. He needed to take out what she had no clue he bought her. He quietly grabbed it and tucked in under his jacket. He grabbed his keys almost forgetting he had driven there before they went shopping and slowly snuck out of her apartment.

Awww he is just too sweet!! Read Review Vote :) :) :)

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