Long Drives and Family Matters

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So as I was writing this chapter I was listening to Take Me Home and two times as I was writing the song was literally telling my story. Coincidence...I think not! It means I shouldl be BFFs with them! Anywho Read Review Vote! Hope you enjoy :)

When he opened the door to his own flat Louis was charging at him with a massive grin. He began jumping up and down and gently pushing Harry playfully. “You are my IDOL! A dressing room?! Amazing! Where’s your shirt?”

Harry remembered how his shirt looked and laughed. “In pieces,” he replied.

“Animal!” Louis looked shocked and happy.

Harry walked to his room and through his stuff on the chair and lay on his bed to stare at the ceiling. His mind went straight to Dylan. He wanted to figure out a way to tell her how they were meant to be together. Not in just a sexual nature. He wanted to be able to kiss her, hold her hand, in public. He wanted to be able to stay they night and not feel guilty about leaving in the morning. He needed to change her mind. At least for the next three months.

The rest of the week was uneventful. Dylan had not reached out to him. He knew this was not uncommon. She said she doesn’t text people for months. When he heard a knock on his door on Thursday he knew who it was. He opened the door. “Oh! Hello Dylan,” he smiled as she walked through the door with a small suitcase.

“Hello,” she sang.

“Let me grab my bag and then we can head out.” He walked to his room to grab an extra batch of condoms to throw in the suitcase and came back out. She was standing there talking to Louis who seemed to be giving her a lecture. When she looked over at Harry she smiled gently and Louis spun around and gave a largely fake smile.

“All ready?” she asked breaking the silence. He nodded and they made their way past Louis and down to his car. He grabbed her bag and loaded it into the boot with his. They climbed into the car and he began the drive.

She seemed so calm he was surprised but he said nothing about it. He turned the radio on to break the silence and she watched his every move. He couldn’t see it but he felt it. She was the one to speak first, “How long is the drive?” she asked.

“Give or take three hours.”

“Great.” She rolled her eyes jokingly, “ You mean we actually have to have a three hour long conversation?” he looked over to see a smile on her face. He again could not control his smile.

“You already started with the sarcasm? Its only been five minutes!” he said exasperated.

“Obviously” she threw up her arms to over exaggerate, “What did you tell your parents about us, or me, or whatever?”

“Nothing. I told them I was bringing a friend home and they should set up the guest bedroom. We will be at my mums until Saturday and then we stay with my father until late Sunday.” He looked over at her and he could see she seemed more nervous than he was expecting.

“So they assume nothing?”

“I didn’t really specify your gender.” He admitted. He heard her laugh and the conversation dwindled. For about a half hour the car was silent except the radio. He looked over at her and saw her hands playing with each other. He knew it was nerves so he reached over to grab one of her hands. She looked down at it, questioning where it had come from, and followed the arm back up to him. He lifted it off her lap and brought her hand to his lips. “Almost as soft as your gorgeous lips.” He smirked.

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