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"There she is," Vinnie muttered as he watched a blonde haired woman look left, then right, then left again, before she walked briskly down the sidewalk and towards a white BMW. She scanned her surroundings once more, then ducked into the car and sped off.

"If she's going to try to be inconspicuous, then her hair probably shouldn't be platinum blonde." Dante commented from his place in the passenger seat, "She could've at least worn a hat, she sticks out like a sore thumb."

They had gotten a tip from one of their soldiers that worked out of the Bronx, about a possible Tiffany sighting. So they had spent the last two hours waiting for her to emerge from a rundown laundromat, that was coincidently owned by the Santorelli Family. At first glance it looked to be a decrepit laundromat in need of a good paint job, but it actually housed most of the cocaine they pushed on the streets.

"No one said the girl was smart," Vinnie responded.

"You want to follow her, or let her go?" Dante asked.

"Let's follow her," Vinnie started up the car and drove several car lengths behind Tiffany's. She attempted to parallel park in front of cafe and then hurried inside and sat at a table near the window.

"She's waiting for someone," Dante commented as Vinnie parked the car farther down the street.

Vinnie hummed in response, his mind kept drifting off to Laura and her well-being. He had been in constant contact with the men of the Bellucci family, but he hadn't dared to ask how Laura was faring. The last thing he wanted to do was raise suspicion about the true nature of his relationship with her, especially since she was a married woman.

"Who's that," Dante nearly jumped out of his seat.

"I can't tell from this far, get the binoculars and take a look."

Dante reached into the duffle bag in the back seat and pulled out a pair of binoculars, he aimed them at the entrance of the cafe. "Fucking shit."

"What? Who is it?" Vinnie demanded.

"Monica," Dante said.

"Monica Bellucci?" Vinnie asked.

"Yeah, she's sitting down with Tiffany."

Vinnie ran a hand through his hair, "I thought the Bellucci's were all supposed to be on lockdown. Joe said that the women weren't allowed off of the property."

"Well, she found a way to get out," Dante said.

"I'm calling Giovanni, let's see what he wants to do."

Vinnie called Gio's number, after several rings he picked up, "What?"

"Hello to you too sunshine," Dante muttered.

"We've got an interesting development." Vinnie continued to stare at the two women in the restaurant as they sat giggling like lifelong friends. "Tiffany's in cahoots with the Santorelli's and now she's having lunch with Monica."

"Monica, as in my wife's sister?" Gio's voice was barely restrained.

"The one and only," Dante chimed in.

"Grab her when she comes out and take her home," Giovanni ordered. "I'm going to call Salvatore and tell him what his daughter has been up to."

They hung up after agreeing to meet at the Bellucci home once they had wrangled Monica into the car. Vinnie and Dante waited patiently for the two women to part ways. After an hour Monica finally hugged her apparent friend goodbye and left the cafe. They waited until Tiffany had left before they cornered Monica, she had only made it one block before Dante stepped in front of her.

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