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Giuliana spun around expecting to come face to face with her brother-in-law. However it was her husband that was leaning against the door with his hands in his pants pockets. He cocked a dark eyebrow at his wife's stunned expression.

"What are you doing here?" Giuliana gasped, trying to catch her breath.

"I believed I asked you first," Giovanni replied walking into the exam room and closing the door behind him and locking it. When she still didn't respond he let out a loud sigh, "I want an answer Giuliana, and I want it now. Dr. Bianchi isn't your regular doctor, so what business do you have here."

She recognized the edge in the tone of his voice as barely restrained frustration, so she relented and gave him a vague answer, "I'm here with a friend."

"A friend? I don't see a friend in here with you," he made a show of looking around the room. "It looks like you're in here by yourself."

"They had to step out," Giuliana mumbled feeling like a child being scolded by her father.

"Another question," Giovanni stood right in front of his wife and looked down, "Why is your car parked in the back alley and not out in front? It looks like you didn't want anyone to see you coming in." He was smirking but his eyes were hard to read.

"I told you I came here with a friend," Giuliana was trying her best to be vague and not mention her cousin. The last thing she wanted was for Laura to be humiliated in front of Giovanni.

"I believe that part," Giovanni responded and then his eyes dropped to her stomach.

Giuliana let out an incredulous laugh, "You can't be serious!"

"Why else would you leave the house in a hurry and not take your guards with you? Fuck Giuliana, you didn't even tell them where you were going!"

"This is ridiculous, I'm not pregnant! How could I be? I'm still sleeping in the guest room, we haven't had sex in months."

"You could have gotten pregnant before our...issues, and now you've just realized that you haven't been feeling well and you're period is late." Giovanni shrugged, obviously sure of himself, "I'm not mad about the baby, but you can't leave the house without guards. It's not safe for you to be out by yourself, especially when you're pregnant. A mob war could happen at any time and I don't trust that you won't be a target."

Giuliana huffed, "You're being a jackass! I already told you that I'm not pregnant, I'm on the pill."

"Then who is this friend that you've brought here, and where is she?"

"Why are you so sure that my friend is a woman?" Giuliana smirked as the tips of Giovanni's ears turned red and he clenched his jaw. "Do you think I can't have any male friends?"

"If you ran out of the house and put yourself in danger for another man, I'll gut him like a fish and you can watch." Giuliana gasped and stepped back as she took in her husband's serious face, his face was devoid of emotion but his eyes said he would make good on his promise. "Do you want to continue playing this little game, or are you ready to tell me the truth?"

She shook her head, "You aren't being fair."

"I don't have to be fair, I just have to make sure you and my child are safe."

Giuliana snapped her head back up to glare at him, "Are you seriously still on that? I told you I'm not pregnant!"

He shrugged, "I don't know what else it could be. You run out of the house, drive off at top speed and don't tell anyone where you're going. Besides all that, the guards told me you looked panicked. We still aren't on great terms, so I have no doubt that you wouldn't want to tell me right away. How does all that look to you?" He leveled her with a penetrating stare as he awaited her response.

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