Chapter 46

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Daunte POV
One week later

It's been a week since I arrived back to Sicily after my business trip, and true to my word, I went straight to her house. I knocked and knocked until someone answered, just to tell me that Keyona went to a hotel but didn't know what hotel. For a minute, I thought they were lying until I had someone climb up her patio and checked her room and when they came back and confirmed that most of her belongings were gone, it upset me. But it sure didn't make me give up.

I called an old friend of mines to check her name in ever single hotel that was in Sicily but of course it never popped up, they couldn't find her. I knew that Kevion had something to do with that and I also knew he wouldn't give me any information. We have so much tension between us because of my actions towards Keyona. He didn't like how I disrespected his twin sister and I understood that because I regret disrespecting the woman I love.

I'm sitting in my office, playing catch up with the work load that I have missed while being out of town. A glass of scotch in one hand and a pen in the other. But I couldn't pay attention due to the fact that I didn't know where Keyona was. She has been invading my mind and soul. I'm getting frustrated and angry because I can't find her. I slammed the pen down and picked up my glass and downed the scotch, letting it burn my throat but it was a refreshing burn.

I leaned back in my chair and ran my hands through my hair, yanking a little. I closed my eyes and kept asking myself 'Why?'.

I don't know how long I was like that because I didn't hear anybody come in. I say up straight when I heard someone clear their throat. I sat up straight and made eye contact with , Antonio, my father.

"Still can't find her?" He asked as he made his way to my desk and sat in the black leather chair, across from me. I shook my head, "Nope, and I can't even concentrate on my work, knowing I fucked up. Knowing how I disrespected her and now she is running from me." I said with a sadness in my throat. I'm a fucking mafia boss and I'm becoming sad over a woman. But it's hard because she isn't just a woman, she is my woman.

"Look, if you need me to take over for a bit, I can. Santi even said he will help. If you want to use all your time and energy explaining yourself to Keyona, then do it. It won't make you look like a bitch. It will make you stronger." He said and I just sat there for a second before he reached in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.

"What's this?" I asked him as I grabbed the paper out his hand. "It's Keyona." He told me and I froze for a second before I looked at the paper and seen a hotel address and a room number. I looked up at him with wide eyes, "How?" I stuttered and he just smirked, "Have you forgotten I'm Antonio De Luca?" I just rolled my eyes before I shook my head, "No seriously? How did you get her whereabouts?" I asked and he just laughed, "Let's just say, I have a way with words. But I am suppose to give you a message, they said 'Hurt her again and they will kill you. Oh and if she forgives you, then they will too.'" It took me a minute to understand before it clicked. "Oliver and Kevion?" I asked and he just nodded before he got up and walked towards the door.

He turned back towards me and smiled, "Go make things right because let me tell you something, Son. Keyona is a one of a kind." He walked out the door and I quickly stood up, grabbed the paper he gave me, my phone and car keys. I grabbed my jacket and started to walk out my office but stopped when I almost ran into someone.

Kevion stood there with this fire in his eyes. If he was Satan, I'd be burning in hell right now. We stared at each other before I coughed and threw my jacket on.

"Don't mess this up." Was all he said before he walked passed me and back towards his hacking room. I didn't reply to him, I just nodded at him, even with his back towards me. I ran down the stairs and out the front door. I seen some of the guards look at me with a confused face but I ignored them. I hopped in my Bugatti and started the car and drove out my driveway and out the gate.

I started driving towards town as I put the GPS in my phone, just to see how long it will take me to get there. I groaned when it said 35minutes. I was going to cut that in half, even if I had to break a few laws. The police won't do anything to me, since I basically own them.

I drove as fast as I can, hitting 120mph. I needed her and I was going to do everything in my powers to make her understand my actions, even if I have to beg for her forgiveness on my hands and knees. Y'all can think of me as a bitch right now, but I don't care.

What people don't understand is that, when you find that perfect someone, you will do anything in your power to have and keep that person. You will make them feel like they are the only ones in this world that matters. You will cherish the ground they walk on. Everything little thing they do, will make you believe that they are the only ones who can do that. You feel this burning and good possessiveness in you. You feel this warmth when they are around and the cold when they aren't. Keyona is that person someone for me and right now, my whole world is ice cold and they only one who can melt that is her.

I drove and swerved left and right, passing car after car, which earned me a few honks and yells, but I didn't care. I arrived to the hotel in twenty minutes. I drove to the front and hopped out, handing my keys to the valet as he handed me a ticket. I snatched it and ran inside to the front desk.

A blonde headed girl looked up at me and tried to fix her cleavage, which only earned a roll eye from me. I got to the desk, "How may I help you, sir?" He asked seductively. I ignored her way of trying to sound sexy, "I need a room key for someone who is staying here." I pulled out my wallet and handed her a hundred dollar bill. She just looked at me confused. "I'm sorry sir, we can give out someone else's room keys to you. Not unless you name is connected to that room." She said and I glared at her, "Do you know who I am?" I asked her and she just shook her head.

I smirked, "I'm Daunte De Luca and if you want to keep this little job and your family safe, I would start typing this name in the system and give me a room key." Her face paled as I handed her the paper that I got from my father. She took the paper and put the name in before she grabbed a key and swiped it on a machine before handing it to me. I snatched it and smirked at her.

"Thanks for your help." I told her as I walked towards the elevator in huge strides. I pushed the button and seen walked in, following a lady with a baby attached to her front in a carrier. I couldn't help but look at the baby in awe as I seen that he couldn't be more than 3 months old. It made my heart swell in the fact that I would of been taking care of someone else's son if I never found out the truth. But I would of also had a beautiful daughter who I would of never doubted was mine from the beginning.

The baby was looking at me and I melted as I stared at his chubby cheeks and bright green eyes. His blond hair bright, almost white. He was adorable, thats for sure. I arrived to Keyonas floor as I smiled at the mother before getting off. I walked looked at the signs that read which way the rooms where and I was looking for Room 143.

It didn't take me long after I read that it was on the right side. I stood in front of the door and was about to knock before I froze. I didn't know what I was going to say or do. I didn't want to just walk into her room. I needed her to open the door herself. So I chose to knock and yell "Room Service." It was quiet for a minute before I heard the chain in the room being pulled apart. The handle slowly turned before someone said "I didn't order room ser-".

I looked at and seen the most beautiful sight in my life. She stood there in a red silk nightgown. I wasn't suprise that she was in pajamas since it was about eight at night. Her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head. Her beautiful hazel eyes wide, looking at my blue ones.

"Keyona?" I said and she gulped,


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