Chapter 37

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Kevion POV

My sister is my twin. We have many things alike and we are always there for one another. When she found out who I was, who the best hacker in the world is. She didn't even blink an eye at me. She smiled and said she understood because I was always smart with computers.

She always had my back and loved me for who I am. I remember when she caught me in bed with a boy, she was shocked at first but said she still loved me and I deserved to be happy no matter who it was with.

What people don't understand about my twin is that she cares about a lot of people. She puts other before herself. She will drop everything she doing to help someone who needs it. She was born with this power to make people feel alive.

But I seen it slowly dying with her, the moment she had that miscarriage. I tried to figure out why she had to have surgery and  for some reason, that doctor never put it down. He never entered the information so I didn't know. But the moment after they talked, I knew it was bad. The way she cut everybody off and isolated herself away. I thought it was cancer or something. But to hear out her mouth that was a miscarriage, made it worse.

So for Oliver to wish gladness upon Keyona made no sense to me. For him to say that to her, made my blood boil. They always were closer than me and her. Even though we are twin and have a close bond, her and Oliver had something closer. Yes I was sometimes jealous of their relationship because she was my twin but I end up understanding why. They might now think I know what happened to her when we were kidnapped but I do. I heard them talking about it and what made it worse was that I felt it was somewhat my fault since I was laying next to her. She got touched by a man when I was suppose to protect her. Me and Oliver both failed her.

Oliver hurt my sister, knowing she already been hurt. I couldn't hold back when I punched him. I forgot all about him bleeding on the floor, the moment I walked out that house to search for my sister.

I walked around for hours until I landed in a bar, with a drink in my hand. I sat there silently when I looked around and my eyes stop at this black purse in a chair. But something got my attention, a keychain that was connected to it. It was a fuzzy orange ball with a letter 'K' sewed into it. I jumped out my seat quickly when I realized it was Keyonas bag.

I knew it was her bag because I'm the one who got her that keychain when she got her first car after high school graduation.

I jumped out my seat and ran towards the purse. I seen opened it and seen she had all her stuff in it. Phone, charger, wallet, a brush and few other girly items.

I quickly bang on the bar to get the bartenders attention.

"Yo man, do you know who this belongs too?" I asked him.

He nods "Yeah, this girl. She got really drunk and a guy came in saying she was her brother and carried her out."

I pulled out my phone and showed him a few pictures, asking if it was any of them and he shook his head.

"Naw man, he had dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes, maybe in his mid 20's. He was with a man that had a ugly scar that went from his right eye, all the way down his cheek."

My eyes go wide and I run out the bar, grabbing her purse with me. I pull out my phone to call Oliver. He quickly answers his phone after the second ring.

"Did you find her?" He asked.

"No. But I think she was kidnapped and I know by who." I said angrily.

"Kidnapped? What are you talking about?!" He yelled through the phone.

I got silent for a minute. I can't believe this is happening to her again.

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