Chapter 6

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Daunte's POV

"Shall we get this meeting started?" I say. Looking at Rodriguez. He has to be in his Mid 40's, fat, greasy old man.  He was creepy looking but I didn't give a fuck about how he looked. I needed to see how he works.

I go sit on the couch, grab a glass, drop a few ice cubes in it before I grab the whiskey and make myself a drink. I look up towards Rodriguez "Would you like a drink?" He nods and I pour him a drink.

"So what you got for me?" I say, taking a sip of my drink and leaning back.

"Straight to business. I like. Well, I got three different proposals for you. The first one is a 35/65 split, but we will also throw in 100 kilos of cocaine every month since we know that's your main seller. We get ours from a top seller out in Mexico. The second one is since you want to use our shipping crates to transfer your guns and drugs across county and continent, I think it's only right if we do a 50/50 since if we ever get caught, I'll take most of the blame since it's my shipping company. Last but not least, you keep all the money but give us free cocaine and weed so we can sell on our behalf and make money our way." He explains. They all are sketchy but we don't like doing business with the Mexicans because they fucked us over when my dad was in charge.

"I'm going to give it straight to you Rodriguez. I don't fucking like the Mexican cartel. They fake as fuck. So if you are currently doing business with them then I cant do fucking business with you. They scam and I'll be damned if I let them anywhere near my products, guns, or drugs." I said.

"I just gave you three good proposals and you worried about my business with the cartel just because yall got beef from shit that happen years ago. Yeah, I know all about it. But I'm here doing business with you, not them." He says.

He got a smart mouth and I was about to put him in his fucking place until I heard yelling coming from downstairs. I hop up and walk towards the window. I see that beautiful girl on top of a big guy punching him. I was amazed at how she had him on his back and one hand in his hair and the other pounding away. I turn my head when I hear the door burst open and Oliver running down the stairs. I see him push through the crowd and snatch her up. He is yelling at everyone. I walk down the stairs and stop and observed the situation.

"He called her a whore." I heard one of the people say. She pounded that guy's brains in because he called her out her name. But I'm more impressed by the fact that this girl standing at only 5'4' and about 150lbs. The guy had to be about 240 and stand a little over 6ft. I was observing her. Now that I was closer, she was definitely the most beautiful girl I had seen. Oliver hands her to someone and walks towards me.

"I'm so sorry boss." He says and I look at her while she talking to the girl that was on Leo's lap earlier.

"What happened?" I say. I see her stare at me with her bright hazel eyes.

"That's my sister."

"Your sister?" He nods his head.

"Yeah, She my little sister. She is a year younger than me. We have a very bad past when we were younger and some things are a trigger to her. The guy called her out her name that made her flashback to our past. I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again." He explained. I keep my eyes on her and I see the pain in her eyes. She makes me want to run to her.

I face Oliver, "I'm not upset, I'm actually impressed. Who taught her?"

"I did. Our dad put me in boxing at a young age after a situation that involved me and my twin siblings. Everything I learned in class, I came home and taught her. She is almost as good as a fighter as me. Almost." He said proudly.

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