Chapter 28

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Unknown POV

I see his change of character. I see what that worthless girl has done to him. He told me to leave him alone but he doesn't see that I'm here for him. I'm trying to make it all better. I know he doesn't see me like that but maybe with more patiences and love I can make him love me. I can make him see that I'm the only one for him. I have been around for a long time but he doesn't see me. He sees her and she is messing up his mind. Poisoning it and ruining it. I don't understand. I seen his phone and all the messages he sent her. Begging her to y'all to him and to let him explain. Let him explain everything. I don't understand what's going on but I won't allow her anywhere near him and I won't allow her change him. Because I love him the way he is, dangerous and all. He will love me, you just wait and see. I just gotta get little miss prissy out the way and,

I knew exactly what I needed to do. Time to call in reinforcements.


Daunte POV

Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into hours. Hours turned into days. Days turned into a week and weeks turned into a month.

A month of not hearing her voice, laugh or even breath. A month of not feeling her warm skin on mine. A month of sadness, anger, pain and torture. I haven't heard anything about her besides what Leo has told me. I tried searching for her but nothing.

I've been to the basement where we hold the murderers, rapists or even those who betrayed me. I go in with a clean pressed suit and come out with it drench in blood. I take my anger out on those who wronged me or this world. I have this darkness in my soul that came back to life. The only person who bring light to it, doesn't want anything to do with me. She won't even answer my calls or texts. I don't know where she is.

"Boss?" I look up and see Oliver sitting here with his brother Kevion.


"This my brother I was telling you about?" He pointed at this guy who had the same eyes, wavy and color hair like Mia Piccola Rovina (My Little Ruin). He also has her skin tone. This must be her twin.

"Oh yes. The one who heard about us and wants to join." That's right. I guess when Oliver and Keyona were having a talk, this guy was listening. Leo told me everything that's been going on over where he staying at. After he moved out of my uncles house, he moved in with his girlfriend in Josies house.

"Okay, well what can he do?" I looked at Oliver.

"I'm sitting right here you know." He said. Yeah and I see he got a smart mouth like Keyona too.

"I see, but did I speak to you?" I said with a calm voice but my eyes directly towards him, letting him know not to speak when spoken to. I think he got it because he sat up and leaned back in his chair, shaking his head. "Exactly, now Oliver?" I turn back towards Oliver.

He cleared his throat before he spoke. "Um, he can fight but his main skill is, he's really good with computers. He hacks and shit."

I look back towards his brother. "So you a hacker?" He sits up and nods his head. "What can you hack thought?" I asked him.

He smirks. "I can hack into anything. From cameras, 2-way security firewalls and even get into accounts to see what's coming in and out and where from. If it's coming from an offline account, I can track the owner and deliver to the account. Shit, I can even break down the firewalls from extreme CIA and FBI databases, shit even NASA if you wanted. You name it, I can do it."

I look at him for a second and lean back into my chair with my leg folder over my other one and my hand on my chin.

"The only person who I know can do all that is Fantasma." (Phantom)

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