Chapter 21

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I dont understand whats been going on with him lately. He has been slacking on work and geting mad at everyone who does the smallest things wrong. He wouls yell or even shoot them if they even said the wrong thing. I been watching him from afar, watching his every move. Ive been admiring his work also.

I have been in love with him since the first time I seen him.

But he just keeps looking at this girl that he been having his men keep tabs on. I cant believe he would do this to me. How can he give a fuck about a girl like her. A girl he barely knows. How can he let this nobody get in the way of his work.

I watched as he got angry when this girl kissed another man. When he seen them leave the dance floor, he followed her. I watched the way, he almost killed that guy and how he touched her.

Im suppose to be the one on his side. The one he chased and cares for. And I will be, I just got to make sure, he doesnt go anywhere near this girl again.

He is MINE. Only MINE!


Daunte POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. Knowing that Keyona is sleep on my chest, I hurry and answer it.

"WHAT?!" I whisper yell.

"Hey boss, Its Oliver." I hurry and look at Keyona.

"Whats up." I said.

"Im sorry to wake you. But Im about to land in a hour, wanted to give you a heads up. Once I land, I will head to the mansion to give you an update before I have to take my siblings to the airport." He says.

"Alright. Ill see you in a hour." I said before I hung up. I look at Keyona before I slowly moving out from under her and grabbed my clothes off the floor to get dress. Once I was done, I looked around the room to see if I can find a piece of paper or pen but I dont.

I look for her phone and see its dead so I plug it in for her. I walk to the bathroom to take a piss before I leave. Once I was done, I washed my hands and walked out the bathroom and seen her phone is turned on. I pull out mine and send her a quick text because I dont want her to think I just abandoned her after the night we had.

After I texted her an I heard her phone ding, I walked to the door. I look back at her and see her wrapped in the blaket, cuddling into the pillow I slept on. I take a quick picture because she looked so beautiful. I smile at her once last time before I leave out the house. It was quiet, so I guess nobody was up. I walked out the house and jumped into my car and drove to my house.

I pull up in the driveway and see steve at the door. I look at my phone and see that it just hit 7am. I got out and walked into the house. But not before I tell them to come into my office once Oliver gets here.

Heading up the stairs into my room, I head straight towards the shower. I take a quick one and got dressed then went straight into my office. Once I walked in, I sat at my desk and got to work. But of course, I got distracted when I kept thinking about mia piccola rovina (My Little Ruin). How she sucked and rode on my dick. How she was moaning and scratching my back. She is the best I ever had and I dont think I can let her go. But its hard when she is one of my number one mens little sister.

I shake my head when I hear a knock on my office door.

"Come in." I said. I look up and see Steve, Andy and Oliver walk in.

"So how it go?" I asked him once he sat down.

"It went fine. I was hoping to get it over with so I could of at least spent the last day with my siblings before they left but this asshole was good at hiding." Oliver says and reaches into his bag and pulls out a file.

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