Chapter 4

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Daunte's POV

People constantly try to fuck you over. They think they can take advantage of you. Like this guy that's on his knees begging me for another month. He begged me for $100,000 for his wife's medical bills because she had cancer and couldn't keep up. To find out he used the money to gamble with. Frank is a douchbag that deserves to be in a body bag. I'm about to send his ass home in one too right now. One-shot between the eyes was all I needed to stop his begging.

I look down at his body as it drops. He disgusted me. Just because he was being greedy, his wife and kids lost a husband and father. If you would even call him that.

I hear a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I yell.

"It's Oliver and Leo."

"Come in." They walk in and look down at the floor and see Frank laying there with a bullet between his eyes.

"Leo, run and tell Andy to get someone to clean this shit up." Leo nods and runs out. I look at Oliver, "Did you pick up your family with no issue?"

"I did. I'm taking them to a club tonight to let them enjoy Sicily." He said.

"Take them to Black Cover. I'll book yall a VIP area downstairs and buy yall drinks tonight." I said. He shakes his head "It's fine boss, I can get them their drinks."

"Oliver, you are one of my best and loyal men. I know how much your family means to you. Its means the same to me. I know how much you missed them. Now I have nothing going on besides a meeting with a new shipping client at Black Clover at midnight. So I will need you for about an hour in the VIP upstairs. Then you can have a few days off to explore and show them around my town." He nods his head.

It's true. Oliver is one of my best men. He and Leo were going to college together 4 years ago. With Leo being my cousin and bringing Oliver around, he found out who I am. I was in a club meeting when I saw him get into a fight by the bar. I saw him move, being smooth on his feet, and knocked the guy out. I knew he would become a good assassin. I told Leo to talk to him and the next thing you know, he's working for me full time and became my number one assassin in under three years.

"Just enjoy your night with your family," I told him.

"Thanks, boss."

He turns towards the door to see Andy and two other guards carrying Frank's dead body.

"Cazzo idiota! Pensave che potesse rubarmi." (Fucking Idiot! Thought he can steal from me.)

I see Oliver look backs at me and smirk.

"You can go, Oliver. Make sure you and your family have fun tonight. Just be upstairs at midnight."

"Yes, boss." He turns and walks away. A few minutes later, I hear a knock on the door. I see Leo coming in.

"Yo cousin. So Oliver wanted me to come and see if I can take a few days off with him since he will need someone to help with transporting his family around town." I look at him, I know he just wants to be with Oliver. They are best friends and can't do anything separately.

"Yeah, that's fine. Just be there at the meeting too." I tell him.

"Sweet." He runs out. I just shake my head. I don't know if my uncle dropped him on his head when he was a baby, but he a little slow.

While I was thinking of the meeting tonight I didn't hear Santi come in.

Santiago is my little brother. He is 24 and the biggest fuck boy ever. I sleep around also because that's all these girls want. Want to sleep with a man with money and we got plenty of that. Just buy them a drink and they will be in your bed.

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