Chapter 41

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Daunte POV

This is not happening. This is not true. This is impossible. How could a man that I mourned for be alive? I didn't know what to think when I seen him holding Keyona in his arms. A feeling of numbness ran throughout my body and I was shocked. I couldn't move, because he was not alive.

I didn't know what was going on around me. I had a whole bunch of emotions run through my body at one. Surprise, Sadness, Fear, Shame, Guilt and Anger, those were the emotions I was feeling. Surprised to see he is alive, Sad because he was alone and my mother wasn't with him. If he is alive, why ain't she? Fear because I think this might be some fucked up joke. Shame and guilt because I built him a tombstone next to my mother, even though we couldn't find his body.

But the most I was feeling right now was Anger. I mourned him for years. I was mad that he left me here to watch over Santi. I was a kid and I had to learn to take over this business, while he was still fucking alive! He is literally standing right in front of me.

I needed to know what he was doing here. I didn't even know if I wanted him to be here. But I know I needed answer.

When I heard Keyona say "That man that saved me Oliver is, Antonio De Luca. Dauntes and Santiago Father." Whatever numbness and anger that washed over me disappeared as I looked at the man one last time before I shut the door in his face.

"Daunte?" I heard Keyona say, I turned and ran towards her. I reached for her face but she pushed my hands away. I felt hurt in my chest. She looked at me and shook her head.

"Why did you do that?" She asked and I shook my head, this was not the time to talk about Briana. "I didn't know she would come, I was going to tell you about her and the ba-" She smacked my hands away from her when I tried to touch her again.

"I am not talking about that bitch or that baby! Now why did you do that?" She asked again, I looked at her confused and she rolled her eyes and pointed at the door. Why was she worried about the door? But after a second, I knew what she meant. She meant Antonio De Luca, my dead father.

"Why would you close the door in his face?!" She asked and I just stood up and looked at her. "Daunte, I asked you something! Why did you slam the door in your fathers face?!" I got angry when she said called him my father. I turned around and kicked the coffee table over before I turned back towards her.

"That is not my fucking father! I buried my father as you called that man! I buried him next to my mother! He has a fucking tombstone, with his name and the date he died, along with my mother! I don't fucking know who that man is out there, but he is not my fucking father!" I yelled. I seen the look in her eyes. I didn't know my eyes were welding up. I didn't feel the tears roll down my cheek. I wasn't sad, I was mad. I was so mad that Keyona called that man my father.

I heard someone running down the stairs and made eye contact with Santi. My little brother, the only person who I would do anything for and who I will always protect. I didn't want him to feel how I'm feeling right now, he didn't deserve that. He may have only two years younger than me but he was still my baby brother that I tried to protect him from all the dangers but he is just stubborn.

"What's going on?" He asked. Then he seen Keyona and gasped as he ran towards her and hugged her. "Your here! Are you okay?" He asked her as she winced. He looked down and seen her leg, "Oh fuck! I'm sorry! Who did this to you?! Who do I have to fucking kill?!" He asked and Keyona only laughed. "It's already been handled. I will explain everything but in a second." She said as he leaned over and whispered into Kevion ear. Kevion nodded at whatever she said and ran out the living room and put the front door.

"So I'm going to explain everything and I want you to understand that it's going to be hard to listen to. But I also am going to need Antonio in here to explain as well." She said but when she said the last part, she looked me in the eyes. "You need to keep an open mind and let him explain." She said and I just stared at her as she kept her eyes on me. She looked at Santi, "Please do the same and trust me." Santi just looked at her and nodded.

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