Chapter 23

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"You keep killing." Elijah states as he straightens his tie. his eyes dart to my reflection in the mirror as I flick through a book.

"You keep accusing me of things I do. smart." my eyes skim over the paragraph. "why are people so obsessed with fairy tales? Like this. tiger lily? Before Peter Pan belongs to wendy, he belonged to a girl with a feather in her hair?"

"It's their way of coping angel. now come on, we are meeting jenna." I scoff at his statement before moving my legs behind me so I am lying down on the bed.

"I doubt she would want to see me." I reply and he frowns at me before turning around.

"And why is that?" A sigh escapes my lips as I close the book and put It on the pillow.

"I may have messed with her head. I made her think about alaric's loyalty to her." I give him a sickly sweet smile before rolling of the bed and walking towards the closet.

"Now why would you do that?" Elijah leans against the wall, staring at me.

"To get revenge, you mess with people that person loves." I shrug before pulling out a long sleeved crop top, a jumper with loads of holes and a pair of short shorts. "what do you think?" I turn and hold the clothes up against my body, pouting at elijah. "does this say, you hurt me, I hated you, but now I don't give a damn?"

"It's says your a slut." Elijah says blankly. "why would you protest for girls to wear pants then now dress like a slut?"

"Because that was then and this is now. and I think looking like a slut will do." I take of my hoodie and throw it on the floor. then I do the same thing with my shorts, leaving me stood only in my bra and panties.

"I will never understand you." I hear Elijah mutter and I chuckle. my head turns and I blow him a kiss and wink.

"I'm me. no one can understand me." I reply before putting my stuff on. "hair up? Or down?" I hold my hair up and decide for it to be in a messy pony. "so why you seeing Jenna?"

"For the history thing. I have to keep up appearances." He replies as he looks down and I just catch a blush spread on his face.

"Well, since I don't have to work anymore as I got fired for pouring coke down Jeremy Gilbert. I have nothing better to do." I slide on a pair of boots and walk upto elijah. "lets go!"


"The old Fell property actually starts just beyond that fence." Jenna states. after a long glaring contest, we sort of made up after she found out what happened between me and Jeremy.

"Ah, the Fells. One of the "Founding Families"." Elijah sighs as we stop walking.

"Why do you say it like that?" Jenna questions and I chuckle.

"His research showed him that this area was actually settled almost two full centuries earlier. It was a migration of townsfolk from the northeast, um, it was Salem, to be precise." I reply and they both look at me. "hey! I pay attention!"

"Massachusetts? As in the witch trials?" I nod my head at jenna and she smiles.

"Which means the ever lauded founding families... They didn't actually found anything." Elijah states and I laugh. Elijah wraps an arm around my shoulders and I lean my head on his side, not being tall enough to reach his shoulder. wait? What? What am I doing?!

"Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders back in 1860. Men are very territorial." Jenna carries on, ignoring our poise.

" Yes, they are." Elijah says as he grabs my right arm and squeezes ."and jenna, if you are wondering who angel is too me, she is an old friend if the family."

"And Damon's sister." Jenna looks at us and curls her lips back into her mouth. "news travels fast around here."
I hear footsteps and turn my head to see Alaric.

"Elijah, angel this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman." Jenna says once she notices him. I give them a pitying smile and Alaric chuckles.

"Angel is actually one of my students. Yeah, I got your message about walking Elijah here through the old property lines. I thought I would tag along. You know being a history buff and all. Where to next?" Alaric rubs his hands together and looks at all of us.

"I'm pretty curious about the freed slave property owners. Some say, you know, the descendents of the slaves are the true keepers of American history." Elijah says and I nod

"Well, I only brought the surveys. I got that list in the car. Just give me a sec." Jenna walks back to her car, leaving me and the two men alone.

"Alaric Saltzman. So you're one of those people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect." Elijah states and I pull away from his grip.

"So is Jenna." Alaric replies.

"You don't have to be jealous. I don't really pursue younger women. It's a joke, Ric, lighten up."Elijah pats him on the shoulder and walks away. I follow but not after hearing Alaric mutter a 'right' under his breath. I stop in my tracks and sigh.

"I'm sorry for what i did." I mutter before turning around and facing him. "I was angry. I wanted revenge. I'm sorry." that is all I say before walking off.


"Li!" I shout as Elijah gets in his car.

"What?" He chuckles at the new nickname and I quickly get in next to him. "did you just call me Li?"

"Yep, thought I'd try It out and like it. so I'm going to call that from now on." He shakes his head and then his phone buzzes.

"Who is it?" I ask as I try to lean over to see. Elijah leans away with a smirk on his face.

"Li li!" I groan and he just chuckles as he pushes me back, but only playing. "I haven't seen this side to you in a long time." his face goes solid and he coughs before straightening his suit.

"We have been invited to the Salvatore boarding house for a dinner party." He starts the ignition and drives, forgetting about that fun little fight.

I sigh as he pulls up outside the martins. I've had enough of this. I've had enough with elijah's stupid mood swings.

"Is this how it is gonna be? We have a little fun time and mess around and you act kind. then all of a sudden you turn gloomy and uptight?!" I snap at him. he sighs as he reaches for my hand. "no elijah. I have had a enough." I pull away and get out the car, storming up to the flat.

"Angel." he groans and follows me up.

"I'm not going to that stupid party too!" The front door flings open and I push past jonas.

"Angel! ANGEL! EVANGELINA!" I spin around and pin him to the wall.

"It's always going to be Henrik. not you, not Damon, not Jeremy, not Kol, not Niklaus. Henrik. and I don't care what happens. I don't care. I don't care about the soul mate. I want Henrik. and he is the the only one I want." at each name and 'I', I poke his chest hard. His eyes widen before he grabs hold of my hand.

"I just want to live the rest of my undead life with my family. And that family.... that family is Stefan and Damon." I pull my hand away and face jonas.

"I'm leaving. thank you for your hospitality." I bow my head before turning to the door. "I love Henrik, Elijah."

"What about Damon? I heard you would come here every year to his grave." I stop in my tracks, my hand on the door nob.

"I was pathetic. dwelling on what happened. it was just nice to have a family again and I let my weak side show." I state and I turn the handle but Elijah speaks up again.

"And Jeremy? Did you just use him to?"

"He reminds me of Henrik. but at last, he is not." I walk out the apartment without another word. knowing why I had said is lie. I love Damon. I love him with all my heart. and Jeremy, he is just as Lost as me. yes, we have a connection, but I can tell he truly belongs to the witch. and then you have elijah. I can't possibly love him. Our love would not be real.

I can honestly say, even though Elijah is my soul mate, my love for Damon Salvatore is stronger.

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