Chapter 2

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(Outfit on side)

"Miss Angel, you look stunning." the maid says and I give we a small smile.

"Thank you." I reply before putting on the shoes. I take one more look at my self in the mirror before waving the maid away. what am I doing here? I should be killing them. but something is stopping me from doing so.

"Angel?" I hear a small voice and turn to face Stefan in a suit. a smile spreads across my face as I kneel down next to him.

"Hey Stef, are you okay?" I ask and he nods before handing me another rose with a tag attached to it.

"It's from Damon." he says. "he thinks your really pretty. read the tag and it will tell you what to do." he pecks my cheek before walking off out of my room. a smile spreads on my face as I stand and hold the tag.

Dear my angel, meet me outside the back at the fountain once stefan has given you this rose.

-Damon x

A blush spreads on my face as I hold the rose and the bottom of my dress and walk out my room. I slowly walk the path to the outside of the house, the way Giuseppe took me. once I am outside I follow the house around to the back and find Damon pacing in front of the fountain. his hair parted like normal and he is wearing a suit.

"Damon?" I say as I walk up to him. He smiles before jogging over to me.

"Wow. you look..... beautiful." he says as he takes my hand.

"You not to bad your self Salvatore." I reply and he laughs. i move my hand up his arm and loop them together. "now let's go to this party." he nods before walking me to what he said is the Lockwood mansion. A smile spreads across my face as everyone turns to look at me and Damon. I stop at the door, unable to enter. But Damon just pulls me in and I am able to enter. is this place owned by a vampire? Normally they are smarter than that. suddenly, the smell of dogs hits me. god, do they clean? I notice everyone doesn't seemed bothered by it so I shrug it off.

"Ahh, the new guest in town." the smell of dog is strong as a man with brown hair walks upto us.

"Mayor Lockwood." Damon says and shake a his hand. "this is angel Miklaeson." the mayor takes my hand and places a tender kiss on the skin.

"George Lockwood. it is very nice to meet you." he looks at me and I nod my head.

"It is very nice to meet you too." I reply and he chuckles.

"Your English?" He asks and I nod.

"Before I came here, I lived in England." I reply and ten George gets called away, leaving jus me and Damon.

"I never knew you came from England." Damon says as he guides me to the dance floor.

"You only just met me. and my accent is hard to recognise." I reply before taking Damon's hands in mine. "I know it isn't customary to ask, but I am not a follower of customs. will you dance with me mr Salvatore?" He chuckles before pulling me close into a waltz hold.

"Certainly Miss Miklaeson." we start I dance along with the others and I can't keep me eyes off Damon's blue ones. but I know this wont last. This town will grow old, I wont. Damon will grow old. unless I turn him but I can not spread this curse to him. he doesn't deserve it.

"Angel, are you okay?" I snap from my thoughts an smile.

"Yeah, I just need some air." He nods and I quick rush off out the mansion. Once the air reaches my lungs, I sigh and I put my hand in my forehead.

"I know what you are. I can smell it." I turn to face George lockwood, the smell of dog overwhelming me.

"And I know what you are, mutt." I reply with venom.

"You should watch your tongue. One bite and your dead." he takes a step closer to me as I smirk.

"No. I am different from every other vampire. I am stronger, faster, harder to kill. I am an original." I say and his eyes widen.

"I thought they were a vampire myth." I chuckle before I appear in front of him.

"Well, I am not myth." he growls at me so I growl back. "if you stay out of my way, I will stay out if yours. I will not kill anyone, just feed then make them forget. but I guess that will be hard as since your a mutt, they know about vampires due to you."

"Your one smart girl. I'll give you that. but everyone is on vervain, well, the founding families. well, the council. and you will not feed on the Salvatores." I shake my head and sigh.

"I do not feed on children anymore. but know this, when the time comes.... I guess you will have to find out." I smirk and turn to go back Ito the house.

"I will tell the founding families about you." I stop and speed so I'm up in his face.

"Now why would anyone believe that a sweet orphan 14 year old -well I am actually 15 but I say I'm 14 to stay here longer. where was I? Yes...- a sweet 14 year old girl is a vampire?" I state and I know he knows they won't.

"Just don't harm anyone." he hisses before pushing past me and going into the house. A smile makes its way on my lips and I quickly walk back into the party to find Damon.

"There you are, I was worried." Damon says as he holds my hands.

"Sorry, I was talking to lockwood. um.... I'm tired, I should get back home." I say and he smiles.

"I will walk you." he intertwined our fingers .




"Let's go." He chuckles and we walk out.

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