Chapter 20

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I knock on the door and a blonde haired blue eyes girl answers.

"Hey, can I help you?" She asks and I chuckle.

"I'm angel, stefan's friend. I heard what happened and wanted to know if you are okay. So is your mom home?" I say and she smiles.

"No, she's at work." Caroline replies.

"I can come in, if you want me to."

"I'm fine, Angel."

"You don't have to pretend with me. Anybody would be upset after what you went through tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to do a girly night to forget about everything. I brought a hole load of make up." I take the small duffle bag from my back and she chuckles.

"Come in angel." I step in with a smile. "did stefan send you?"

"No. umm..... it might come as a shock but Elijah did. he wanted to make sure you were okay." I say and her face turns shocked.

"Elijah?" She stutters and I nod.

"Sorry if it's a shock. but the deal he made with Elena and stuff...." I drift off and she laughs.

"Never knew he would be caring. so you wanna get this night started?" I nod my head and open the bag. "wow."

"Yep. I collected loads over the years. even some 1920's make up that never really went outta date and is still brilliant." she laughs as we stare at the bag full of make up.


After a while of giving each other make overs we just sit and chat.

"So what's with you and matty?" I ask and she blushes

"We are going out. so what is with you and jeremy. I have heard." Caroline puts the question on me.

"I think we are going out. but he hasn't asked me out. we've kissed and told each other we love each other but that's it." I reply as I look down. suddenly, her phone rings and we eyes widen.

"It's matt! OMG! I totally forgot!" She gasps and I chuckle.

"I will just leave." I state. she gives me a thank you smile before answering. I close the door but listen in.

Caroline: Hi.

Matt: Hey. Did something happened?

Caroline: Oh my... I'm so sorry Matt.

Matt: Are you okay?

Caroline: Yeah. Something came up with Bonnie and she needed me, a friend thing. You understand. and angel came over to talk about Jeremy stuff since she wanted to take him somewhere special.

Matt: Yeah so you're with her right now?

Caroline: Yeah. so I'm not gonna make it tonight, but can I see you tomorrow?

Matt:Yeah, sure. I hope everything works out. Good night

The conversation stops and Caroline opens the door.

"You heard it didn't you." I nod and she sighs.

"Why did you lie about bonnie?" I ask and she sighs.

"I don't know." I pull her into a hug when Someone knocks on the door.

"I will get it." she nods and I answer the door. "hi?" I stare at the boy and recognise him as the boy who wolf whistled me on my first day of school.

"Umm.... hey, is Caroline in?" I nod and shout her

"I will leave you too alone." I mutter but Caroline laughs.

"No you won't. you would just listen." I look down guilty and the boy looks at me.

"But it will get rid of the smell of mutt." I state and the boy glares.

"You can smell me?" He asks curious.

"Yep. and it stinks. but carry on." He looks at Caroline and sighs.

"Are you okay?" He asks and Caroline nods

"Tyler, I'm fine."

"I had no idea they would come for you." Tyler's states at her.

"Do you know what they did to me?" Caroline snaps and I feel the tension rise.

"I'm sorry, but it's crazy now, okay? I don't know who to trust. You lied to me." Tyler states and my eyes widen. you never say that to a girl.

"I lied to protect my friends. I lied to protect you. Don't you get that?" Caroline practically shouts.

"Caroline..." he tries to calm her down but I know it won't work.

"You just stood there when they were going to kill us. You just stood there! You didn't do anything!" My eyes widen as I step back in front of Caroline.

"I didn't know what to do!" Tyler exclaims.

"You help your friend, that's what you do."I snap at him.

"I'm sorry." He says as he looks at us with puppy eyes. no pun intended.

" No, it's too late,because we're not friends anymore. And what happened to me tonight, that will never happen again. So, you take that back to your little werewolf pack, and you get the hell out of my house!" She slams the door in his face and I chuckle.

"Wow. who knew you had fire?" She gives me a small smirk and I drag her away. "now we are going to watch stupid DVDs all night long." I go to her DVDs and pick out 2. "dear john or the notebook?" She laughs before picking the notebook.

After a while I feel myself fall to sleep but not fully. A knock on the door is heard and Caroline opens it.

"What's going on?" She asks and I hear stefan.

"I was a bit worried about you, after everything you went through tonight." He says and I hear her sigh.

"I'm fine. angel just came round. she is asleep on the sofa." Caroline replies.

"Good. But, just in case, I brought some back up." I hear shuffling before sitting up.

"We're gonna slumber it!" I hear Elena and then bonnie.

"We haven't done it in ages." I hear Caroline let out a cry and knew I shouldn't intrude. I grab a pen and paper.

Car, I didn't want to intrude on the girls nite with Elena and bonnie. take care and you can do what ever you want with the make up. I don't need it
Love angel xxx

I quickly leave out the window and walk round the front.

"Why are you doing?" I get startled by stefan and look at him.

"I didn't want to intrude. they have been best friends for ever and it would be awkward with me there." I reply. he chuckles at me before wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Your jealous." he mutters and I punch his shoulder.

"I'm not!" I reply and he leads me to a car. "can you take me to Jeremy's?" Stefan nods and we get in. "okay I'm jealous!"

"Knew it." we both laugh.

"I just haven't had a friend that is a girl in a long time. and when i did... I ended up killing her." he laughs harder before stopping outside the Gilbert house.


"Angel?" Jeremy asks as he opens the door.

"Hey, can I stay the night?" He nods before pulling me into his arms and kissing me. "eager?" He laughs as he pulls away.

"Just happy to see you. So what do you wanna do?" He keeps his arms rested around my waist as I keep mine around his neck.

"I was wandering if we could chill or get started on that art project." I state and he laughs. "I still haven't forgot about that mr Gilbert!" I like at his chest lightly. "we still need to get it done."

"Fine, we will do thy ms Miklaeson." Jeremy pulls away a bit before grabbing my hand and leading me to his room.

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