Chapter 11

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Alice manages manages to log on slater's computer but all the files are deleted.

"Do you have You have to sit on the desk?" Alice asks. I sigh before jumping off. "Someone's been here. The hard drive's completely wiped out."

"Yeah, probably whoever killed him." Rose states.

Elena runs a hand over her face and turns away. God this is difficult.

"Lucky for you, Slater was paranoid. Everything's backed up on a remote server." Alice states as she does her work. Rose turns back to speak to Elena.

"You know that she's not going anywhere near my blood, right?" Rose hisses quietly to the girl, but I can still hear.

"I know. She doesn't." Elena replies. I smirk as I watch alice.Elena walks past Rose, who smiles at Elena's deception. Elena leans down next to Alice to look at the computer screen.

"Kristen Stewart. God, was he obvious." Alice is right, I could always guess what slater did.

"These are all leads to vampires?" Elena asks surprised. my eyes widen as alive continues scrolling through the files. I knew slater had loads, but not his many. I watch as the name angel Miklaeson/ Evangelina Petrova pops up and I sigh.

"Slater was obsessed. Almost as much as me." Alice states.

"Can you delete my file. no one should have that. I didn't even know he had on of me." I ask as I run my hands down my face.

"Why?" Alice asks and I glare at her.

"Because I want it gone." I rely with a sickly sweet smile. she gulps before finding my file and deleting it.

"What about that one? Cody Webber. They exchanged dozens of emails about Elijah." Rose points at the name.

"I could call him." Alice suggests as she looks at her. Elena hands the phone over to her.

"Tell him that we're trying to send a message to Klaus. The doppelgänger is alive and she's ready to surrender." All are eyes widen at elena.

"What?!" Rose snaps.

"Oh, my God, I knew I recognized you." Alive states and I groan.

"You can't be serious Elena!" I shout but she ignores me.

"Get him the message, please." Elena says to Alice. She quickly walks out of the room. Rose follows her out.

"What are you doing?" I hear rose asks.

"I'm getting Klaus' attention." Stupid. she will end up dead. we all will.

"If Klaus knows that you're alive, he'll find you and he'll kill you." Rose tries to change her mind but I doubt it will work. "Which is exactly what you wanted all along." Shit. she used us. that bitch.

"It's either me or my family." Elena has a point. anyone would do this in her place.

"So this whole charade is some suicide mission so that you could sacrifice yourself and save everyone else?" Me and Alice enter the room after the phone call.

"Cody is on his way and he really wants to meet you." Alice states with a smile. Rose shuts her eyes and sighs.

"Phone." I say to rose. she hands it me and I quickly find Damon's number and call it.

"Not a good time, Rose." Damon sighs and I chuckle.

"It's angel." I reply and he groans. "Don't be angry with me. Rose got me to come."

"Why, what did you do?" He asks cautiously.

"You need to get to Richmond immediately." I reply with a chuckle.

"Tell me." He demands and I chuckle again.

"I'm just gonna pass you on too rose." I quickly pass the phone to rose and she carries on talking to him. suddenly, my phone begins to ring and I see luka's name pop up.

"Hey...." I sing, waiting for the rant.

"Where are you?! Elijah wants you back now! You skipped the rest of the day of school!" He carries on ranting.

"LUKA!" I shout and he shuts up. "I sorta can't come back at the moment."

"Why?" He asks and I chuckle.

"Sorry... my.... nection.... fa.... BYE!" I quickly hang up and slide my phone in my back pocket. Elena walks into the main room, sipping on a glass of water. My eyes widen at something behind her. she turns around and gasps.

"What are you doing here?" Damon snaps at her. I flinch as I slowly walk behind the counter. "stay!" He doesn't look at me but keeps his eyes trained on elena. I walk back as sit on the couch.

"What are you doing here?" Elena replies. Rose enters the room and Elena turns around and looks at her angrily.

"You called him?" Elena snaps at her. I gulp as rose looks to me, to Damon and then too elena.

"I'm sorry, Elena. And angel is the one who called him in the first place!" She replies and Elena glares and at both of us.

"You said that you understood! And I thought I could trust you." I put my hand a up in surrender.

"She lied. and you came never trust the bitch." I stare at Damon and put my hands down. Elena turns around and looks at Him. Alice finally walks back in and looks star struck at damon.

"Damon Salvatore?!" She fan girls and i roll my eyes.

"Get rid of her." Damon hisses at rose.

"No. Way." Alice gasps until rose grabs Her arm and leads her out of the room.

"Come on. We're leaving." Damon snaps to elena.

"No." She stands her ground.

"I said we're leaving."

"I'm not going with you.why don't you take angel?"

"You do not get to make decisions anymore." Bad move mate.

"When have I ever made a decision? You and Stefan do that for me. Now this, this is my decision." Elena snaps and I stand.

"Who's gonna save your life while you're out making decisions?"

"I don't mind." I chirp up and they glare at me before carrying on their argument.

"You're not listening to me, Damon. I don't want to be saved. Not if it means that Klaus is gonna kill every single person that I love." Elena states.

"Get your ass out the door before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out myself." Damon threatens And I gulp. I have beer seen this side to dmaon. he was ways so sweet. Suddenly, Damon grasps her arm tightly. Elena struggles and releases herself from his grip.

"No!" She shouts at him as she throws a punch at Damon. He clutches her fist in his hand and moves in towards her.

"Don't ever do that again." He really does care about her that much. Damon releases her fist from his grasp and walks away. Elena stands there, horrified. Wow.

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