Chapter 2

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"FUCK!" I scream as I strong pain appears in my head. I fall to the floor, screams leaving my mouth.

"Bonnie stop!" I hear stefan's faint voice.

"No bonnie, keep going!" My heart aches at the sound of Damon's voice.

"Damon!" I whisper and then the pain stops.

"Angel." I feel someone come to my side and help me stand.

"God she is strong. a Bennett witch I presume?" She glares at me before turning round to the Gilbert boy.

"Thank you stefy." I say and he smiles.

"What do you want angel?" Damon hisses and I flinch. He has never used this one on me before.

"To help. I am much older than you two combined, I can help get you back Elena!" I snap as I look at him through tears. "all I want is for you to have happiness Damon!" He scoffs before walking off. "damon!"

"Leave him angel. let's just go. bonnie has given us the directions." I nod before following him outside. we get in a car but suddenly, Damon pushes stefan over to the passengers side and gets in.

"Damon!" I snap and he just glares at me before throwing a backpack at me. I growl at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Let's do a little road trip bonding!" Stefan says and I groan.

"Yeah lets! Well, angel, what have you been doing over the years since you left us behind you?" Damon glances at me then the road.

"Stefan, where are we heading?" I ask and stefan hands me his phone. "okay." I hand it him back.

"Go on? Have you been in love with any other boys? Left them too?" Damon keeps pushing and pushing.

"No. infact, every bloody year I have come down to mystic falls to see your graves thinking you were bloody dead! I left you to protect myself. I would have gotten killed! And I left so you could have a family! You wouldn't have had one!" I explain and I see it click in his eyes but it quickly disappears.

"As long as I had you I wouldn't have cared." He snaps as he looks at me before the road.

"You would have to leave mystic falls for about 50 years or more. you would have to leave your dad. Stefan. that would have been the last time you have seen them." I say as I open the bag. my throat burns at the sight of blood bags so I quickly close it.

"I loved you angel!" He says before turning away. "get out of my car."

"Fine."I mutter before opening the car door.

"Angel, what are you doing?" Stefy asks as he turns to face me.

"he told me to get out! And I can't stand him! I can't even remember why I loved him!" I shout before jumping out the car. the ground hits my body before I quickly stand and run at the same speed of the car. Damon glares at me before speeding off. a smirk appears on my face as I run faster, but just slower than vamp speed. i flip him he bird before going at my fastest to reach where Elena is.

What I don't get is why a simple human would get kidnapped. its stupid. I would understand if she was a vampire or wolf or witch. but a human? They are fucking weak as shit.

I stop in front of an abandoned building and smirk. with my speed, I race in,the door slamming open then closed.

"Who was that?" I speed in and then lean against a balcony.

"Me." I say as I look down. my eyes blink twice before I a gulp. "rose? Trevor?" Thy look up with wide eyes.

"You!" Rose shouts before speeding up to me.

"Where is Elena?" I ask and as smirks.

"You mean the latest Petrova doppelgänger." she points to the girl say on the couch. I speed down and the girl stands. I stare at her, circling her. God. she looks just like Katerina, just like tatia.

"Are you Elijah?" She asks and I freeze.

"YOU CALLED ELIJAH?!" I scream at the pair.

"Unlike you, we want to repay what we-" Trevor starts but rose glares at him. "I screwed up." My hands turn into fists as I grab the doppelgänger.

"Are you Elena Gilbert?" She nods and tears come to my eyes. "I knew the Salvatores were idiots, but I never knew they were this bad."

"You know stefan and damon?" Her voice stutters and I smile.

"They are idiots but loyal." I reply.

"What did you say?" Rose snaps and I turn to her.

"That I am getting her out of here before he comes." I feel myself getting thrown agains the wall and I grown.

"Ow you bitch." I snap at rose.

"I will make you a deal. if we give the Doppelgänger to Elijah, I will put your name init. you will be free." rose tries to negotiate with me and it works.

"Deal." I say. I am so so sorry Salvatores. "But if it doesn't work. I will have your head." She gulps before nodding.

"Can I just but in? What do you want with me?" Elena asks as I sit down next to her on the couch.

"Personally, I want nothing. I'm just a delivery service." I watch as rose and trevor begin to cover the windows and I go to reach for the same one trove goes for. he quickly steps back and I put it up.

"A delivery to who? Elijah?" Elena asks as I roll my eyes.

"Point to the doppelgänger." I say sarcastically.

"Who is he? Is he a vampire?" She asks and I chuckle.

"He is one of the vampires. The originals." rose answers and I roll my eyes.she mentions Elijah and not me? I cough and rose looks at me. "like Evangelina over here." I smile at her before putting up another board.

"What do you mean by the originals?" Elena asks and Trevor and Rose look at me.

"Do you want to tell her, since you are one?" Rose asks and I chuckle.

"She can wait and see. " I reply and Trevor laughs

"i thought the Salvatore brothers would have tonight you your vampire history."Rose says and she frowns. god, they havent.

"You know stefan and damon." I nod as tears come to my eyes. Even know the question was directed to Rose.

"I know of them. A hundred years back a friend tried to set me up with stefan. She said he was one f the good ones. I more of a sucker for the bad boys though. I digress." I chuckle before turning to her.

"You should go for Damon then. he is also pretty good." I state and she chuckles.

"How do you know them?" Elena turns to me.

"It doesn't matter." I reply and she frowns. "You asked who are the originals?" I quickly change the subject as I turn to rose. "I am fed up you tell her."

"Trevor and I have been running for 5 hundred years, we're tired. We're using you to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess." I smile as I speed over and sit next to elena.

"Which now, I am apart off. because I am just as tired as them. and I have been running the same length" I add and Elena frowns at me. "also, put on another 5 hundred years when I tried to kill one of the originals to mess with him, and yeah...."

"But why me?" She asks. god she is just as dumb as Katerina.

"because you are the Petrova Doppelgänger. You help brake the curse." Trevor says and Elena sits back down.

"The sun and the moon curse." She says and I clap my hands .

"See you have been doing your homework!" I reply sarcastically.

"But I thought the moonstone brakes the curse." I laugh as I look at her before speeding out the room I find some alcohol. Once I do, I find Elena gone pale. .

"You old her?" Rose nods and I chuckle. "Well, I guess this should be fun."

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