Chapter 4

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"I can't stay." I mutter to Esther before turning and running at inhumane speed towards the next village. My throut begins to burn and I feel weak.

"Are you okay?" Someone stops their horse next to me and jumps off. "What is a girl like you doing here in the middle of the forest?" He flicks out a knife and aims at me. I dodge before I feel my jaw hurt and I hear a heart beat.

"Sneaky." He mutters before lunging at me again. I grab his arm, bringing him close before plunging my teeth into him. His screams fill the empty forest. I drop him on the floor and see my reflection in the knife. My eyes are pitch black and blood shot... Viens pop under my eyes and I have blood around my mouth and chin.

"What are you?" He whiseprs as he looks up at me.

"A vampire." I reply sticking my hand in his chest and pulling out his heart. "I used to have a heart... But I guess it is dead." I drop it on the ground next to the corpse and walk off.


A laugh escapes my lips as people scream and run in fear. I use my speed to pin my prey to the wall and my strength to keep him there.

"Scream. This is going to be the worst pain in your life." He stares into my eyes as I say it and then I bite into his neck. His screams echo through the town until he goes limp and I let him fall to the floor. One by one, people of the village drop dead and I leave with out any regret or remorse. I light a match and throw it on the floor, watching the ground set a light.


I spin as I hear a heart beat.

"Come out. Come out where ever you are!" I say as I wlak up to an abandoned stall. Feet can be heard so I run to the sorce. A girl runs I to me and I grip her arm.

"LET ME GO!" She screams and she kicks at me and punches, but it has no effect, even if she is taller then me.

"What do we have here?" I mutter as I twirl a stand of caramel hair around my fingers. She makes an unlady like snort before spitting in my face.

"Sit." I hiss and she does as I say. I laugh as I feel a presents behind me. "Drew. Good to see you!" I spin and Drew smirks.

"Like wise Evangelina." He states before walking up to me. "What do we have here?"

"A new toy... I want you to turn her." I reply and the girl sniffs. "What is your name love?" We crouch down before her.

"Caitlin." She replied and I smile.

"Well caitlin, Drew here..." I grab her hand and make her stand. "Is going to give you a very special gift." Her eyes open wide as Drew's face changes and he feeds her some blood before I snap her neck.

"Ugh.." I hear moaning and I rush to the site of a man crawling to a knife.

"Drew! You left one alive! Sloppy work!" He appears next to me and looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

"I couldn't kill him...." He whispers and I pout.

"Tut tut tut drew." I say as I move my finger in his face. "You can't leave anyone alive drew."

"You left the girl alive!" He snaps and I frown.

"Do you dare question me?" I snap and he shakes his head. "Then kill him."

"I can't!" Drew shouts and I frown as I use my speed to get to the man and pick him up by his throat.

"Please!" Drew pleads and I laugh.

"You don't survive decades with mercy." I snap the mans neck and then drew lunges at me, pinning me to the wall. A snarl escapes his lips but I smirk. His face Changes to normal as I grab his arm and twist it round.

"I'm older... So stronger." I snap before twisting his head and pulling it from his shoulders. "You should have learned drew." I drop his head before speeding to the girl, Caitlin. She sits up and looks at me.

"Where is the other one?" She asks as she brushes down her dress.

"Desposed off." I reply. "Now, how old are you?"

"16." She replies and I smile.

"we will be best friends." She smiles before I speed of and bring her the dead man. His blood still fresh. "Drink."

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